Why almost nobody enlarge the text and use word processors this way?
Why almost nobody enlarge the text and use word processors this way?
I don't get it
>using word processors
Because OP used generic term "enlarging" that's applicable to many things. Could be type setting or zoom.
>not using a free and open source word processor
kill yourself
Why you a plebeian?
>Using Microsoft Office
I don't really get why people bother with MS Office anymore unless they're at school or in an actual office. At home you could easily just use Libreoffice or similar, which saves to MS Office filetypes anyways. You'd end up saving quite a bit of money.
>implying anyone actually pays for office
You aren't using LaTeX and shitposting word processor faggortry. Kill yourself Sup Forumstard.
>not using LaTeX
Is this Sup Forums or /mlp/?
>not using speech to text
Get out you casuals.
we're not blind, Helen Keller
some people work for a living
Then why not get Libre office for the home then?
/mlp/ knows how to use latex
they do it all the time for their CVs
Sup Forums only knows how to shitpost about phones
because Libre is unstable hobbyist garbage
>white text on black background
turns out its actually worse for your eyes
>what is LaTeX
L a T e X
Because you get formatting issues when opening a document created in Office with LibreOffice and vice versa. Also LibreOffice can't into Excel macros
Academia shit nobody else uses
whats best?
Gray text on either.
>no one I know uses it therefore it's shit
literally five lines of markup and a shortcut. done.
LibreOffice and OpenOffice both can save in Office formats. When the document contains a lot of formatting though, like images and columns, they will fuck up the formatting usually when someone tries to view it with MS Office.
I use notepad