Apple sells your information to the FBI

>apple sells your information to the FBI
>google sells your information to advertisers
>microsoft sells your information to pajeet
Which is the worst?

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Definitely google.

microshaft also gives your info for free to the gubbament

Microsoft as I have nothing to hide and I'd rather be solicited by stuff I can adblock than pajeet tech support.

Linux is the answer

apple. At least pajeet won't do shit if you're been watching cp

Apple literally refused to give anything to the fbi

>logically priced or free shit that work and spy on you

>overpriced shit that mostly work and spy on you

>forced and overpriced shit that don't work, are worse than their previous shit and spy on you

microsoft is in a completely other level of shittiness, no contest

Apple and Linux, truly dze best

Google is the lesser evil as they contribute to free as in freedom software and provides an unrivaled search engine.
Microsoft and Apple are equally bad with the difference being that Apple provides - and charges extra for - fashion accessories/status symbols.

>being this retarded

Apple gives plenty to the fbi. Are you retarded?

I'm pretty sure apple didn't give the FBI access to a terrorists locked phone

Pajeetsoft and I'm on Linux.

iOS is proprietary software, Apple can get into "your" iphone no matter what

So much for everyone praising Apple protecting them.

Are there any apps out there that can prevent them? Or would they force them to open up as well?

I'm convinced millenials and some people just don't understand what a PR stunt is

You can't stop it, the OS is backdoored. Turning off the wifi and the regular phone signal might help

MS because fuck Pajeet


In terms of privacy, they are all willing participants in PRISM, so no difference. Outside of that, i would say Microsoft and Apple are tied. Apple seems to have more evil intentions but lacks the presence to be as harmful as Microsoft is. Google seems to fuck with people the least. They seem to possess a more subdued ego and with the exception of youtube, don't tend to step on their users toes and then tell them it's for their own good.


Microsoft went above and beyond their PRISM obligations, have the same data collection/advertising business that google has and actively turned the most used operating system on earth into another ad vector/information collector.

Apple specifically builds many of their services and systems so that they can't compromise user privacy if requested.

Micropajeet, by far.

Sorry, but in case you didn't realize it OP, privacy and anonymity are long dead.

The next step is death of individuality. This is much more sinister. Your thoughts and beliefs are being manipulated by the companies that provide you news and entertainment. They do this by appealing to your preconceived biases in order to keep your eyes on a page as long as possible. People like things that affirm their world view and they are more than happy to provide that to you.

>Apple specifically builds many of their services and systems so that they can't compromise user privacy if requested.

Whatever helps you sleep at night dog.

Apple didn't sell info to the FBI android fag. It's impossible to break an iPhone without a government "super" computer. Also I I prefer the FBI than advertisers and shit. They don't show up in an app with ads. Besides they can't do jackshit in my country. I can watch all the Cheese Pizza any time I want cause no one can do shit about it.
ps: I had never not I'll ever watch Cheese Pizza.

>Apple didn't sell info to the FBI android fag

Apple sells information to the US government all the time, it is one of their biggest clients. But so does google and microsoft.

In case you don't believe me.

delete this

I'm sure they sell the info to the gubmint for a large sum of money, why else would they push spyware 10 so aggressively?


At least advertisers and pajeets won't lock me away for life.

jared fogle agrees

i dont give a shit if google sells my shit to advertisers, they are at least competent and have their shit together

To be fair, iMessage is still the most private and secure messaging client there is. Every message is encrypted to the point Apple can't even read them. This is all fine is if you can get past the other problems that comes with Apple. What happened with the iPhone 5C case was the iPhone's lock screen pass code.

>What happened with the iPhone 5C case was the iPhone's lock screen pass code.
Nope, it was a lie by the FBI to try to get a new precedent set.


>samefagging this hard
double you hy do you do dis

all of them


Google and Microsoft have made a business out of digging into your data for profit via ad sales. Apple hasn't.

i don't know what made you think apple sells information to the FBI - the recent debacle with the FBI would be confusing if the FBI had an arrangement to get information from apple much more quietly and easily - but if you're just hand-waiving to FUD, then pick whichever company satisfies your already established preferences.

>Apple hasn't.


good thing there's a fourth option