/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

Previously on: Welcome to /fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread.
Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread. ***

Before asking for help, please check our list of resources[*].

If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine using VirtualBox or other software made for this puporse for safety purposes.
1) Use the Live ISO (if your distribution of choice has one) to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything, that way, you can get to experience the GNU/Linux operating system without installing it.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS, this is recommended if you want to know more about the GNU/Linux operating system.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Meet the /fglt/ team (not really):

IRC: irc://chat.freenode.net:6667/flt (6697 for SSL)
If you don't have an IRC client, you can use a web client:
WEB: fglt.nl/

* Resources:
Your friendly neighborhood search engine (searx, ixquick, startpage, whatever.)
$ man
wiki.archlinux.org (Most troubleshoots work on all distros.)
wiki.gentoo.org (Please see comment above.)

- /t/'s GNU/Linux Games
- /t/'s GNU/Linux Training Videos


Other urls found in this thread:


Install Gentoo

very nice

Reminder to visit the threads over /t/, new torrents added.

Also we need a thread on /vg/ for gaymers because year of the GNU/Linux desktop motherfuckers, here is the pasta

install FUNtoo

install sourcemage

Who /meta/ here?

Is it just me or is the Ubuntu repository on the small side? Many of the packages I'm used to being available on other distros aren't are not on Ubuntu and I have to download/install from source. I thought Ubungo was supposed to be the most widely used distro, why does if have such a shit repo?

I solved my cdable_vars problem from the last thread, pretty interesting: there is a undocumented -v flag, which checks if a variable exists. I'm happy now. Here my result:

cd() {
if [ -d "$1" ] || [ -v "$1" ]; then
builtin cd "$1"
printf 'bash: cd: %s: No such file or directory\n' "$1"
printf 'Would you like to create directory %s? [y/n] ' "$1"
read opt; [ "$opt" = "y" ] && mkdir -p "$1" && cd "$1"

that pic reminded me I have to install gentoo in a vm


I install too much from source and want to test gentoo before make the jump

I am trying to install physlock in Gentoo, and when I sudo emerge --ask physlock , Portage tells me:

The following keyword changes are necessary to proceed:
(see "package.accept_keywords" in the portage(5) man page for more details)
# required by physlock (argument)
=app-misc/physlock-0.5 ~x86

Use --autounmask-write to write changes to config files (honoring
CONFIG_PROTECT). Carefully examine the list of proposed changes,
paying special attention to mask or keyword changes that may expose
experimental or unstable packages.

In the package.use directory, I have a file called physlock. It contains this: >=app-misc/physlock-0.5 ~x86 , but when I sudo emerge --ask physlock, I get the same thing as before.

How can I fix this?

That's what PPMs are for

What a horrible picture.

First off, it's called PPAs, next: dumb tripfag.

What you have isn't the same what it is telling you to have.
>Use --autounmask-write to write changes to config files
Also, just use that.

Just install it normally. Virtual machines complicate everything.

emerge --autounmask-write --ask physlock
hit u (no return)
then emerge --ask physlock like usual

Why the tripfag contempt all of a sudden?
I honestly don't recall this from before 2012.

If watching a compiler compile things tells you anything, it's how much shitty nigger-rigged C code is out there.


please do not use bad google transaltions.

Ich möchte nur einmal kurz etwas einwerfen. Was sie als Linux bezeichnen ist in Warheit GNU/Linux, oder wie ich es vor kurzem zu bezeichen begonnen habe, GNU plus Linux. Linux an sich ist kein Betriebssystem, sondern eine weitere freie Komponente eines voll Funktionsfähigen GNU Systems, welches durch die GNU corelibs, shell utilities und andere wichtige System Komponente nützlich gemacht wird und ein Betriebssystem ist, wie es durch das POSIX definiert ist.
Viele Computer Nutzer benutzen eine modifizierte Version des GNU Systems jeden Tag ohne es zu bemerken. Durch eine Eigenartige Wendung wird die Version von GNU, die heute weit verbreitet ist, of Linux genannt und viele der Nutzer sind sich nicht bewusst, dass es eigentlich das GNU Syste, welches von dem GNU Projekt entwickelt wurde ist.
Es existiert wirklich ein Linux, und diese Leute benutzen es, jedoch handelt es sich dabei nur um einen Teil ihres Systems. Linux ist ein Kernel: das Programm im System welches die durch die Maschine bereitgestellten Ressourcen an andere laufende Programme verteilt. Der Kernel ist ein essentieller Teil eines Betriebssystems, ohne den Rest des Systems nutzlos; er kann nur in zusammenarbeit mit dem Rest des Systems funktionieren. Linux wird für gewöhnlich in Kombination mit dem GNU Betriebssystem verwendet: Das ganze System ist eigentlich GNU mit dem Linux Kernel, oder GNU/Linux. Alle so genannten Linux Distributionen sind in Warheit Distributionen von GNU/LINUX!

