Why can't Linux into design?
Look at thIs gay ass windows xp clone in the year of our Lord and savior 2016
Why can't Linux into design?
Look at thIs gay ass windows xp clone in the year of our Lord and savior 2016
you should see Enlightenment you'd think the year was 2089
How good a job would you do if you were unpaid?
Fuck yeah!
its because designers are people too and need to pay their rent, buy food, etc.
so unless you pay some experienced designers to spend weeks or months on coming up with a good, aesthetic ui for your distro of choice, you won't get one.
>implying every linux de is xp clone
That's trinity you idiot... It's supposed to be oldschool.
Looks like shit tbqh
Enlightenment looks like a 2006 ten year old's Windows theme
Are you retarded?
>Copy of Windows
>Why can't Linux...
Wew nice bait
It's not from this year, but actually looks better than winPOO 10
You are doing it wrong then.
Definitely doing it wrong
No it fucking doesn't.
It kind of does
Protip: use a wm that doesn't look like shit. AKA, a wm that doesn't look like windows.
it's quite passable
Or macOS.
Yes, I'm talking to you GNOME.
>window decorations
>le start linux is ugly thread so linux users will turn it into screenfetch thread
It looks like how we expected the future to look 10 years ago imo.
I like it.
>r9 390 for 1600x900
You planning an upgrade, user?
Numix is so comfy though. Good taste.
Ayy thanks m8
Yeah, I'm getting a 1920x1080 monitor, when I scrape up some more money.
>he thinks windows 10 looks nice
linux definitely kicks windows' ass
inb4 my computer is shit
fuck yeah
how do i do this
Your computer is shit!
Anyone have theme suggestions for LXDE/OpenBox? This little trooper deserves better than default Lubuntu. That said, it's not a terrible look.
Use a different DE
>trinity desktop
You mean KDE3 which was relevant ten years ago, and was forked into Trinity because those luddites didn't want to progress.
Wow. Cool bait. You could've done the same thing with a default XFCE install, but hey, why not be completely disingenuous so as to betray your bait
when i use openbox i just go for the lightest setup possible- conky over a comfy wallpaper and tint2
with windoze the GUI is an issue
That ?
Your CR-48 still works?!
Kde3 != trinity
>didn't want to progress.
>implying wanting transparencies'n'shit is a mark of wanting progress
I appreciate designs like this, but this doesn't look very futuristic. Maybe old scifi futuristic, but that's a different thing.
>Why can't Linux into design?
Why can't you into English?
What's wrong with designs that work?
That fucking white shadow on the font on the desktop icons
You mean
>Why can linux into design?
>look at this compact yet usable, no-nonsense UI
Meanwhile, the shit google and microsoft puts out is in accessibility mode 24/7. OS X and other *nixers are the only modern systems that still offer good GUI design from a usability and productivity standpoint.
And then you have this, characteristic of linux users that do nothing but shitpost and browse through their fucking cartoon porn and jerk the mouse around after losing half their motor function to emacs pinky/vi wrists
Linux is a kernel. It has no ``design.''
Wait two desktop threads in one day!
Linux is a kernel.
It doesn't have a graphical user interface.
Linux is a kernel
Someone forgot to take his autism pills today xD
But Linux doesn't work
well desktop threads are banned so this is pretty much our only option lmao
So I just have to apt-get install gnome?
Posting mah desktop
Good UI designers won't work for free.
Source: I work in UI/UX
you do realize trinity is a continuation of KDE3, right? KDE3 started in 2002