REAL sticker thread
fuck off rebubble shill/general autist
REAL sticker thread
fuck off rebubble shill/general autist
Other urls found in this thread:
consider suicide
Fuck you and your shitty thread.
Notice me senpai!
I like this one more.
I bet the owner is pretty cute.
nice meme machine though
:: Pre-made stickers
:: Upload and print a sheet of your own stickers
:: Upload and mass print a single sticker design
:: Print your own stickers yourself
Find your own patches, amazon and ebay are reliable resources.
There are a lot of websites that will custom print patches for you, but doing this can be a long process.
>that meme
>complete weaboo
>actually decent taste in anime
Is such a thing even possible?
dollar store master race.
beautiful, I love your laptops dude
They are on upside down.
Do you guys whip these out in public?
Are you proud? Do you care at all? Get funny stares often?
Honestly curious.
Thank You
Thank you. Just experimenting with plastidip and sparpie paint markets.
Same bro
>got memed enough to order stickers from redbubble
>got my stickers
>i don't want them anymore
well that was fun
I haven't used mine in public much lately, but I take it to school and work and no one really cares. I've seen other people with stickers on their laptops too (usually octocat, pride stickers, vote for x, incredibly mundane normal stuff).
Just think about what you'd think if you saw someone using a laptop with a bunch of stickers you didn't recognize. Random people aren't going to care about what your laptop looks like, they just see it and move on.
how often you change the oil in that laptop?
Every month to keep it smooth.
Maximum meme
Do you use your laptop in public?
>fuck off general artist
>filthy frank sticker
I know you were baiting with the pride flag but ff is your real normie mark
fuck off tard
Link for stickers?
you are looking for
I moved that lain sticker over a bit since that picture was taken.
he is a super cool dude desu
thanks famlam
>buys a laptop
>covers it with stickers and never takes it out public
why even bother?
Because they're so cute
>Ozric Tentacles' site has reasonably priced stickers and posters
>I'm tempted
Octo why don't I ever see you in /DBT/? Do you turn off your trip? I've talked to you a lot before, and just think it's strange that I only ever see you posting on Sup Forums.
Anyone has lainchan high res sticker files?
Just buy stickers from the site so Kalyx isn't homeless this month. He really needs it desu
Kalyx sold lainchan tho, Appleman is getting the money
We have the same taste user, 10/10
usually drop trip on certain boards.
Jeez did this happen within the last few days? I haven't been on for a few weeks. I'm sure Kalyx will actually be able to survive a few months with the money, so that's good.
Understandable. What do you ride by the way?
ridden most styles of bikes have a love for dirtbikes. Currently own a klx 300r street legal but looking to get a less tall bike to fuck around on have my eyes on a TW 200 also posted trip in thread to show lel
Get there and go to the /q/ board
Yeah I already have. Appleman seems pretty cool, and I'm happy that Kalyx will have so much stress off his shoulders. Here's to hoping he does a good job running the site.
Yeah me too, from what i've seen i like this new dude. Wonder how long Kalyx is going to survive with the selling money.
>REAL sticker thread
>also, rate me Sup Forums
Nice. I ride an R6, probably gonna get something less aggressive at some point, im thinking sport-touring. By the way, have you been doing better with work and everything?
I remember a few months ago in a desktop thread or something you were saying you didn't like your job. Construction, iirc? I talked about how I was going into the Navy and hoped it would get better... It hasn't but that's life I guess.
He is definitely competent, we will see if he can run an imageboard well.
Knowing him, he will make it go a long way.
Here's mine.
Here's my board, my Precision m4600 is coming in the mail tomorrow, and it should be covered in slaps before tomorrow night.
>dat NHK sticker
shame its ruined by rei
>ruining a perfectly good board with weeaboo trash
Not even that guy, but:
>says the sonicfag who uses Facebook
how do you take off a sticker and place it again?
very carefully
>pink guy
>arch linux
It all checks out.
Currently working -15% code on redbubble
The only thing that I can compliment you on is the government issue sticker, now I have to ask did you just pick that sticker because of the "epic edgy widely unheard off punk band" value or do you actually fucking listen to punk rock?
So let me get this right, you came to Sup Forums and expected to not see anything relating to anime.
we lad... wew.
Been doing better earning consistent money currently waiting to get paid so low on cash. Working on trying to figure out what im doing in life. I would love a sport touring been keeping my eyes out for africa twin.
Yeah I'm looking into either that or a nice naked and throwing a bunch of storage on it. Or if I had money, a Goldwing.
Believe it or not, I get far more comments on how cool the stickers are than you would believe. I live at the beach, and whenever I go into town I get at least one person asking about it.
Also, it's good that you're doing better. We are all trying to figure out this gay earth. My plan is to save save save throughout my time in the military, then leave for some tropical island-country and never look back. It's cheap as hell to live there, and God knows I don't need much besides a small boat to fish on, a bike that I'll already have, and money for food. The plan is to sell whatever fish I catch / keep some for food. Sounds pretty dumb, but I really can't stand society.
Get vinyl stickers.
Why would any sane person glue stuff to their laptop?
What's the best method when applying the stickers?
Yes it's a serious question I don't want to fuck the sticker not knowing how to put it straight.
Start on one side and go slowly, use a credit card to get it even and without bubbles.
I want a Valkyrie cause that v6.
sounds nice I just want to be with bf and live comfy life.
You peel part of the protection off, align it with the protected area and then stick it with the unprotected area when ready.
Then you take the rest off and make sure you don't have bubbles.
Either that or you take all the protection off, wave the sticker around like you are a sports fan and then slam it on like you are giving you laptop a high five.
how or where 2 get stickers?
image of girl pls
Where can I get those stickers?
>gay flag
kill yourself
I got them from
Go lurk on /osg/ in /o/.
Are we still talking about stickers? :^)