
Pc Building General
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I'm upgrading from pic related, which was a modded overbuilt that I'm giving to my younger brother. I'm mostly going to be using this rig for gaming and Photoshop.

I'm putting together a computer for my friend. He just wants something for 1080p (actually less, his monitor is something weird like 1024 or some shit).

The parts I've got picked for him are:

>MSI H110M Gaming Micro ATX mobo
>RX 480 4GB
>EVGA Supernova 650w PSU

Does it look alright? The CPU is see recommended for this price and performance range is a 6100 or 6300 but it just seems wrong not to get a quad core.

The PSU might not be strictly necessary but his current computer started its life as some Compact piece of shit and while the PSU is rated for 500w I dunno if it can actually handle it.

CPU purely for gaming, 4 cores and 1151 socket, won't be overclocked, H170 motherboard
Which to choose from 6500, 6600 and 6700
6500 and 6600 only differ by several $ so I guess 6600 would be the smarter choice, but 6700 is like a good 100$ more expensive, would hyperthreading give any benefits or is it not worth it ?



>rx 480
enjoy your bottleneck

i5 6500. 6600 non K isn't worth it and the i7 non K definitely isn't worth it.

is the difference between 6500 and 6600 really that small that it wouldn't be worth paying less than 20 pounds more ?

Yeah. At least the jump between i5 6400 and 6500 is significant enough to justify the price increase. Not so much for the 6600 non K. It's only 100 MHz more for Christ's sake.

Please be b8
If not
>i7 for gaming
>Kraken cooler
>300 dollar Mobo
>32 gigs of RAM
>ANY Samsung SSD
>EVGA graphics card (overheats like a bitch)
You don't need a 3,000 dollar machine. I just saved you $600


First time build. Some parts are placeholders, just there to give an estimate for cost. Some reason the 480 doesn't have a price, but I'll get it later.


>240mm too much cooling!
>evga not enough cooling!

I7 will come in handy for photoshop though for that chap

Yeah dawg. No need to go overkill with a 6600k. Also I have personal experience with evgas overheating

don't get a K cpu if you don't plan to overclock

What's with the meme cooler and B150 mobo?

You know, you're better off dumping the meme cooler entirely, getting yourself a Z170 mobo and installing an aftermarket CPU cooler somewhere later down the line when you're ready to overclock (i.e. need more performance). For now, don't buy one at all and use the shitty alumemium cooler Intel provides you with instead.

ok because ps

holy shit don´t buy this trash buy a noctuna or alpenfön aircooler, that doesn´t have the big changse to start leaking

why??? just get a good 150$ z170 board and be done with it you don´t need this

>wd blue
i hope you do backups

evga is ok but gets hot

spent like 10$ more and get the bost one the market, SeaSonic Prime .

man this soundcard is trash, if you buy such an expensive mobo or one around 150$ this soundcard doesn´t make a difference, get one for like 80-100 dollar or none.

why??? wasted money

Which is bottlenecking which?

In your case, probably the GPU bottlenecking the rest of your system.

he is a troll, ignore him

I think you're exaggerating. The 6500 should pair well with a 480.

He's being a dick. The GPU and CPU match well.
8GB of RAM is all you need for gaming.
Get a B150 motherboard instead. Look for a cheaper one that is around the same price as the H110.
Power is adequate.

>upgradeing from a 980 ti
Just keep the thing the only upgrade you need is a new cpu

Unless you're planning to run your games at 720p/144FPS your GPU will definitely be the bottleneck.

there is no bottleneck you dumb newshit

whats a good z170 mobo?
i dont need any meme features just a great mobo with smart layout for good cable management

It looks good but i would get a power supply based on seasonic reference

OK well the idea was to get a better CPU than necessary to facilitate a GPU upgrade down the line so I'm fine with that.

Whats the advantage of a B150 over an H110?

Oh it's THIS guy again

>OK well the idea was to get a better CPU than necessary to facilitate a GPU upgrade down the line so I'm fine with that.
You picked the right CPU for the job. The RX480 pairs well with the i5 6500. However, the GPU will still be your bottleneck. Isn't that what you were asking?

