For me, it's the double quarter pounder with cheese.
What is your coding fuel?
Other urls found in this thread:
Coke, both the beverage and the drug
Pic related.
The ionizing fan on my desk with tea.
My coding fuel is giving myself prostate orgasms while dressed like a japanese schoolgirl.
Smokey the bear did an ad with "get your smokey on". Cringe, but I bet they did something similar and more cringy.
Chipotle double steak burrito (corn / mild salsa / extra cheese), chips, and two cans of Coke that have been in the freezer for 25 minutes.
Unless I'm having a particularly shitty error. Then it's Dickey's brisket and Irish Death or Alaska Amber.
I love having an expense account...
Sup, Fiora
That's an odd way to spell delicious
>not getting quad quarter pounders with mac sauce and steak seasoning
I love their burrito bowls
I don't like the regular burritos
Green smoothie with flax and protein powder. Hot green tea.
McDonalds native advertising shit posting. I'm lovin' it.
Do you know what they call it in France?
Enjoy early cognitive decline followed by early layoff and early death.
The bowls are really good.
Lots of water. About 4 liters a day
royale with cheese
i have a backlog of 5x30 30mg adderall xr
don't like to use it all the time (hence why my prescriptions are stacking) but when i do, i code hard
That's right, royale with cheese.
>adderall xr
Enjoy your bad life choices followed by depression when finally stopping the drug.
My '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''coding´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´ fuel is not being fat
Only right answer
Lots of them
what do they call a whopper?
kek i think you re talking about vyvanse
I'm guessing because it's large
Why would he have issues when stopping
Coffee, water, bagels, music in. Mediocre code out.
113 gram with cheese?
a doughnut and a strong coffee
not getting an In-N-Out burger.
crab legs
Whiskey and cigarettes usually but trying to stop drinking and smoking at the moment.
For me it is the McChicken. The best fast food sandwich.
Nightcore music.
Yeah I'm totally going to drive ~24 hours just to pick up a cheeseburger.
Water from the cooler, shitposting 1/3 of the time instead of working and occasionally some vegetables or fruit. Red peppers, cucumber, carrots, apples, pears and bananas are favorites.
Back in the school days it was chips and orange soda, lemonade or pear iced tea though.
3-5 grams of piracetam with a bottle of club maté has been a faithful standby for the workday, if I'm behind on a project I'll follow the kurzweil protocol: CoQ10, cerebrolysin, SEMAX, and hope to not get a stroke.
SEMAX looks cool but it's so fucking expensive and has to be shipped in a refrigerated container. No thanks.
A Whopper from Hungry Jacks and a few extras, just in case.
That looks so fucking delicious. Do you have a picture of the burger too? Are they exactly the same as BK burgers or are they covered with beetroot?
le whôppër, the p's are silent
I see you also order two meals so the person at the counter thinks you are buying for a second person.
Being fat sucks.
Does he look like a bitch?
>Being fat sucks
Then do something about it you lazy fuck
Basically the same Whopper as Burger King in the US.
Most suburban stores have decent quality at creating their burgers, but some are so fucking putrid the bread has fucking mould on it (I'm looking at you Swanston St).
sandwiches. tons of them.
yea, i can imagine, accidentally ordering for two uncontrollably
the fat is literally sentient and puts food in your mouth while you're asleep, right?
There is LITERALLY nothing special about in-n-out.
This desu senpai.
I eat pork steaks for breakfast and dinner, but it's not for "coding".
They chop the never-frozen potatoes into fries then fry them right in front of you, how much fresher can french fries be?
And I'll admit the hamburgers themselves are nothing special, but the 'secret' menu is kinda alright.
And their employees get paid a lot more than other chains and it shows in their work ethic.
Every single time I would go into carl's jr all the mexican ladies would be huddled in the back for 10-15 seconds before one reluctantly wandered up to the front and asked me with a heavy accent 'hwhat hyou hwhat?', then they would slowly take the order and slowly make the burger.
When I go to in and out the line goes fast, the order is taken fast, and my burger comes out fast, in 1-2 minutes. Plus it's always busy so you know your hamburger hasn't been sitting there premade for 30 minutes.
