"the most advanced mobile operating system"

>"the most advanced mobile operating system"
>doesn't even have file management

What do Apple mean by this?

I don't understand it, either. Tthe older nokia phones (even those without symbian), and sony ericsson phones had an ample file management. And to think these are called "dumbphones" now.

It's laughable.


"our phone os is the most good:DD"


No access to filesystem
>No access to filesystem
No access to filesystem
>No access to filesystem

This shit is kryptonite for iFags.

Can't wait til the classic "No one needs that anyway!" -excuse though.

Why would you ever want a file manager on a phone? I literally cannot think of a single reason.

I use it to get my PDFs because other apps suck, also use it as a music player per folder.

Usb otg, organizing files, etc. Also even my chink GPS that I bought years ago for some reason has a file manager. I would expect a "" premium"" device to be able to do everything a shitty old device can do.

laughable man

I can't speak for Android but iBooks and Kindle are both great PDF readers.
Is the Android stock player that bad?

Why though? What do you need to transfer away from your home PC?

>organising files
What files? Why would they be unorganised and what would you want to organise them for?

I unironically think sand boxing provides for a cleaner and simple UX, normies don't really need to access the filesystem directly.

>trust us, you don't need this feature

I don't think it matters much for a phone but they do need a better solution for the iPad, especially the Pro.

different people have different use cases. asking what the files are specifically is silly, there's no argument there. im sorry if your too near sighted to be able to see why other people's needs can differ from yours. please, find somewhere else to start shit because you obviously don't know where you are. or, lurk more and learn about all this shit. you've never been outside of ios, so you're probably underage too? but im not gonna accuse you of it outright. that'd be slimy

>Why though?

I use it very often, especially when there is no computer around and I need to access files on a flash drive.

>What files? Why would they be unorganised and what would you want to organise them for?

By that logic I could say that desktops and laptops don't need file managers too, user. I organize my files in folders.

Dude you sound pretty insecure.

I suppose I could see some circumstances under which you needed to read a document on a flash drive and there weren't any computers around. I've never had that though.

I don't agree with the desktop comparison though, all the files I access on my desktop are associated with desktop-specific programs and tasks (gaming, video editing, graphic design etc.).

its so advanced that it doesnt need a file management system.

To move files between the phone and SD card - which is why you don't need it

Nobody needs a file manager on a mobile phone.


apple products dont have SD card

It's so advanced that it doesn't need that. It manages your files for you.

>it's a "apple decides my life" thread

I'm a strong, independant womyn that need no filesystem access.

So I can access my samba share if I need a file from my laptop.

>Is the Android stock player that bad?
It's the same as the iOS stock player, you can only browse by albums, artists, genre, and other tagged categories. However it does accept and plat music downloaded from the internet and doesn't need iTunes to transfer music.

Agreed. If Apple wants to call the iPad pro a "professional" device then it absolutely needs a file manager. Otherwise it's like buying a $3000 DSLR camera without manual controls.

>>doesn't even have file management

So how do you copy files from a network share to an iPhone, for example?

Because that's the different between a very expensive phone and a computer in your pocket.

This is possibly the stupidest thing I've seen posted on Sup Forums in years.

How the fuck do i copy things off an older iphone to a new iphone?!? why the fuck is applel so fucking complicated when i can just plug them fuckers in my pc and just copypaste shit. fast and easy.

It has. Just not accessible to the user; because they have no need for that. Why bother moving files around, when all apps find the files they need themselves perfectly fine?

wot is reading

Because a phone should be a mini computer and not a toy

You don't

>doesn't even have file management
Yes it does but you, as a user, are not allowed to use it. Apple just assumes you are a retard with too much disposable money or debt (much more common than the former) that likes to buy crap hardware enclosed on shinny white cases.

they said most advanced operating system and you complain about some userspace program? how about you learn how to computer?

Neither do alternative oses.
A phone OS shouldn't have this.

because it makes (them) indexing (your) files easier when you go through itunes

literal ignorance, the post

nice trips satanpai

How is it ignorance when it's objective truth?

My windows mobile 6.1 phone does not have this issue.

It wouldn't be very useful with nearly every app operating in its own encrypted jail anyway.

The API to transfer files between apps works for most practical purposes.

Because other mobile operating systems have file manager built in. You are wrong, why deny it? Oh right, we're on Sup Forums, everyone is always right, no matter what.

>>doesn't even have file management

what is this 2009? LOL

most popular android version doesn't. Other os are irrelevant.

Microsoft, 1997

I don't even understand the amount of denial in this reply. Android has had a file manager built in since froyo, what version in an alternate universe are you talking about? Hell, even Windows 10 mobile has a file manager built in, provided by Microshaft


What are files.


windows i know, but android? i know there's one in marshmallow buried deep in settings but it's still really rare

AOSP has a file manager
samsung, LG, HTC, and Moto all have their own variants.

That covers 90% of all android phones already
ifthey don't you can still install one of dozens from google play or sideload one.