?? what is this bullshit you talk?

I hope you're trolling

I was mainly asking to make sure it wasn't the other way around and the CPU wasn't the bottleneck.

You honestly won't need 32GB of RAM.

Corsair power supplies are shit, and very liable to fail. I've replaced it with something much better.


The motherboard you chose already has better sound quality than that soundcard, and it can even support headphones up to 600 ohms. It also has networking built in. If you go for the Hero ALPHA you'll even get WIFI and Bluetooth.

Other than that you're fine for the most part. You might consider picking up some extra case fans.

>mfw people on Sup Forums waste money like this

ignore him

paid SeaSonic shill at your service my Lord
aside for reall man if you spent 140$ on corsair who buy their parts from seasonic, why not go to the producer and get the best parts they don´t sell?

Are you trolling?

I mean you could give Skylake a 1080
l and it still wouldn't bottleneck the CPU. So I don't see your point.

>Making sure to look at legitimate PSU reviews/testing

pro tip 10$ gets your 10/10 (aka 150$ for the 650w psu)

Attempting to run your games at 720p/144FPS will be way more taxing on your CPU compared to your GPU than running em at 1080/60 or even 1080/90. If you want to stress test your CPU while gaming running on lower resolution and higher FPS is the best method.

Are you people fucking stupid?

RX 480 isn't a bottleneck at 1080p you retard

ok you are legit retarded please never post again

Every fucking system has a bottleneck, always. Is it retard day today in Sup Forums?

stop being autistic user

Redpill me on blue vs. brown switches

They are, ignore them.
They think they need an i5 to get the good frames, when the CPU is just going to sit there and snore

maybe they'll do photoshop

Never reply to me again.

>your arguments are invalid because:
>point a
>point b
>point c
>i now pass on the microphone to you, good sir so that you may further defend your stances with logical explenations built on factual premise

>Whats the advantage of a B150 over an H110?
Some dude explained it to me a few days ago. It's confusing as shit. The B150 has PCIe 3.0 instead of the old PCIe 2.0, as well as having more chipset lanes or some shit (I don't understand that stuff). But he also said it actually makes no practical difference to 95% of people or something like that. He said if the B150 is the same price or even $5 more, might as well get it. But if you wanna save $5 or $10, the H110 will still work fine and you won't notice any difference. Confusing as fuck, but there ya go.

This definitely will not happen with that i5.

Helping my cousin to build him a gaming computer
Need suggestions on what to change, etc.

Intel Core i5-6600 3.3GHz Quad-Core Processor
ASRock H170M Pro4 Micro ATX LGA1151 Motherboard
Kingston HyperX Fury Black 8GB (1 x 8GB) DDR4-2133 Memory
>CPU Cooler
Cooler Master Hyper 212X 82.9 CFM CPU Cooler
Western Digital Blue 1TB 3.5" 5400RPM Internal Hard Drive
Sandisk X400 256GB M.2-2280 Solid State Drive
Some 1070
Fractal Design Arc Mini R2 MicroATX Mini Tower Case
SeaSonic G 550W 80+ Gold Certified Semi-Modular ATX Power Supply

This is what I managed to throw together so far, pretty much every part can be changed.
Chose any RAM, because they don't really differ from one another
Didn't really research on SSD other than that it's m.2

There is no point in ddr4 if you go 2133. Go z170 and higher frequency ram

>confusing as shit

jesus christ.
Let me break it down for you plebs.
B150 lets you have 4 dimm slots, H110 only gets 2 slots.
Only 1 GPU for a H110, etc etc.

How are you people building PCs without understanding chipset differences

useless get a 480/1060/fury since most of those are only 20-10% less powerful but way cheaper

It's like legos, just plug 'n play. I didn't know I was expected to know differences between chipsets.

>10% more powerful than the RX480

Z170 is more expensive and overclocking won't be used anyway, so I don't see why
Also can you even use DDR3 on that chipset ?

