What are you downloading Sup Forums?

What are you downloading Sup Forums?

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Complete Brazzers site rip 3TB.

Mainly to piss off my ISP again.

Nothing I download takes more than a couple of minutes so I'm rarely in the process of downloading anything.

Pathetic. uTorrent and Pirate Bay nice MeMe bro, nigga, homie, dawg, maine

Nothing ATM, just finished about 200-300 GB of torrents though. The last one completed literally a minute ago.

>uTorrent and Pirate Bay

whats the problem here fedoralord?


>Complete Brazzers site

I need to stop doing shit like this. I make scrapers with bash scripts to download entire porn sites, and I end up not even looking through half of all the data.


magnet for the relaxing music plox

> uTorrent
> bitcoin miners were in it
You tell me

Should i kill myself?

>pleb taste

Do you put up torrents?


What's the deal with Blu Ray rips?

They seem to come in like 10, 20, and 30GB flavors but they look the same?

I've put up a few, but not for porn.

The biggest problem plaguing the civilized world is compulsive oversharing of personal details, such as these. No one gives a fuck and all of the information you freely provide is used to strengthen the content filters that ultimately shape your perception of the world for the profit of the tech companies.


no they don't, get glasses.

different compression and bitrates


pirating is for niggers

>not knowing shit

you tell me



spasibo bolshoe

This is CP, don't download

>not downloading new os


just downloaded some new music

>2.0 GiB

Enjoy your eyecancer

not it's not

>torrenting pornography

for what possible reason on this earth

> destroyallsoftware.com/talks/wat

only pictures cuz its easy to download them in bundle and there is private shit u cant find on the normal porn sites

that is hilarious.

What do they say when you do this?

mainly linux learning material

thanks frien

Nothing at the moment, seeding anime.

>Thank you for saving our bandwidth by caching.

also you should organise in a communistic organisation and educate yourself. (Never join a registered party, that justifies the civil order.) Only engage in violence if it's time for fullcommunism, anything else is just illegal and contraproductive.
Live strong comrade!

Soon downloading Clannad, btw.

>I'm so unique XD


Mah nigga

>Eastern Promises

great movie, if you haven't seen it yet, watch that shit now


Transferring files from my seedbox downstairs to my bedroom machine. The right is what's seeding at the moment as well as been downloaded through pyLoad which is the best thing ever coupled with a Real-Debrid account.

I've mainly been downloading scene rips of PS Vita games that all have appeared recently.

hello fellow mr normie

>pirate bay
have fun getting caught in a honey pot

not much

lol you fags actually seed? i remove the torrent once it finishes

karma will get u
one day u will want to download something, it very hard to find, very rare, u find a torrent, oh wait ZERO seeds and u will cry like a fat man wishing people seeded it, fuck you whore

I find it more likely that public trackers will die out and only private trackers that enforce ratios will survive.

A+ spange

"Lossless" compression

Nothing at the moment. Will probably download a film later tonight.

Oh man, you could have a bitchin cctv system with that setup

pls link

rare hot pepe pics

Nothing, but seeding about a TB worth of torrents

You forgot

As long as someone seeds, the torrents will survive even if the public trackers don't.

even if public trackers die, DHT will ensure public piracy through p2p keeps going. It wont be as efficient but it will do

Without a centralized tracker or search engine, I hypothesize that most people will not even know where to go - all DHT-based pirating will end up being done when people share magnet links “privately” (e.g. on /t/) on an ad-hoc basis.

But I could be wrong and some other DHT-indexer will pop up again. Or even better, people will end up building a good DHT search engine into the DHT itself. I sort of wish that would happen simply because a distributed data store would give law enforcement some *real* headaches.

They already can't attack DHT, now imagine if they didn't have a centralized tracker website to take down at all.


>They already can't attack DHT, now imagine if they didn't have a centralized tracker website to take down at all.

You mean like an f2f netwrok

Thanks for taking the qoutes and turning it into a post with meme signs and meme pics :^)

>Or even better, people will end up building a good DHT search engine into the DHT itself. I sort of wish that would happen simply because a distributed data store would give law enforcement some *real* headaches.

I am guessing an eMule variant will become popular.

>I sort of wish that would happen simply because a distributed data store would give law enforcement some *real* headaches.

Have you tried Retroshare?

Its still not 100% secure but I think its safer than public trackers

Maybe, but I don't think F2F networks are that likely to take off compared to a client you can just download and run without needing to cooperate with somebody else.

Usually, software spreads because some person starts using it and likes it enough to pass it on to their friends, not because friends want to try something out together.

I haven't. The problem here is that you need a big user base for something like this to actually be worth using. That's why I think it would be wise to build off the existing torrent network, which is very popular. For example, you could:

1. Add i2p support to popular clients to get more anonymity
2. Add a distributed search layer on top of the DHT like some clients have already attempted (Like Azureus/Vuze iirc)

The issue, of course, is standardization. Ultimately I think what you need to do is get μTorrent to implement it, because it has enough market share that other clients are more likely to follow suit.

This way you would build on the existing torrent protocol which works very well both technologically and politically (the word “torrent” has entered mainstream and media recognition as a term for file sharing).

I feel bad for not seeding, so I'm going to start seeding now. My share ratio is pretty bad.

Dear Sup Forums,

Thank you for making our job easier.

Yours sincerely,

gurren lagann
