This is Merzbow. He makes amazingly beautiful sounds and he does it mostly on a Mac. I'm a big gnu/Linux fan...

This is Merzbow. He makes amazingly beautiful sounds and he does it mostly on a Mac. I'm a big gnu/Linux fan, but I have to concede that the Mac shines when it comes to art like this. For example:

Seriously Sup Forums, stop using animal products, and gives Macs a chance!

hello tumblr
such an artistic piece of work you got there


Literarly who?

This is trash. White noise is more pleasant to ears.

>amazingly beautiful

OS X blows ass. Wangblows absolutely annihilates it with nuclear fire as far as music recording goes.

Heh, stick to your toys, kid

You're not aware of the concept of music, are you? Merzbow is a splendid artist.

Ah, yes, I am aware of the concept of music. Audio you linked to in OP is trash. White noise is more pleasant to ears.

lovely melodies and lots of atmosphere in his works.

>all the shit taste ITT

Power noise > harsh noise.
>280 albums from a vegan faggot
Quality is fucking stellar :^)

he mostly users max/msp or puredata on the computer

so you can noise it up on any OS you please

>Listening to noise that sounds like shit makes me feel special

Do you know which people listen to noise? Those who are tired of normal music. Those who have listened to it for years. Noise can't be expected, and it is pleasurable to listen to something you can't predict.

I don't listen to much noise, but I do listen to a lot of drone and this poster is spot on.

That's gay and pretentious as fuck

When you can open your window to get the same result but ALSO want to be pretentious as fuck.

Linux has it's uses but a daily desktop OS isn't one of them.

Avid Merzbow listener here
His noise quality deteriorated rapidly ever since he switched from analog productions to Macs

user you fucked up

Serious question in a poor-quality bait thread:

Macs are often suggested for graphic-design/video-editing/music-production work.

Is this just a convention rooted in what was once true (i.e. windows used to be worse for that stuff, now it's more or less the same as OSX)?

>noise quality

I just left Sup Forums and this is the first thing I see

How is he wrong?

The short answer is yes.

A power user at home will get a thousand fold more out of a Windows machine, and production companies like Pixar usually run in-house proprietary software on *nix machines.

OS X is still good out of the box but its limitations make themselves obvious very fast.

Like it or not, Merzbow used to be helluva consistent during the 90s, taking into account how many releases he splurged out during that time (80ish?).

That's a 9gag meme, friend. Go back there.

>the other tribe boogeyman response

wew lad
how does it feel to be rooted in psychology for animals

>being a Sup Forumsle

>tfw you unironically got merzbow flac's
>tfw you want to listen to them loudly, but you don't want to fuck up your hearing so you lower the volume


>pleasant to ears == good


>drinking the meme-aid so hard you've literally been tricked into listening to white noise flac

user, i...

That actually makes sense, damn it.

Masami Akita discography
Studio albums 280
Live albums 75
Compilation albums 5
Video albums 9
EPs 31
Tribute albums 2
Remix albums 3
Box sets 14
Compilation tracks 229
Splits 40
Appearances 94

what a quality that must be....

>keeping music that's intended to sound "bad", lo-fi and damaged in a lossless format
I'll never understand this, literal waste of storage

>how does it feel to be rooted in psychology for animals
>i was just acting like an idiot, so you should feel stupid :^)
No, you ARE an idiot, friend. Fuck off.

Merzbow isn't white noise at all.
I couldn't listen to white noise for more than a few seconds before it would greatly annoy me, yet I can fall asleep to Merzbow.
Also, Noise music benefits more from flac than any other kind of music, because noise music has the frequencies spread out even in the higher areas, while most other music is mostly in the lower frequencies.
If you get a cutoff at like 16kHz, you will miss a whole lot of music, while at normal songs you barely cut something off.
Pic very related, you'd miss like a whole third of the intended data.

Also, another appeal of noise music is the almost infinite complexness and detail you can make out. It's not meant to be compressed because that would get rid of the details.

>being this triggered over muh sekrit club

>amazingly beautiful
I know it's ironic but that still counts as shitposting

I've gotten into "normal music" through noise actually, so this is false. I went from metal > grindcore > noise > free jazz > bebop/trad jazz and ambient > experimental punk > the rest.

I listen to noise AND normal music.
And I know a lot of other people do.

>not listening to witch house master race

Sup Forums plz

>you'd miss like a whole third of the intended data.

senpai you're missing that anyway with human hearing

if you're not a child this shit is literally inaudible to you

>witch house

haha good one

Well the main point of (90s and up) Merzbow is having purposefully godawful dynamic range, which is what lends the ear shredding character to his noises. A flac will sound literally identical to a decent mp3.
>like a whole third
In frequencies you can only hope to hear.

This was true pre-intel days, RISC is awesome at passing around massive amounts of data (like you would in audio production) but since they went intel they lost that edge. I used to produce on pic related (and still do from time to time for different things) but unless you are tied to logic because everyone around you is using it, there is no reason for OSX to be a default winner in the audio field

Video production I have no idea about, but imagine the same logic may apply. I do see a lot of HP workstations in production houses and TV stations nowadays though.

I agree up to 20kHz on that.
16kHz is too low of a cut-off for me.
Just tried generating sine waves in audacity:
16kHz: very audible, like a normal tone
17kHz: still very audible, but feels like 80% as loud as 16kHz
18kHz: feels like 30% as loud as 16kHz
19kHz: feels like 10% as loud as 16kHz
20kHz: 5% or less
21kHz: inaudible.