Considering the EVGA is about $80 it's $70 more.

how long in your opinion are life of a 480/1060 in your opinion? I'd like to not have to upgrade for atleast 2 years is that reasonable?

I'm no expert, but I wonder if you should get more power. Like 600W or 650W.

I wonder if a i5 6500 would be plenty for a 1070.

Well I told the guy I was talking to that I am not interested in sli or crossfire.

If you just go by the lego standard, you get shit like:

>K series cpu in a non-Z mobo
>buying OC ram when mobo doesn't support
>buying SATA 6Gb/s stuff when mobo only does 3gb/s

There are a few very specific boards where you can, but for the most part you can't.

its 20%, the 10% is meant for the fury vs the 1070

As far as I know, the power should be enough and too much, because pcpartpicker shows only like 300+W and I recall people calling other people retarded for having 600+W PSU on their 1 GPU systems that don't use AMD

Hm OK well that makes sense I guess.

The two mobos I'm deciding between are the exact same price so I guess B150 is the way to go.

It's like 50% faster.. plus the GTX 1070 actually has much more overclock headroom.

This thread is full of b8 today.

made a list for more comfortable view

Ok I stand corrected. Thanks for the heads up.

I got my 80+ gold PSU for $60
And obviously gold or platinum is great quality because it's impossible to make an efficient crap quality PSU*

The 1070 is 10% faster than a Fury X. Cmon now son.

If you buy a new mobo without sata 6gb/s you deserve all the problems that come to you

Long story short: I need to use Vista for a week more.

I have an old hard drive with Vista installed on it. What do I do to make that old hard drive with Vista on it, work on my new build with new parts? Please respond.

Reinstall vista

Poop. Was hoping I could avoid it. Thank you.

>its 50% faster
lol no it isn't the 1080 is just barely 50-45% faster, stop shilling

I mean you could always try your luck at first, but afaik, changing key components require fresh windows install

while looking up why windows 10 doesn't work with PCI adapters, I found out that Windows 10 has too much spyware to be legal for retail businesses


What do you guys use for all your extra PCI slots? I have like 5 free ones and have no idea what to throw in this thing.

Also is there a way to make the top of your GPU not so ugly? I just got an MSI armor and its my first build so I'm new to this whole thing. Not a fan of how night everything looks only to have that bare back of the card facing up.

Thanks for your contripootiuns, Pajeet.

its a ok buily the only 2 things i would change is
Ram into 3000mhz and dont buy sandisk ssd
get crucial(budget) or samsung(the good stuff)

Id take it over Windows 10 any day, every day

My wireless adapter doesn't have drivers for Windows 10, or Windows 7 for that matter.

I'm pretty sure I even checked the chipset on it and the manufacturers website. New ones in the mail...

I read kingston makes ok budget stuff too

You use them as you need them, you should always have a spare one open
I mean you'd be hard pressed to actually fill them all nowadays without a second GPU, things are getting too functional for 8 PCIe slots to be necessary

>unable to communicate in anything but memes
go back

As I've stated I didn't really put any time into SSD, thanks for the heads up on the brands
RAM is another problem, as the motherboard seems to only support 2133

>Crucial better than Sandisk

Considering you're spreading shit I think my response was fitting enough.


Please respond

It's not your adapter that doesn't have Windows 10 drivers, it's Windows 10 that has no fucking hardware driver support whatsoever

red pill yourself, it piss easy googling the difference and even then you have to feel them physically to understand what you need

Yeah I mean I really can't find any use for them so there's a huge chunk of open space below me GPU that looks off. The only things people have recommended are
>Sound card
>Wifi adapter

But I don't know of any good ones or if I really need those. I guess a fan would be nice if it was slotted above the GPU to cover the bare part of the card I don't like to see.

I know what the difference is from reading. I want user experiences.

Can't go look at them in store because i have crippling autism and can't leave the house.

Blue godly. Anything else is for phags

I'm obsessed with trying to build the cheapest, QTest, fastest PC possible. Not as my main PC, just to see what is possible for $100.

I don't even know why.

The blue ones are [spoiler]blue[/spoiler]

A sound card is nice to have.