of course, many of us do this user

dubs of truth

Can anyone help me with ebuilds? How do they work?

your HDD must have a winblows compatible filesystem, that is the only requirement

seconding this question

How much extra crap does LXDE come with? I want to install fedora lxde edition and just use openbox on it's own.

Setting up the partitions for my SSD to have both Windows and Ubuntu is easy, since Ubuntu's installer does pretty much everything.
But, how would I do up the HDD, though? Would I partition that as well? It's been a while since I've used Windows, and I just remember adding the whole drive to the system as drive D and not having the option of formatting a part of it.

I get that I can do --autounmask-write, but it will write exactly what I am adding manually to the file. Why doesn't this work when I manually add it?

>what you have isn't the same
You mean the >= sign? I have tried to enter it with just = and without anything before it. It still doesn't work.

I guess I will do autoummask and see what it writes and compare to what I was doing.

Alright boys, here's a somewhat specific question:

I'm helping a friend buy a PC, he wants to run linux mint on it (he's a linux first timer).
I found a pretty good deal on a Dell Precision at a local store. It's a M4700. Thing is, there's two models: one with a Nvidia Quadro K1000M, and other with an AMD FirePro M4000. That's the only difference.

I have a dell latitude, and I've never had any troubles running mint on it.
Do you know if the Precisions are troublesome to set up?
Which card (brand, rather) do you recommend as hassle free (or as hassle free as laptop GPUs can get in relation to linux)?

use gparted and make your HDD FAT or some shit like that, unless it already works for windows, then just plug the shit and done

New to linux, I uninstalled the firefox that came with mint because it was an outdated version and I downloaded a newer version. However this firefox doesn't come up when I search firefox in the menu. How can I make mint know that this firefox is the right firefox?

not the answer you are looking but

you need to make a firefox.desktop on the applications directory Cinnamon uses

belongs in the /etc/portage/package.keywords. not package.use

right click on the menu where you want the link

Sorry, do you mind explaining how to do this?

also: just copy an old one and edit it, it's pretty self explanatory

Oh sweet user. This is perfect.
Thousand thanks.
The computer itself is not there, but the previous and newer models are, and they seemed to work well regardless of the card vendor.

you usually have a directory representing your applications displayed, use your file manager to go there, it might be bookmarked or you can google for the location

alternatively might work too

just don't forget to accept the option of firefox to make it your default browser

also this , copy one and edit

Thanks guys I just configured the menus and added the downloaded firefox, had to assign an icon for it like three times lol but it worked out.

welcome to the world of unix, where everything is done by editing files

*except for systemd/linux

Is there a good guide for learning how to use the terminal

videos are good too

command line Pasta:
The based GNU Bourne Again SHell:

The community driven BASH wiki:

The Grymoire - home for UNIX wizards:

Greg's (also known as GreyCat's) wiki:

SED and AWK; your new best friends:

Google's Shell Style Guide:

The Linux Command Line - A Book By William Shotts:

Interesting, useful and dangerous one-liners:

Great online (and offline) linting tool:

Know what you are doing:

thanks man, I'm liking linux and the community so much I might install it on my main machine and not just my thinkpad

>I'm liking linux and the community
>and the community
are we changing into good guys? is this the apocalypse?

If it helps at all user, wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Overlay/Local_overlay this worked for me

You have to follow it exactly every step though

thanks for this

You're right. I derped.

I'm trying to install Debian on my PC, everytime I start the graphical installer the computer freezes on the language seleccion screen (or perhaps the keyboard and mouse stop working)

Anyone could help me out here?

Download another iso or/and burn it in another CD, might be corrupted/scratched. All I can help.

I tried 2 DVDs from different version and I downloaded it again and tried on a USB stick.
Still no luck.

I recently switched from xfce+whatever their default wm is to i3 and I'm really liking all the keyboard shortcuts and such but I was wondering if there are any good noob-friendly ricing guides or maybe a list of recommended programs to install alongside it? I really miss having an icon displayed when I use the keyboard shortcuts to change brightness + volume, etc

by any chance you are not burning that with unetbootin?

