Bravo, Spotify!
jews need to start dying soon
I fucking miss the old Internet so much.
"A Spotify Premium user delivers more than 2 x the amount of revenue to the industry"
not all the money goes to the artists tho...?
anyways spotify premium is really nice esp for offline playback on my phone
and it's really nice when you listen to new music all the time. It would cost me a fortune if I had to buy all that music.
>(not including those who spend 0$ on music)
I like how they had to add that in.
>pay me for doing my hobby
kek fucking music kikes
you will never get a single dime out of me you fucking leeches
Music is a hobby and you are not entitled to anything in return just like im not entitled to money for jacking off every day
>but its muh job
not my problem B-)
I spend a lot, lot more than $55 per year on music.
But I go to shows quite often, I buy physical copies of albums, and tshirts.
Anyone still not paying for spotify should kill themselves.
>2. You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.
I probably buy more new cds now since I subscribed to google music, because I listen to way more different artists and genres than before. Plus a lot of old cds at flea markets and garage sales as well.
>not all the money goes to the artists tho...?
Only about 5% of the money goes to the artist. The rest is distributed between the producers, different lawyers and vendors.
If you buy your music, instead of pirating, you feed the jews, literally.
If you want to support the artist buy tickets to their concerts, because that's where they make most of the money.
>Windows user who actively use iTunes, Origin, Windows Store and Edge
>Unironically listening to Justin Bieber
>Telling others to go kill themselves.
Good goy. Support the music industry. We can barely afford golden statues for our lobbies these days.
Nice argument
tfw paid-up apple music user
Literally Sweden Yes.jpg
>tfw paying for the far superior apple music
you racist, alt-right cunt
shit posting intensifies
Since when is being racist wrong?
I mean it's not like niggers will suddenly evolve into people if you keep pretending they are people.
Own both. iTunes barely works on windows/android, but is pretty good for podcasts.
Norway no!!!
>Artist (6.6%) Producer (2.2%) Songwriters (4.5%) Distributor (22%) Manufacturing (5%) Retailer (30%) Record label (30%)
>ur mum (0%(because shes poor))
That's old data.
Now there are different anti-piracy funds and agencies, who monitor people torrening and sent complains to trackers etc etc and they eat up a lot of money.
What artist gets is now around 4.5%
please note that I was not being serious and was merely pointing out the ridiculousness of associating pepe with a political movement
lmfao get the fuck out. this is starting to feel more and more like reddit every fucking day. soon people will start adding /s to their posts /s
But I use the Spotify website with ublock origin and never have ads, why would I pay to listen to music?
for high quality streaming, offline play and managing your system using the inbuilt remote while taking a shit
The student version of Spotify is half the price.
>music industry growth
>the artists get pennies and spotify themselves pocket the rest
good goyim.... yes....
>using the desktop version for months re activating through VPN once every 14 days
>Modified .apk on phone , ad free, unlimited skips
I jewed the jews
who buys music except vinyls?
>If you want to support the artist buy tickets to their concerts, because that's where they make most of the money.
Not if you live in the middle of nowhere.
Why shouldn't the others involved in the production and distribution get a cut? The artists themselves aren't the only people who make the records possible.
>spotify still doesn't let you upload your own music to have it on all your devices
Apple Music master race
A big downer is that if you want to download songs or albums from Spotify, you have to put them in a playlist first and then set that playlist to become available offline. With Apple music, you can download songs and albums individually.
But I use youtube for music, and its free and ad free...
>If you want to support the artist buy tickets to their concerts, because that's where they make most of the money.
"No scheduled concerts from this artist could be found in your area."
I use Google Play Music with the all access sub.
It's convenient in that it actually suggests fantastic somewhat obscure bands and I can immediately listen to them album by album.
Beside SoundCloud is GOAT.
If the music you listen too can be found on itunes, pandora or the radio you listen to absolute garbage tier shit.
nothing like THE UNDERGROUND
I just use YouTube Red.
has literally everything on this planet.
>look for artist
>it's on spotify
>only 1 or 2 singles from his 12+ studio releases
bravo spotify
tbqh if you're into botnet just using GPM and Spotify should be enough, Apple Music it's literally the worst from both worlds
>meanwhile viper has all 300 albums on spotify
I buy CDs and vinyl, own like 330 albums
How could it possibly be more than the $10 for play music
Six million wasn't enough
tfw i used to check out CD's at the library, anything they didn't have they would get on a loan within 2-3 days.
tfw i drove like 3,000 miles this summer to see concerts
I don't get it. What's happening?
just sell your student email adress to a british company. no ty
Everything except Bandcamp is a total scam, enjoy feeding literal nobodies instead of the artists.
