>nobody solved anything
Other urls found in this thread:
Git gud.
>"have you searched the forum, maybe the answer is there"
>Never mind. I figured it out.
>Google the answer
>only relevant result is forum site
>"why don't you try googling before asking here?"
pm'd you the solution :-)
>look up problem
>find git repo issue thread or forum issue thread where the repo owner replies
>"Will fix this issue in an upcoming update"
>thread closed
>2 years ago
>same bug still exists
>"I made myself a patch to solve the issue, download it here"
>It's a megaupload link
> Google the answer
> Only one relevant result
> "I solved it. I just reinstalled Windows"
> Solved and Closed
nvm i just bought a new computer and the problem fixed itself :P
>"I found the solution on this site"
>links an abbreviated [...] url
t. Rasheed Punjab Microsoft MVP Insider Toilet Engineer
Press thanks if this post helped you
>windows users exlusive thread
> "You need to create an account in order to answer"
> Need either a Facebook or Twitter Account
>"Hi! Please follow the method below"
>It has nothing to do with the issue and it doesn't solve anything
use jquery plugin :)
>"Fixed it! Download this: [You must log in to see links]"
>Need either a Facebook or Twitter account
>I found a solution, download this file
>I found a solution, download this file
Link has expired.
>just add this text to this file/config
>whatever file/config they're talking about doesn't exist or has been deprecated
>thread about your issue comes up
>solution no longer applies as the thread is from years ago
>second to last post is from a month ago: "the solution listed doesn't apply any more, I have the same problem..."
>last post is "Please do not respond to dead threads"
>thread locked
>have problem with some API that updated around 4 months ago
>look up problem
>all solutions involve deprecated code
OpenCV really pissed me off with their shit java documentation.
>User:"Hi I have a problem with [x]"
>[x] is a perfect description of your situation
>Moderator:"Duplicate thread, see 'I have a problem with [something close to [x] but isn't]' this thread has been locked"
It's like a strawman logical fallacy, except even more annoying.
>Just add this line to afterburner.cfg and this /command in your shortcut to get past 100mV limit.
No longer works in builds after this post.
>Hi. Sorry to PM you but
User died. Email no longer works.
>I found the answer here!
Link leads to site blocked by AV.
>"Read the documentation, the answer is there"
>257 pages long PDF
>X keeps crashing.
Use an older driver
>But it doesn't support my new hardware!
Oh well. Should have got X instead.
>Google issue
>20 links for "how to solve [issue] happening in [different program]"
>Try refining your search a hundred times, specifying for you exact program and using '-' to remove the other program's name from the results
>Still just solutions for the issue in the other program
>hey I'm having issues with (x), can I get some help? Here's a video of a guy with it doing (x)
>Rasheed Poojeet Muhammed: I am sori but u cannot do that with (y). It is impossible to do so, so you will not find a solution
>I literally just posted a video of multiple people doing it
>Rasheed Poojeet Muhammed: (copypastes last response)
>find a single link that is your exact issue
>here's the fix user: [only registered users can see links]
>you must activate your account
>activate, get 3 spam emails in the process
>post on a forum for an obscure issue
>Google is your friend :^)
>pm'd you the fix
>never mind fixed it
>I just reinstalled windows
>I just got a new computer
>I just bought the next version/second game
>start thread
>banned for forgetting to warm the towels again
god damn it gooby woggins I hate you so much
>need to find solution on google
>handles dashes like you're negating solutions
>treats symbols as if they're invisible
It really sucks when you're trying to look up math or science shit instead of programming, so any site that searches with symbols is designed to work with programming (and still sucks), so you're stuck typing out a full paragraph to compensate for the TeX symbols.
>what are ""
>"have you tried turning it off and on again"
>- Pajeet, Microsoft technology expert
>0 points, marked as answer by Pajeet, moderator
Yeah? You sure that'd help? What if you were new to linux and wanted to know what "~/" meant?
Easy, just download the entire Google search engine database and run it through | grep "~/"
You don't know how much I've wanted to do this with the Sup Forums archives. I don't have the HD space or the data plan for it, though. I don't get why you can't use regex for searching through those archives.
Ignored 70% of the time, like every other search operator. Not like I included those for a fucking reason or anything. Modern search engines are much better for cursory searches, but I miss having actual control over the results.
Fine, let's say you're a newfag and you don't know what loss is but you've seen this:
| ||
|| |_
and want to look up the reference. How exactly are you supposed to do that?
I don't know what those symbols mean in that context
Look up loss edits.
>you need an account to view this thread
>your account has to be approved by a moderator
>you have to make ten good posts to view URLs
>it's a megaupload link
>discussion about PC issues turns into a political discussion
>mention Hitler
>people criticize him and say that Nazis were the bad guys
>works on my machine
This is tech support, not meme support
Never saw that on a forum and never understood why one would do that. Why not just posting in the thread?
>google: Is "X" any good
>threads are all from 2006-2007
you just got deprecated'd
>Well that's easy son, for the solution to your problem is right here!
>Piece of irrelevant proprietary software at modest price of $89.99!