You might want to take a look at this, user


I'm using Rufus for the USB and ImgBurn for the DVDs.
Unetbootin never worked for me in the past.

/sci/ fag here. Can someone explain to me why Fedora and others package "science," distributions with relatively unknown and extremely dated software suites? Are labs actually utilizing this antique code for production and why?

Can I change the playback speed of a video (making it shorter) with ffmpeg?

is for "stability", get shocked

>nobody is posting pictures

who is the mascot between mozilla and tux?

BSD Looks worried about something.
how useful are these videos anyways? I'd like to know if I'd be better off just reading tutorials and playing before I waste the time and bandwidth downloading them

some icedtea ugly penguin I think

you have videos for several levels, check the magnet content in your favorite program before downloading

Fellow /sci/entist here. We used Scientific Linux in the lab I worked for 2 years ago. It was a common toolset generally accepted in the physics research I was doing at the time.

Since then I went into the private sector and we have macs and custom house software that we work on in tandem.

Personally I found the Linux systems in the old lab much nicer from the standpoint of predictability. Everything was rock solid stable and with macs things can go completely sideways at times.

I don't know anything about Fedora in particular, but if I had to guess those dated tools probably are the standard somewhere or other else they wouldn't bother to package them.

AFAIK most of the labs and companies my friends from school work with are running either Scientific, Red Hat, or Ubuntu Linux with a few others being Mac based like mine. Nobody seems to be doing anything with Windows.

>tfw you realize that your license allows others to take your code and make it proprietary


At least it's free software.


That's basically it. Sometimes you need a lesser copyleft so developers of proprietary crap can use your free libs and shit, which is obviously better than a program that is completly nonfree.
GNU provides the LGPL for such situations.


I have looked, and I have no idea how to solve this. Please help

My computer-illiterate brother claims his old netbook running a Debian netinstall with LXDE (that I set up for him) is "too slow". Whenever I used it it seemed fine though. It wasn't using much of his 2GB of RAM ever, and the intel atom seemed competent enough.

I'm not sure if it's due to the inescapable fact that he's browsing the internet and that is a performance hog, or if there's something I could improve for him. I run Debian netinstalls on all my machines, but admittedly none are as ancient as his netbook.

He's just annoying the crap out of me because he claims Windows XP was faster for him.

What would you do?

Can you give more of a description? What are you trying to do before this error happens?

I was trying to run steam through the terminal with "STEAM_RUNTIME=0 steam"

running stem normally through terminal results in this

You could write a script that writes a line in a logfile when the cpu or ram goes high and let it run for a day so you know which programs cause it.

sorry, meant for

After reading that people lost their home directories after running steam.sh, I'd never install steam on my machine tho.

old bug is old and is fixed

find ~/.steam/root/ -name "libgpg-error.so*" -print -delete

returns /home/nnautilus/.steam/root/ubuntu12_32/steam-runtime/amd64/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libgpg-error.so.0

I forgot to mention, but I'm on Antergos

>freedom 4
>use it in proprietary stuff and make money from it
>oops, no you can't, get cucked

Can you run steam again and post output?

>implying you can't sell GPL software
But of course, that is not what you thinking, what you really mean is having a monopoly over the software and cuck everyone else.

the output is the same, with or without the STEAM_RUNTIME=0 part

Where can I get decent, modern X11 cursors that weren't made for edgy teenagers?

Exactly, being able to exploit my creation for my exclusive benefit like any inventor or writer or creator, despite having used 0.01% of GPL code in it.

So I just did a fresh install of debian stable, and I changed the sources.list to be testing. BUT, when I run dist-upgrade, or try to upgrade at all, I get an error about how systemd would break rdnssd. Any else had a similar problem when switching to testing?

reddit com/ r/Steam/comments/4gbs1o/cant_open_steam_on_linux/

>"my creation"
respect the 0.01% of GPL code in it


>Because 0.01% of your code is GPL, 100% of your code is GPL now
>Take this free hammer, but everything you build with it belongs to the socialist cult of Lincucks

That's literally cucking. That's why the superior truly free license will always be the BSD.

Thank you very much. Don't know how I didn't find that myself, but it worked

low quality bait

Is it possible to install linux on an entirely separate hard drive than a windows 10 installation?

Is it possible to keep the windows 10 bootloader?