You know what, maybe I'm generalizing too much. Any phone that I have used has had a file manager built in. Comes pre-installed

>works on my machine

>he doesn't buy his iphones pre-jailbroken with ifile

You're half right.
>he doesn't buy iphones

>he doesn't buy iphones
maximum kek

i thought girls didn't reply to android owners or something

Nigga I'm married, why would I care what little girls do with their lives?

>his wife cheats on him with an iphone owner

prov me wrong :^)

Yes it does?

Except we both work from home, and go everywhere together. Plus, she's an adult not a mentally stunted woman-child

if apple would have removable batteries, microsd, a file system (for ease of transferring things without proprietary iTunes), and a normal port like micro usb, I would get an iPhone SE

I won't though, because iPhone is shit. its like everything Sup Forums stands against combined into one phone. why the fuck do you guys use iphones?

worked long enough in IT to know that the average phone owner shouldn't have such access.

you know when things are fucked and you try to fix em? or what if your friend was doing a cool phone things and you wanted to do it too. if you can't dumb it down into an app, most people are going to fuck up their phone trying to get it right.

most phone owners aren't knowledgeable power users. that's why i have a job.

>Most people are retards, so you should accept being treated like one

while I understand where you're coming from, transferring files such as photos and videos through a file manager would have absolutely no impact on the way the device would function. System files, however, I totally get it.

>android doesn't have a file manager
Get a load of this autist

but it doesn't? you either have to run marshmallow or install one like on ios

The OS prevents such user-space programs from existing. It's the OS' fault there's no file system access.

because my computer has one and my phone better have one, too

You can't install file managers on iOS unless you jailbreak. Applel doesn't allow file system access.

>not jailbreaking regardless

>google nougat file manager
>this is the first result

What the fuck are you talking about?

It's the fact that you can't transfer those files easily with iOS. Android lets you transfer files between PC,android tablets/top boxes,media players,tvs.

>playing cat&mouse
>never having the latest version
>having to walk on eggshells to avoid needing a restore and getting force upgraded to a new, unexploited version


>not just using ios 6
also it's not like android devices are on the latest version too

>most phone owners aren't knowledgeable power users. that's why i have a job.

Then your kind of job is what's stopping human kind from reaching its full potential.
What if people become knowledgeable of PCs? You'd be out of job so naturally you and your equals will do everything they can to keep people ignorant
And here you are, "lobbying" for the ignorance of users.

That word has been invented and trademarked by Apple, sir. If you're going to use it, you must get permission.


>you can EVEN have multiple instances of the file-bigbrother running goys!!!

Every Android phone I've ever interacted with has had a easily locatable file manager in the apps list.
The two that I've owned have it, both Marshmallow and Lollipop have one. I'm willing to bet if I dig up my moms old Kit Kat phone and turn it on, it will probably have a file manager app that came with it too.

I like being able to move files around to exactly where I want them to be, because why rely on other apps to find and move everything when I have one that is made specifically for managing files? It made backing up my app data and picture/music files much more precise and simple when I recently switched phones.

On that note, Google Backup really didn't do jack shit for me. Lame.

uh... to manage files on your phone?
that's like asking why do you need a file manager on your pc

don't you think the name itself is pretty self explanatory?


>also it's not like android devices are on the latest version too
>not on the latest cyanogenmod
nigga what are you doing with your life?

so your program can have a file manager but the OS can't

Phones are for making phone calls and consuming content

Neither of those require file management

>consuming content
>doesnt need a file browser
why do you have a computer?

Why 'copy' anything? The cloud?

Moving the goalposts. A computer is not a phone, and vice versa.

The appeal of a UMPC is a file manager. Phones using them or tablets opens up more advantages of these devices. It's a mobile flash drive.

Still doesn't change the fact that android is a complete and utter piece of shit.

>buying a JB phone that voids any warranty.

They mean advanced on the Apple profitability continuum, which is the only metric they use these days

That's the funny part.

>pic related is a 2006 phone
>it has a microSD slot

They really don't. What the fuck is a normie going to do with access to their filesystem?

I know this girl who is about is normal on the normie spectrum as you can get (goes shopping, listens to the pop station on the radio and doesn't know any artists outside of that station, watches reality TV, etc.) and I was helping her do something with her Android phone once. As an afterthought I put a program on there that let her view and edit things in her filesystem. To this day she still hasn't used it.

>Phones are for making phone calls and consuming content
Consuming youtube, you mean. You can't really stick your own music/movies on your phone without a file manager.

>normie downloads an attachment from an email
>wants to open it
Happens to my mom daily, at least she is on android

there's any number of different fucking ways to get PDFs on your iphone. AirDrop is one of the handiest if you have a Mac. Then there's iCloud which allows you to save and sync files across devices (both iOS and OSX). iBooks works in conjunction with iCloud as PDF viewer -- and you can save PDF files (or even a web page print out) directly from Safari to iBooks and have it sync across your devices. Not to mention there's a shitton of PDF viewers with dropbox support (GoodReader for example). etc

I opened an email attachment on my iPad earlier today lol.
I'm pretty sure I load my phone and iPad up with music, kindle rips, tv, and movies no problem. Even put ssh keys and other shit on there, all without having a native file manager.