just built this yesterday~
Speccy thread
cookie cutter build
nothing we haven't seen before, user. sorry.
Nice build, you feel for the right memes if you're gayming.
Nice trips user, but beyond that, yeah I mean it's a great machine, but give us something to work with! an i7-5820k with a GT 720, an Ivybridge Celeron with a GTX 1080 Hybrid, something man!
This is how you do it user, a ridiculously over the top CPU, primary storage, and Ram...and a GTX 960 driving a pair of 4k displays insuring he can run nothing graphic intensive in native res!
Excellent work, plenty to bitch about there!
They're 1440p running a super resolution.
Also, why the fuck should I have a GTX 1070 or 1080 because YOU like to game?
Sorry but I'm not that much of a faggot, I play CSGO and that's about it, I get over 150fps on a GTX 960, it would be stupidly overkill to buy a 10xx series card, especially since they're so shit.
Maybe if they werent total failure products i'd buy one, as it is i'll save my money for the 11xx series or whatever AMD decides to put out in the next 6-12 months.
You are NOT allowed to have different needs on Sup Forums fgt, you either are a hardcore noscope Gaymer building a rig with flashing red LEDs because you gottagofast or you're a Stallman GNU zealot that runs Gentoo on a 12" Pentium 2 Thinkpad from 1997
I'm bringing the memes.
2/10 you have a 960, theyre fucking shit.
Also the Ram is slow (16-18-18)
WD & seagate are shitty cheap ones
>using Windows 10
>allowing the PC to overheat
>Ram is slow
CAS timings don't mean shit if your frequency is high enough at 3200MHz, CAS 16-18-18 is fine. Could maybe tighten up to CAS 16-16-16, but i'm not gonna get much more out of them.
Also, GTX 960 was literally the best GPU from the 9xx series if you didn't need gaming performance, it has the most advanced video playback engine of any 9 series GPU, it's only beat out by the new 10xx series, but the total lack of DX12 asynch and DPC latency issues made me decide to wait for the next generation.
As I already said to the other user, I don't do any gaming that would require something more powerful so why does it matter that I dont have the latest GPU?
Also, how the fuck are you gonna call a WDblack 5TB HDD shitty, it has a 5 year warranty.
The seagates both are DM000 which backblaze has tested over 30,000 units with less than 2.7% failure rate.
i think this is pretty close to your second example
Congrats user nothing beats the feel of a new build. Also nice trips.
useless card
20% more powerful than the 480/1060 for twice the price
just fuck my shit up
Should I install another intake that is directed at the GPU? I haven't seen it below 50 degrees famalams.
I have a fractal design define r4 case
my 1080 also idles around 50c, no idea why. i have a define r5
This is Sup Forums, not Sup Forums
I fucking love this thing. Hard to imagine how I could make it any better within a reasonable budget.
How's this?
>4k on a single 1080
Mine idled at 58°C before I got MSI Afterburner and let it handle the fan curve. Now it idles around 42.
Don't install RivaTuner Statistics Server, that shit is nasty and froze up some of my games.
well, i have a custom fan curve but the fans on my gigabyte g1 gaming don't turn on until it reaches a certain temp anyway.
that's probably why, but my 960 i had before had the same feature but idled at 29c
Works well enough desu senpai. Disabled AA (which hardly makes a difference at this resolution anyway) and some settings on high instead of ultra will net you 4k at 60fps in recent titles. Efficient games like Doom 4 or undemanding games like Overwatch even run well above 60 maxed out, even with AA. It is very much a 4k card.
Post yours. 42°C guy here. Let's compare user
i'm running mine at 1440p and some games don't even get 60fps at ultra. the witcher 3 averages ~50 with hairworks on, and rise of the tomb raider drops to 40s in some areas...
meant for
Tone down Hairworks AA. I think it fucks with performance at 8x even on the new Titan. Rise of the Tomb Raider is a performance hog, but I can do whatever I want with it, never dips below 50 at 1440p for me. Activate DX12 if you haven't.
>less than 20% at 50°C
I'd say 30% is minimum at that temp
yeah, but im not sure why gigabyte even has the "fan stop" feature if it will idle at 50c with the stock fan curve anyway...
>Windows 10 Enterprise 2016 LTSB
Good choice, user.
The sad thing is that i only play CS:GO and some other shitty games.
At least i've got my hands on brand new 1070 for 165€, but overall i was just stupid while spending my money on something i don't need.
It's meant to increase fan longevity. MSI cards have that too, disabled that shit. I don't feel comfortable with an idle temp that high.
