Using an ad """"blocker"""" that hides ads instead of blocking them

>using an ad """"blocker"""" that hides ads instead of blocking them
Be honest, how many of you fell for the uHide meme?

Other urls found in this thread:

Which one should I use? There are a bunch and I've heard shit about all of them.

uBlock Origin does actually block ads. It totally blocks network connections to ad servers.

Monitor your traffic with your preferred firewall/networking suite if you don't believe me.

do you have any proof that it does this

I do and advertising data isn't showing up.

fuck off shill

I'm pretty sure thats only on chrome. Because of the way chrome's extensions work, ublock cant block the ads, only hide them. It does work as intended on firefox though.

uo also totally blocks ads on Chrome.

>using chrome and chromium based browsers

Getting desperate for donations again Chris?

>Not using a native adblocker who works much before any extension loads.

>unironically using chinkware


>He doesn't know

>he doesn't know

Get the one developed by the official development team at

There's a fork by some basement dweller but it isn't guaranteed to work as good as the real thing

Still a Norwegian company, with Norwegian developers.

Also according to your source's source:
>"This new deal now has a “drop-dead date” of October 31, 2016, with an automatic extension to December 31 if the two sides fail to get everything completed."

So the deal isn't over, user.

Nice damage control

Whatever you want, user. As today, Opera isn't Chinese. This is a fact.

What will you do when it does become chinkware?

I care less than you, user. Also...

Nice damage control ;-)

I'm not even the same user.

it appears that version is no longer being maintained.
last commit was over a year ago.

uBlock Origin is the one you want.

For fuck's sake user, charge your phone.

>surprised to see a phone almost dead at midnight

Are you an idiot?

25% is still a lot though.

>Sending your information to the Chinese besides Google.



I used ABP for years and had no issues with it, but everyone on here shills for ublock and shits on ABP, so this latest clean install I tried ublock instead. It's worse...

Are there really people stupid enough to not use a hosts file ad blocker?

>donate pls

>not using the version that's maintained by the person who created uBlock in the first place


based gorhill

What is worse about it?

>using the smiley with a dash nose

Did Chris literally steal uBlock or what?

worse how? because it's different?

Ublock Origin is a fork of the original Ublock, gorhill didn't make uBlock.

Even Chris's one:

Your girlydick hides because you have erectile dysfunction from jerking your boiclitty to black dick hypnosis videos you homo.


>not adblocking on router level

So many ucuck shills on Sup Forums

Cant go one day without them shitting up the board with their sour grapes threads

Why did this make me laugh out of all things.

>using an ad """"blocker"""" that hides ads instead of blocking them
I don't give a shit as long as I don't see any ads. I don't care about the difference between a "hidden ad" and a "blocked ad" when uBlock Origin uses less resources than the competition.

>Be honest, how many of you fell for the uHide meme?
What do you use?

whats the best router i can get in the 100 bucks range that i can get to run tomato on?

>I want an Internet riddled with malware and advertising.

t. butthurt "content creator"

The fact that uBlock uses less resources should be enough to tell you that it *does* block the ads. Otherwise they would take away connection speed, memory and CPU time. Plus you'd still be exposed to tracking and malvertising. That's why every modern ad blocker blocks the requests instead of just hiding the ads.

Just use qupzilla with integrated add blocker.

Just like fagbock promised not changing anything about whatsapp :^)

Why bother when you can just use the fucking browser inspect features to monitor the network traffic?

Oh wait, you don't fucking know what you're reading.

it's worse because he's a shill paid to shill for ABP
why do you think the "ublock only hides" lie is so popular? as to why they shill, well, when push comes to shove with anti-adblocking, where do you think ABP will stand?

And considering ABP actually makes money it makes sense for them to have paid shills.

Please, just run some benchmarks instead of arguing.
uBlock actually blocks some ads, but more ads just hides. AdBlock Plus, Disconnect or even Ghostery are better choice for your privacy.

Wow, what a real chart, thanks user :^)

Pic related is the actual one.

>tells people to run some benchmarks
>reposts image that was posted on Sup Forums
How about you actually run some benchmarks? I use the Network tab in the Developer tools and it is pretty definitive about the effectiveness of the uBlock Origin blocking.

I'm the guy who said "it's worse," good morning.

It's just little things that didn't happen before when I was running ABP + AB. Ads (especially on pron sites) that I didn't see before are there now, I see windows briefly flash up and then disappear from time to time. Sometimes I look at my chrome taskbar Icon has multiple empty popunder windows open that just say "unknown" or "empty" something along those lines. I also installed it on my dad's work PC and a few times he's had to disable it in order to get certain websites to work. Also, several times now I've had websites not allow me to view their content because they've detected I'm using an adblocker - which didn't happen as often before.

It's not MUCH worse it's just I've noticed a difference. Definitely hasn't been an improvement. But I'm told ublock is loaded with other features that I have yet to delve into.

nice edit gorshill

I've got Tomato, but chose to run a pi-hole in a VM instance on my application server.

Didn't want to load up my router any further than necessary. Thoughts?

Why don't you just host a DNS server that blocks ad IPs

That's what Pi-Hole does.

It's a DNSMasq instance with a set of scripts to provide an interface.

>I care less than you, user.
Enjoy your spyware, lao wai :^)

Fucking shill.

You say that because your contractors can't tell when people use uBlock.

Go fuck yourself.

This. Already had a Debian server so I just slapped this on it since its just a set of scripts. Works great in conjunction with uBlock for cosmetic cleanup.

>using the smiley with a carat nose


>using a picture of the smiley with a carat nose

>he doesn't use the smiley with a caret nose


>using the smiley with a carat nose
>using the smiley with a up nose

>Not blocking ads on router/firewall level

>not using brave browser which performs better instead where the adblocking, script blocking, botnet, etc. is literally a core built in design of the browser itself

>he doesn't use the true smiley, the only smiley, the smiley with a caret nose
Pic related is you right now.

I would rather it work that way. That way, sites that I enjoy still get the ad revenue they need to stay online, but I don't have to see that shit because I don't buy stuff from advertisements

People ACTUALLY pay £600 for a phone with a 1350p screen

>using anything but

Until Firefox 49 gets native Netflix, chrome is my shit

>deprecated chinkware

Oh fuck. My sides.

Read the source code. He's wrong.

Nice try you fucking shills. This is the unshooped one.

>not using arab smiley without a nose