Both are legacy. Get DisplayPort

DisplayPort for everything, HDMI is only acceptable for multimedia equipment and VGA for legacy equipment.


Why displayport over hdmi? Is it because of cancer DRM?

How about adaptive sync for example? The way sync should have always worked.

Fully digital package based interface VS digital streaming interface?

Hmm, though one.








VGA is legacy.

Never gave a fuck about display protocols/standards; why is it legacy?

No sound throughput

Digital standards have the obvious advantage of being digital, so you can use error correction in the signal. For everyday application VGA doesn't have any apparent problems though.

if you're gaming, i'd go for display port.
but only if you have a 144Hz monitor.


hAAHAHaha fUNNey MeMeS xD rawr

>caring about sound output when you use headphones and external speakers anyways
>buying monitors with speakers


>Not using your 60 inch TV as a monitor ever

>in [currentyear]

Which types of displays have DP inputs? My TV and projector from 2017 only have LEGACY HDMI :P

>hipsters suggesting DisplayPort when literally nothings actually uses it

Yeah have fun with that 5 inch microscreen of yours, hopefully you got your magnifying glass at hand so you can read my post.
Now if you'll excuse me, I have to wait 5 minutes for my post to render on my TV so I can check for spelling mistakes.
So what, if it has 7700 second respond time?

I actually haven't seen a laptop with an HDMI output in years. If it has a video output it's always DP or mini DP

Pointless digital-analogue-digital conversion and if you get a cheap-ass cable you see ghosting or interference patterns everywhere.

PC monitors still haven't fully evolved from being "ports" of TVs. That's the reason we used analogue interfaces and fixed refresh rates for so long (and still do to a large extent). We're getting there though...

I seem to be the opposite. I have yet to see DP on laptops, I only see HDMI or on the rare occasion VGA.

Really? Are you living in bizarro land?

>Which types of displays have DP inputs?

Good ones
Dell Ultrasharp series, for example.

ThinkPads are the only one I know that have them among with VGA.

>Why displayport over hdmi? Is it because of cancer DRM?

HDMI is only really meant for media devices (ie: television).

For computer screens you use DP, or DVI if you are old, or VGA if you are ancient.

I have this Toshiba laptop that i got last year, it has both VGA and HDMI, don't believe thinkpads are the only ones.