Those were sine waves and I'm 21 years old.
The 22kHz of flac are a waste of storage, but since mp3's highest possible limit is only 16kHz and I have terabytes of storage and fast internet, I will still grab the flac over the mp3. There's also the problem that mp3 does not only cut off frequencies, but also compresses everything in all ranges, kind of like a JPG does to a PNG.

>not making your music with an amiga

fucking pleb tier shit

>making music on a computer with a visual output

gtfo pleb

>making music on a computer

>making music

>not power electronics
>not Whitehouse
Take a look at this vegan pleb

>not preferring the superior ZX Spectrum's sound
Right back at you, pleb.

Seriously user...

what if I told you this has nothing to do with the OS but the program he makes his stuff in? retard

You're the retard. Some programs are OS-exclusive.

>but since mp3's highest possible limit is only 16kHz
No. mp3 does not have a limit below Nyquist. Loosely compressed mp3 contains tones above 20 KHz on sampling rates 44.1 KHz and up. It's a waste as this isn't audible. If you are honest about the sine tones you tried, your hearing is superb for your age. Hearing up to 20 KHz at all is impressive.

Sine tones are not a good way to judge how high up you hear when other parts parts of the audible band are in use(e.g. during music). Upwards frequency masking and ears' lowering sensitivity puts anything above 16 KHz almost meaningless in music during listening. It's also not guaranteed that your headphones or loudspeakers extend much further(less of a problem with loudspeakers utilizing a dedicated HF driver). Perceptual coding algorithms used by modern LAME encoders are exceptionally good(they use auditory masking heavily, lowering precision at parts where our hearing is masked by other content in the band and limits of these are very well optimized) and you'll likely be struggling at ABX with V2 and above, depending on the content.

You probably heard the distortions.

Harsh noise is very demanding to transient response.

IF you want to hear it "as is", which isn't really the point of harsh noise. This imperfections, compressions and distortions of your playback options and your cheap stereo equipment are all part of the experience. Hearing noise in "pristine quality" is like hearing a raw 80s punk band (Bad Brains s/t for example) in "pristine quality".

This is so wrong.

Music production is the only area where this is applicable, and even then mostly in a live music capacity where you require stability.

nice post user

Whitehouse is garbage you holoprosencephalic hipsterbabby

Using your example experimental noise bands who belong to genres defined simply as making earrape, and shitcore (a music genre dedicated to making shit music) bands are classed as the pinnacle of audio. No thanks, you can keep your noise.

>Mp3's highest possible limit is only 16kHz
Nope, that's true for ~128kpbs, but 320 is near indistinguishable from Lossless audio.

>listen to noise
>post on Sup Forums
yes, you are normal user

That's just being pretentious.
>Noise can't be expected
Noise is random by definition but noise music is not as it's not noise per se. It is music arranged using bits and pieces of various kinds of noise(and other sounds) to create it. Only artist's imagination prevents someone from creating an unexpected and odd tune, melody, riff or any kind of arrangement of sounds to make music. It doesn't have to include noise and it definitely doesn't have to sound like torture your ears which is what noise music essentially becomes.
>Those who are tired of normal music.
What is that anyway?

creatives don't give a shit about what platform they use. what matters to them is the quality of the tools. it's only incidental that they use macs with OS X on them because quality software is written for it.

I use Linux for amateur recording and I have to say, whilst it's unparalleled in some ways, it mostly sucks for end users. I wouldn't cope with it if I wasn't also a huge nerd.

Really, legitimately made me think. Now I can see why this stuff is popular. You can literally tell what's coming in normal music.

>Sup Forums
>not full of normies

Listen to more music than catchy top 100 stuff and that's not true.

i could listen to this if it a had a melody

this is like death grips' stock audio

also macs are for fags

It's not Sutcliffe Jügend but it's better than Merzbow. If you don't agree you have a shit taste

sorta yes -- all these programs originated on Macs, and some still hold the tradition. So dfor that purpose Mac IS slightly better

Try "Merzbeat" or "Dharma" with a somewhat lowered volume.

>unironically pretending to listen to music literally produced only to cuck Throbbing Gristle fellating artfags into a snafu

Merzbow is for tumblr pussies. Real men listen to Masonna.

you got meme'd son

Just listen to math rock you pretentious fucks

oh shit son, NOW we're talking

I like those Boris + Merzbow albums tho.

merzbow is shit

>I don't get that music, that must mean other people only pretend to enjoy it
Yeah man, like, they're totally lame posers.

If I wanted to listen to obnoxious nonwhite people shouting at me from all sides I'd rather go into the nearest gypsy settlement

> Merzbow
> art

Pick one.

I don't believe you have listened to Whitehouse

Art can be shit too, user.


If that's art, then so is a six-year-old throwing up on a canvas.

If your shit is made entirely on a macbook, you don't make music, you make faggotry

>white noise
brown noise at best

thanks jews

I'd unironically pay money to see a six-year-old throwing up on a canvas

This. A man can buy a mass-produced urinal, take a picture of it, call it "Fountain" and people will suck his cock years down the line.

BTA or bust

What OP is trying to say is that music doesn't need to be melodic in order to be pleasant to the ears.
Though I agree merzbows not that objectively good, and any faults or criticism is usually responded to with "U dun get it"

Ah, what could this subtle change in colour possibly represent?