/ptg/ - Private Tracker General

OiNK shuts down edition
Old thread: >New to /ptg/? Have an inquiry? Consult the wiki or the PDF before asking redundant questions

>If you have a question check Google and if you can't find an adequate answer, ask here.

>What.CD interview info:
whatinterviewprep.com/ and the wiki

>Various tracker IRCs and sites open for signup (horribly outdated and no one wants to update it):

Use as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.

Remember the following:
>staff occasionally read these generals and have posted here before
>staff may pretend to be normal users asking for invites and when you invite them, they ban you for inviting strangers
>sneaky bastards will try to convince you into believing that cheating can be evaded, it can't and you will be banned with those bastards laughing at you
>people may report emails and other personal info posted here to staff to get you banned
>most of the invite offers here are people trolling you with false hope - begging for invites is a waste of time and you should just interview at What.cd

Other urls found in this thread:


first for :

nevar forget


>tfw in AHD WCD PTP and BTN
>tfw /setforlife/
can any of you degenerates really compete?

only poorfags talk shit about IPT

>not in hdb

>tfw in OT
>tfw /setforlife/

>inb4 some fucking retarded faggot responds with "ot is shit XDDDDD"

you just did it samefag



Wow nice theme, what do the pink borders mean tho

my own posts = pink borders
a post responding to me = pink borders


HAHAHA since when you guys care about mickey mouse trackers

>mickey mouse
What did he mean by this?

Seriously, this thread is garbage. "no plebs allowed" and yet the pic shows curry AHD, what a joke.
The poorfags will never know what it feels like to be on the greatest tracker to ever exist. Pathetic

>what a joke.
>The poorfags will never know what it feels like to be on the greatest tracker to ever exist. Pathetic
Agreed. the op really should've included OT.


If I reach Elite on AB in the next 11 days I get a cute medal next to my username. Do I want to put forth the effort?

holy lol, please post more reddit shenanigans

I was going to do that, but I realized I didn't have a good picture for my icon anyway. You can pretty much make elite passively, so it's not worth the effort unless you really want the icon.

you say that like blossom is ever going to read the thread and send out rewards

I got mine months ago when blossom first became a mod. Has she stopped giving a fuck now?

he hasn't checked it in over a month, there's like 2 pages worth of posts

>this faggot uploading fucking Duke Nukem to my Anime Bytes

>also uploaded twisted metal and like 10 army man games
they were also uploaded like 12 fucking hours ago. what the fuck is staff doing?

wew his manga uploads

for 720p what is better?
AMZN WebRip vs WEB-DL Ntb

Webrip, it's probably good enough for 1080p assuming the capper is competent.

holy shit, did he dead?

>tfw not /set for life/

Who is a good host for seed box?

jesus fucking christ what a fucking retard

feral hosting


are seedboxes a honeypot, can they have access to any of your local files (of the machine you ssh from to the seedbox after they get your ip).

whatbox, their uptime is phenomenal

My favorite thing about reddit is whenever an admin or staff posts anything shortly thereafter you've got a person or two who just blow them.

so what's the best tracker for sheet music?


What am I supposed to do with all my BTN bonus points? I've already bought stamps for all the TV shows I like.

You idiot, people download from AMAZON now, but those idiots from BTN call it as WEBRip. Why ? Because they are idiots.

how many do they have?
Is there a website like libgen but for sheet music?

We need a new anime site NOW

BakaBT :^)

The /ptg/ Leecher's guide to easy private leeching!!

>Don't feel like seeding long term? Want to just download and be done with like you did on TPB? Want quality stuff without fucking up your PTP/WCD/BTN stats? The following sites/trackers are good for downloading quality content without seeding long term, if at all.

>1) MorethanTV (MTV) - Lots of TV shows and few movies. Ratioless unless you want higher userclass. No HnR at all. Serves as a minimal BTN backup for popular and somewhat-popular content. Rare stuff has to be requested. Has recently suspended recruitment.

>2) Torrentshack (TSH) - Ratioless general tracker with minimal HnR and no stats are recorded except upload. Well-known as a BTN mirror thanks to their bot which grabs new episodes from BTN within minutes. Movies come from the scene, p2p, and internal encodes. Great for new stuff. Retention here is poor as with any general ratioless tracker, but they make up for it with volunteers who fill requests quickly. Easy to join from most major private trackers.

>3) Baconbits (bB) - Ratio-based, but no HnR at all. Good for downloading movies, TV seasons, books and music from other trackers. Not great for bleeding edge stuff unless it's popular. Excellent request fill rate since members are also on top trackers. Tons of freeleech, anything over 20GB is FL, and BP can be exchanged to FL the torrent of your choice. Their invite forums are as effective as WCD's as well. Used to recruit from reddit and all top trackers, but currently closed.