>Plus it's always busy so you know your hamburger hasn't been sitting there premade for 30 minutes.
You know you can request your food be made fresh at any place, right?
But can you expect for your order to be taken quickly, your food made quickly, your food made fresh, and for you to be eating in a fun 50s atmosphere within 5 minutes, all with friendly service from people who don't hate working there?
It's the whole package man
>tfw they got rid of the quarter pounder from the mcdonald's menu here
"Quarter pounder"
Cringy amerifags everywhere....
I'm not the one arguing against your burger joint, I'm just saying you can get fresh food literally anywhere.
Very good choice.
What's so cringy about calling a product by its name?
>go through mcdonalds drivethrough at 2320 on my way to work
>a few cars in front of me
>think it shouldn't be too long
>it takes 30 minutes from when I ordered to when I could pick up my food
>3 of the cars in front of me all had fucks that ordered 4 meals or something
>end up being a few minutes late just because some fucks couldn't cook for their family
A few months ago I was in panic of not having a job. So I'm really thankful to have a good one. Whenever I'm slacking, i remind myself and suddenly I'm in panic mode.
Use to make them when I was 14. Hog anus and wank juice.
Some "single" meals at Hungry Jack's exceed 100% of your daily recommended energy intake. There's no need to order for two.
I bet you if you just asked for one they'd make it.
if I literally just lay in bed all day watching chinese cartoons I need 2800 kcal
I can handle 2 meals
It looks more like a Double Cheese, to me.
Royal Cheese only has one steak while Double Cheese has two, which is more in line with OP's pic.
>I don't live near an in n out
I've been there while I was in california, it's extremely overrated.
However, I do live near a 5 guys and their cajun fries are amazing.
>Eat DQ flamethrower burger
>So good but shit fire the next day
Gonna have to try their mushroom and swiss next
Their burgers are seriously fucking good
>the next day
Do you actually only shit once a day?
I stopped going to five guys because they kind of went downhill. It just wasn't as good as like 5 years ago. Also, isn't that just lawry's season salt?
Well it was a figure of speech I'd estimate it was about 12 hours later but thank you for thinking of my butthole user
They're surprisingly good for big chain fast food burgers. I've had the mushroom swiss before and I'd recommend you try it.
>I stopped going to five guys because they kind of went downhill. It just wasn't as good as like 5 years ago.
I didn't know about them 5 years ago
Also, isn't that just lawry's season salt?
I'm sure it's just some off the shelf stuff, but a big brown bag of hot french fries is pretty good either way.
also nice quads
>nice quads
Didn't even notice, pretty sure they're my first
>always unlucky
IMO out of all the pleb chains DQ has the best burgers. It's because they actually fucking grill them. They don't have those weird automated cooking machines like McDank's
DQ is king of the pleb chains, and then you have the "step up" chains like five guys, and steak and shake, that have even better burgers
I'm amused that a thread on Sup Forums has devolved into burger discussion.
Truly America is the greatest nation on earth.
for some reason, I was expecting more vegetarians in Sup Forums.
what do you guys think about soylent? i've been drinking 2.0 for a year now. not bad.
Enjoy your diabetes and cavities. Seriously, that shit is not good for you.
>"coding fuel"
it's not a container, it's a freezepack.
you will need to keep it in the fridge, however. SEMAX is nice, it's a cleaner adderall.
water, bananas, baby carrots, pickles
WTF is a soylent?
If I had to live on less I sure as hell would be mostly vegetarian.
I haven't personally tried soylent, but it seems neat.
>What is your coding fuel?
Exceedingly large amounts of coffee
Are you fucking stupid? There've been people on Soylent, longterm, taking it daily, who have gotten labs done from their doctors, who have either been in baseline health or fucking healthier. Soylent hardly has any sugar, either.
t. soylent damage control employee
Are you talking about those boxes that cost $15? Although some single meals do come close, like the large ultimate whopper meal at 7500KJ.
it's just a fucking drink breh, don't get butthurt over me calling you out on your FUD, you fucking shill
who can I email at soylent to make you stop
Estrogen supplement.
enjoy your burgers, cankles