>Not glorious $15 GPM family plan
>paying for any """"intellectual""" """""""""""""property"""""""""""""" period
I bet you believe that autistic book writers deserve to generate millions out of the same ebook getting copy-pasted for no cost
"b-but it incentivizes them!"
No it doesn't, it's literally a fucking hobby and they will write the exact same quality of stuff (even arguably better since it wont trade quality for saleability)
I'm hardcore capitalist and strongly against communism, but I think that the current ""art"" producers are HEAVILY overvalued and the government intervention into those markets is what prevents them from re-adjusting to what they should be. Every copyright and similar arbitrary right should not be enforceable to the extent it currently is, that's simply too much intervention into the market for artificial justifications
Why do you think almost every artist has their own record label?
Drep deg selv, kuksuger
Tfw most of my music collection came from napster and kazaa.
I pay for it for convenience, rather stream then download desu
>posting this
>calling other people autistic
>writers, at that
Also, not sure I get your point, you call out e-books but it seems like your argument would apply to all forms of media.
Not sure if bait, but I'll bite:
>pay me for doing my hobby
>kek fucking engineering kikes
>kek fucking programming kikes
>kek fucking teaching kikes
>kek fucking cooking kikes
>kek fucking construction working kikes
>kek fucking author kikes
>kek fucking doctor kikes
>kek fucking general-researching kikes
In theory, your job should be your hobby; that's what will bring you the greatest happiness. So for you to single out the musicians for considering their hobby their work, you should also consider a large part of the working force kikes for doing their hobby as well.
Vinyl is fucking expensive to buy, wears down over time, can physically break, and the elements can fuck with it. That and you need to invest extra money on equipment if you want it to actually sound decent at all.
24-fit bit FLACs are much more sensible for the quality minded.
I support artists. Many artists can't afford to press to vinyl in the first place. Bandcamp will also take less money than a distributor. It's a win-win for artists and fans and screenshot attached is how much I believe in that.
>buying music
>buying movies
>buying TV shows
>buying games
My argument IS for all forms of media - "intellectual property" in general.
The singers would sign the exact same quality of songs for a middle-class income. I'm absolutely sure they'd even do it for free as it's a sign of high social status (which is mainly why they do it in the first place).
The book writers would write the exact same quality of ebooks for free, since (the actual) book writers don't do it for money but do it because they excel in it and love doing it. Or usually, because they have an important message they believe should be spread
The software developers would develop (arguably) close to the same quality of software for free. Sure, having capital does give you some room for r&d but the exact same software-related "r&d" can be executed by devs for free in their free time. See: the whole CS wing of academia doing it for free.
Microsoft, for an example, could operate and produce a product equal to windows in quality with a market capitalization of half a billion at most, not fucking 435bil. People produce and maintain operating systems for free in their free time.
But all of the above isn't the case purely because of the artificial laws ensuring that it doesn't happen and the government straight up sniffing your traffic to enforce them. It's market intervention on steroids
What browser or plugin is that?
I buy independent music, games, and movies.
I've never seen a good independent TV show. I feel like networks are pretty good at picking up stuff.
Sounds great desu. they provide a service that's so good people are willing to pay more than 2x for it. Nobody can be bothered to download every song in existance.
Two of your eight examples have an end product that can be reproduced free of charge. Out of those both are commonly done for free.
I listen to more than one new album a month, but I never listen to an album for more than a couple weeks. Buying albums outright would be a waste of money for me. Spotify is a great value for me.
The only people who have a problem with this are those who pirate, and that's another discussion entirely.
Yep, I buy music on Bandcamp, and use Spotify for convenience for the other stuff I'm not buying.
That's a good way to go about it. If I was more interested in listening to the same thing for a long period of time, I'd pick something up on Bandcamp. I just can't stick to one album for that long, they don't hold me the same way books, movies/tv, or games do. But I won't pirate just because of that, I'm not entitled to shit I don't pay for.
Well this chart is shit.
Spotify users also consume much more music than your average music listener.