>triple channel
Need a new build soon.
How'd I do, Sup Forumsee?
There is really no point in having your computer idle at very low temperatures. Only worry if it overheats when you do things.
Your average "amd gaymer"
>"Runs everything fine, intel isn't worth it"
>being this autistic because someone has low end amd shit
wew lad off yourself
Haha oh no, it really doesn't run everything fine, but it's the best I could do right now and I'm running games... at an acceptable level. Sort of.
yup, my 4th 8GB DIMM keeps causing bluescreens. 20 day+ uptime without it installed, it bluescreens after 2-3 hours when it's installed.
Too lazy to RMA since triple channel works fine for my uses at the moment.
You've kind of shot yourself in the foot with this one
>with bing
>implying the 480 or 1060 can handle 1440p
Is this a meme? Last time I tried it on my computer just fucked up LAN controller and failed to boot up after first reboot
What kind of cooler are you using?
Well, the best you can achieve is when it's idling at room temperature.
Usually it's the thermal expansion that kills it, rather than overheating (Unless you push it well over 100°C).
My 1070 is idling at 35-40, the room temp is around 25-26
>shot yourself in the foot with this one
were you referring to your own build or my 5820k?
i have the power
How so? It's a 6 core CPU on a quad channel DDR4 platform, I can upgrade the GPU whenever I want.
I have 17TB of HDDs and 750GB of SSDs, the boot drive being a 250GB M.2 SSD with 2gbps read speeds.
It's ready for easily 5-8 years of service with GPU upgrades every few years.
ok. It's just a bit stupid is all.
What because I dont play games and you do?
Please, tell me more.
No because it just doesn't make any sense is all I'm saying
What doesn't make sense?
The only thing unbalanced is the GPU, and that only matters if you're gaming....
Fucking stupid.
That's not 4k senpai, that's 1440p super resolution.
tfw i need new pc
You can have mine
I mean you can spot the point where the budget ran out... the ram. Why not go for something balanced.
How fucked am i
That's a tablet or a notebook right?
>the ram
I have 32GB DDR4 3200MHz. 4x8GB.
One of the sticks causes bluescreens so I dont have it installed at the moment.
Are you high or just stupid?
5820k+32GB DDR4 3200MHz is balanced as fuck.
Alrighty then
desktop pc
>2400 MHz
Two days ago I had a RX 480 in my computer, but the VRAM was fucked, so now I got this.
May have saved a life
Yeah, it was idling at 60 degrees Celsius with fans off and this 1060 is idling at 45 with fans off.
Thanks based Nvidia.
>GTX 960 was literally the best GPU from the 9xx series if you didn't need gaming performance
Wouldn't that apply to the GTX 950 as well? cheaper and lower power
GTX 950 was released 7-8 months after the GTX 960. But yes, the GTX 950 has the same features.
Is this the daily Windows 10 thread?
>Operating System: 64-bit
Rare build
Hey guys.
I built this two weeks ago. CPU is i7-6850K Six Core with a slight overclock to 4GHz.
Nice build. Pretty balanced, but excessive RAM.
Excessive, a single 1080 would be better.
Nice, my build is almost the same as yours. Upgraded from a 280x the other day, been maxing Mad Max at 1440p VSR. If you can, OC your 6300 to at least 4.0GHz
Built a week ago, first ever build. Can anyone tell me what's going on with my RAM frequency? It should be 2300 Hz
Speccy shows half, your RAM is basically showing the same as the other user's so I'm sure it's fine
You need a 250-500GB SSD m8
Right, thanks
Yeah that's in the near future
>Excessive, a single 1080 would be better.
Ummm no? I want to max games at 3440x1440 and 100FPS. Even two 1080s have trouble doing that in a couple games I tried. I also have a 4k TV I sometimes play on and one 1080 isn't good enough for 4k on most games.
>I want to max games at 3440x1440 and 100FPS
Again, excessive. Nice ultrawide (forgot to say that earlier), but right now the GPU power just isn't there. As you noted even SLI'd 1080s (1200 fucking dollars worth of hardware) have trouble. Drop from Ultra to Very High and be happy with 50-60FPS
Should have spent that other 600 on a whore
>1200 fucking dollars
>Nice ultrawide
>Drop from Ultra to Very High and be happy with 50-60FPS
That is unimaginable. I'd rather die.
Also might be worth nothing is that I generate 75% of my income from video games so it's more worth it to me.
So you're a streamer with big tits?