Slackware: Why or Why not?

Slackware: Why or Why not?

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Nice get

Holy shit, I just noticed this.

That is an interesting arrangement of numbers

The S stands for "special snowflake"


Slackware Greeat again, GETS DON'T LIE

"Package manager".

It makes Debian look unstable by comparison, but it also makes it look bleeding edge. It might be a good experience just to learn how to live without dependency management. eventually you'll find that life without it isn't any harder, just more tedious, and you will get a better feel for what "bloat" really is when you need to install 4 dozen dependencies for what should be a simple and fairly self contained software.

I don't think i'd use it as my main desktop OS, but it's pretty good for set and forget home servers. No fears of updates piling up or said updates fucking things up when installed.

It's pure vanilla Linux and no systemd.

>It's pure vanilla Linux and no systemd

... but Linux is developed and overseen by Linus Torvalds who uses fedora+systemd and makes releases from a systemd ran machine.

Slackware is simply nice.

>It might be a good experience just to learn how to live without dependency management. eventually you'll find that life without it isn't any harder, just more tedious, and you will get a better feel for what "bloat" really is when you need to install 4 dozen dependencies for what should be a simple and fairly self contained software.
I don't want to live with a tedious task like dependency management that my OS could easily take care of for me though. I also question why I should care about "bloat" in the form of additional packages installed as dependencies. When I'm not using the program that has those dependencies, they don't hurt anything, they just take up some drive space, which is abundant. When I am using that program, it's not like I'd be gaining anything by having them statically linked so they weren't in extra packages or anything.

I'm glad that Linux distributions come in many flavors and let me swap out pieces of them. But in many cases, including this one, I think that taking advantage of that capability won't get me anything other than more trouble for no gain beyond the abstract satisfaction of having done myself what the computer could have handled for me.

Isn't rhel/centos already the king of set and forget os?

That is why i only recommend it as a learning experience or something you won't fuck with often. No one in their right mind uses slack for long before they either drop it or install a package manager with dep management. But for users who have never had to install anything outside of a modern package manager before, it's good to learn how to build and manage packages yourself(as apposed to the bad practice of simply doing a 'make install' entirely unmanaged and easily fucked up by attempted updates).

You personally might not have a desire to do this, but some people do. Hence why things like LFS exist.

probably, but imo SELinux can fuck right off, and not because of tinfoil hat shit. I just find it frustrating to use and work around. I usually use debian stable for set and forget, personally.

I'm using Slackware 14.2 on my laptop, it's nice

The biggest problem with it is that the software repository contains only the most basic stuff. Thankfully the community has made slackbuilds, a repository of install scripts that let you compile source tarball into an installable package. Its package manager also doesn't automatically install dependencies, so you gotta do that by hand.

I was distro hopping for a long time, tried just about every popular distro besides gentoo, now I'm finally pleased. I like it.

Because Rock-stable

If you're a real man, you should use it

Slackware user for 20 years here.

I used it on my desktop when I was learning linux early on. Managing my own dependencies and trying to run it like a modern desktop with multimedia abilities quickly forced me to become familiar with the command line, build tools, and the bulk of the internal workings of a BSD-init based linux system. I fought for years with linux desktop environments and applications, hoping the next bleeding edge promise from some developer would save all of us Linux desktop users. Honestly, MOST linux systems still have a tremendous amount of trouble running as usable multimedia desktop, but Slackware was probably, and still is, at the bottom of the heap.

As time went on (and life) I needed things that just worked, so I could work. Slack on the desktop was relegated to very minor development tasks platform. While, I used a slack system extensively to develop console applications and build cross compilers, I would only boot up the desktop to run a memory visualizer for debugging or for developing embedded websites. Asking anything more of a slack desktop just required too much time to get working.

Still use Slack, 20 years later, but only for servers. Need a www, mail, VOIP, or DNS server that never lets you down and needs a reboot MAYBE once a year for re-provisioning? Slack has your back. There are more secure options these days for running some web services, but even for mission critical applications, Slackware is still very dependable. And that's all Patrick V. aspires to.

tl;dr: All Linux distros promising some flashy desktop are really bullshit. Use Linux for servers and devel. Use Slack if you want a distro focused on no-nonsense server dependability.

just go with openSUSE. Started as aSlackware fork

nix is a fantastic package manager for avoiding those problems

Another retard who spreads FUD about an OS he never used.

Slackware does has a Package Manager what it doesn't have is automatic dependency resolution.

Bad news guys

RIP Eric

bump for those epik digits

Damage control


Because Ubuntu is for noobs

What does rms run?

I wished hed run some times would do him good

trisquel gnu/linux-libre