New "programmer" started today

>New "programmer" started today
>It's a woman

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Along as she knows what she is doing you have nothing to worry about.

Did you even read the second line?

It's a woman. You really think there's any chance that she'll know what she is doing?

Companies hiring women because of diversity is why you should be mad.
IF she can program fine and not in an autistic retarded way its ok


Some of you guys are ok.

Don't go to silicon valley tomorrow

There's a woman that started on my team a couple of months ago boasting 8 years of industry experience! Management better give her the boot soon (yes we're communicating our frustrations), because I'm actually convinced she wouldn't be able to solve fizz buzz

>who was Ada Lovelace
>who was grace hopper
>who was Frances Spence
>who was Jean Bartik

No one cares. Go away


You could always help your company out with their diversity quotas by going through with that transition you've always wanted to do. I'm sure you'll end up very pretty, and it's gotta count double or something.

Do you think it's reasonable to compare your average woman programmer to these people? Do you think it's reasonable to compare the average male programmer to Linus Torvalds?

Best you can hope is to not be the beta that gets stuck fixing her work.

Keep yourself busy doing other things and never be alone with her. Document everything and attach someone to any email you send to her.

Does she look good?
If yes, fuck her.

Linus is a hack

they ded. they still contributed more than anyone on this board ever will though. i know it's edgy and cool to say women have no place in programming, but there have been quite a few significant female programmers.

>New "programmer" started today
>It's a man

Thankfully the company has a very strict reviewable policy.

Issues, commits, anything goes into the revision system. $100 bucks says she doesn't even know how to use SVN.

do YOU think it's reasonable to assume everyone of a given group is shit at something just because some of them are? I've met just as many shit male programmers as i've met shit female programmers.

Did someone trigger her dildo?

Is she attractive? If so, she doesn't know shit.

Girls that are ugly as sin make good programmers because they'll jettison that part of their brain that yearns for love as a defensive mechanism, knowing they'll never have it. Then they'll replace it with code.

>>It's a woman
Offer minimum amount of help. Do not do her work for her. It's sink or swim.

At my last workplace, they hired some woman who couldn't code. Men would help her constantly and do her work for her because she was attractive.

Place went to shit.

Now you have cancer in your workplace.


To be fair, it was much easier to make influential contributions to the field of computer science when it was just a minor blip of the massive behemoth it has become today.

>Did someone trigger her dildo?
Someone triggered her Parkinson-induced seizure with a bright light.

Its interesting how many of her pantsuits just so happen to have the exact same color tonal range as Zeiss Z1 lenses.

I'm sure it's just a coincidence, however.

I disagree with this. Robin Moulder is a decent programmer and isn't ugly.

I stand by my original statement, memes be damned*

*Praise Kek, of course

sick memes, bro

>tfw transitioning so I can get a job easier

get the job now. that way, if you make people uncomfortable, you can sue and never work again if they fire you for it.

The industry literally runs on white male programmers with average ability. Do you honestly believe in some patriarchal conspiracy where women aren't hired just because they're women?

Ya'll posting in a false flag thread

>Shill instructor: you be OP, act like a total shitlord and indirectly take a crap on all men so anyone who doesn't like diversity quotas looks bad
>and you guys tell fake stories about having successful female coworkers
>we have to sway public opinion towards our plan to combine babby languages and social engineering to create a large and more disposable workforce of people that will accept lower wages
>on Sup Forums of all places
>we hit reddit next

>literally runs on white male programmers

found the know-nothing fuckhead. it runs on indian, russian, and czech programmers. or pretty much anyone that will work for 10% of what a white male american/yuropoor expects to be paid.

Cool stats bro.


>girl programmer: I will never do a right shift operation, that goes against my sjw ideals

Slavs and indians are basically white, if not better because they live in harsher societies than suffer not the retard to live.

In the germanic/anglo west, the retard can live and make more than the most brilliant man as long as they have some musical talent and someone in the business of creating exposure in exchange for the majority of the profits

Capitalism must go into gulag where it belongs

>Posting a picture of the Grinch, wearing a mask
>In current year

>Capitalism must go
Found the edgy teen

Capitalism has faults sure but is there really a better system?

>girl programmer: my program just dumped core, like my bf dumped me last week

Capitalism without "intellectual property"

put artist not working for state propaganda in gulag

nah i'm in the US
trannies aren't a protected class, even if companies would get brownie points for hiring them

has anyone ITT used that site?

>implying girl programmers work in languages which you can do bit shifts in
I don't think css supports them yet

Honestly I'd rather a normie woman coder than a total fucking autist, regardless of experience level. OP should only be concerned if her hair is dyed.

>Have a new developer position open
>Woman is offered a position
>Here she declines it due to low pay
Do woman automatically think they are getting paid less if it doesn't meet expectations?
She got offered about the same I make and I have been here a year.

Have you actually been to SV? Its fucking huge, unless you go for the startups there's no way you can take on SV.


>You really think there's any chance that she'll know what she is doing?
the girl in my advanced compiler construction class knew what she was doing, so, yes.

>women aren't allowed to turn down offers because I didn't negotiate my salary well

>Do not do her work for her

and how much do you get paid ?
i also declined many jobs because the pay just wasn't enough for me.

>girl programmer: my program just forked and now has two child processes, awwwww

She probably made more at her old job and didn't feel like spending the entire day with fat smelly neckbeards for less money.

Seriously... who? Ive heard of Ada Lovelace... she followed a bunch of instructions her mathematician husband gave her and punched some holes in an old-school arithmetic machine, right?

.t a woman.

>Helping a woman ever
Holy shit how does these betas do it

Best programmer at my Uni was a Korean/American girl. She was super autistic, depressed and voluntary celibate, through. Always wore a huge military jacket everywhere she went.

Once she got called out by the teacher on being the only person to ace the midterm, and she literally ran out of the room crying.

>new programmer started today
>He's indian
>Smells like hormel beef chili and not in a good way

Literally all the indians that work at my office.

>"voluntary celibate"

>exceptions not the rule.

Someone should bring a high powered strobe light to her next rally


Saying she's shit just because she's a woman just gives credence to all the social justice shit

I remember being 17 too

Want to know someone who can program on merit? Who is Randi Harper.

Cool story, brogrammer.

Don't get salty, now. If I wanted someone who couldn't work in teams, I'd hire Dmitri or Pajeet.

lol, this fucking guy

If you read the actual write-up of the experiment, you'd see how horribly misleading the text in your picture is.

No idea. First time I hear these names.
Did they suck mean dick?

>$100 bucks says she doesn't even know how to use SVN.
Who does, honestly?

>tfw no programmer gf to quit my job with and start an indie game company.

why live?

Fascism is a better system. Also absolute monarchy.

>As it happens, women leave roughly 7 times as often as men after they do badly in an interview.
If at first you don't succeed, quit!

It's not misleading, it's exactly what it says in your link
> If anything, we started to notice some trends in the opposite direction of what we expected: for technical ability, it appeared that men who were modulated to sound like women did a bit better than unmodulated men and that women who were modulated to sound like men did a bit worse than unmodulated women.

Because when a women knows shit, everyone really likes to hire that rare animal.

>t. someone who will never run a company

>she has a penis