>4) SoItGoes (SIG) - Not a torrent tracker, but a Mega linksharing site. No seeding at all and very few dead links. Lots of internal movie encodes from HDB/AHD/PTP, tons of TV seasons, some books, and plenty of music. Not great for bleeding edge new stuff because of the relatively small userbase - better used as an archive for stuff older than a week. Use with Jdownloader or Megatools to make downloading even faster and easier. Recruits from bB, BiB, TPS, and their IRC.

Can someone explain how it's logically consistent for trackers to prohibit people from uploading stuff from their site to other trackers when their entire existence is based upon infringing the copyright of people they have no right to?

that's pretty much just HDB autists
they really are a special kind of autistic

makes sense when it comes to sows

Very, very few trackers do that. It's just x264 and some people on HDBits.

>I only download my music in FLAC! It's better for archiving since I can always convert it into any other format without quality loss!

>Yeah, I'm fine with compressed video encodes. Good encodes are very transparent anyway so it's not like there's really any quality loss.

Archiving music is more important than movies.

>archiving movies
I hope you're buying 35mm film son

>1 flac music album is 500mb
>1 uncompressed movie is 50000mb

5gb isn't that much user

Jesus, that spaghetti is an idiot. He's confused private for secret.

Are you implying that 1 uncompressed movie weight 5gb?



except music is actually listened to on a regular basis
how many times are you going to rewatch that movie mate

>using the smiley with a carat nose

>mom, i posted it again!

Most people can tell the difference between a transparent 1080p bluray encode and a shitty web stream or yify-like rip.
Flac vs v0 is different and harder to discern, not to mention most people listen to music while on the go and listening to FLAC outside your house is about as autistic as it gets

An uncompressed movie is in the hundreds of gigabytes mate. Maybe even terabytes depending on the resolution. Someone do the math.

My bad, i meant bdremux.

this right here is the truth

>uncompressed movie
nobody here or even on HDB has access to the original 35mm or ProPres digital masters.
Do you even know what BD-25 and BD-50 are? Fucking plebs...

/^the smiley with a carat/i;boards:g;op:yes

why is not working..? ccd0!!!!

found your problem

>using the carat nose without the smiley

How often do you reencode your videos from the source BD? I don't think I've ever done it so far.

you useless faggots are the reason why people would rather use plebbit than be here with you

Amazon has streaming and he clearly said webrip

all the newest amazon releases are downloaded not ripped

And yet here you are

>user has problem
>user has possible solution to said problem
>user complains about said possible solution to said problem



I don't. I also use MP3.

You can have the best TV in the fucking world. A transparent encode is just as good as the Bluray if not better (fixed colors, dirty lines, banding, using hybrid sources, etc.).
You would need one hell of a fucking theatre and a great BD source master to actually appreciate the difference between DTS-HD and a lossy DTS core or 640 AC3.
>1080p or 720p good internal encode
hell yeah!
>all your music in flac
waste of life, unless you actually sit alone in your room listening to music through a really expensive setup

Yea, well, I convert audio. I need MP3 for a few things and AAC for some other things.

But what if a codec better than x264 comes out in the future that cuts file sizes in half? You're going to be stuck with a hard drive full of bloated junk that you can't convert without losing quality.

>Try to download freeleech
>4 songs in the middle of downloading
>accidentally move my external HDD while looking for something
>"Error: No data found!"
>have to re-add the fucking torrents again
Fuck this, I'm out


>using external drives for torrenting
RIP in peace

Sauce for that theme please?


We're hitting a point where it will slow down dramatically. It will take many years before 4k Blurays will replace 1080p and even then most old content remastered in 4k would not result in a meaningful gain.
I'm on HDB, Doom9 and I know a lot about encoding, trust me...by the time we'll have a codec that's twice as efficient as H.264 and an encoder as capable as x264 size like that won't matter. 1TB of storage will be much cheaper than it is today, which is already quite cheap.

>Central Intelligence 2016 2in1 BluRay 1080p AVC DTS-HD MA5.1-MTeam

>>>accidentally move my external HDD
>while its on
you fuckin deserve it tbqh senpai

We can invite you since there was a giveaway on /ptg/ last week and everybody gets unlimited invites.

Yeah, I found out about this the day after, sent a mail to the guy but never heard back
If you could shoot an invite this way that'd be great
[email protected]

Done. Pay it forward to others when I'm not around.

It's good for the site's community, they say.
The real irony is how some tracker websites protect themselves by saying they don't host files, but at the same time if they have exclusives...

Thanks brah

I like when nice things happen on /ptg/

cheers m8s

Why is empornium so fucking curry-looking?

You haven't seen a curry tracker if you think emp looks curry. There are way more trackers that look much worse.


wew lad

get Fucked Australia

EMP is just a overrated tracker since they closed regs

/ptg/ tards love to overrate that shit

what's better?

Blu-ray is not uncompressed and 35mm film isn't even digital. I swear, some people are really retarded.

from EMP mods mouth?

Pornolab by a mile

hell even that spaghetti faggot is testing the ssl tracker, and emp keep making excuses about it