I need a gtx 1180 right now so I can play battlefield 1 at a constant 60 fps at 4k.
I am done waiting for the fucking 1180 I have been waiting too long
I need a gtx 1180 right now so I can play battlefield 1 at a constant 60 fps at 4k.
I am done waiting for the fucking 1180 I have been waiting too long
can't the titan XP handle 4K/60 in quite a few games
i'm pretty sure it does in gta v
Can we start banning the users who post these threads? They really belong on Sup Forums or /vg/.
I saw dips into the 50's in the battlefield 1 benchmark video. unacceptable
>the graphics card isn't technology meme
dumbass gpu war is here since 2007-2008.
That's not the final release. It'll be breaking 70fps in a few months thanks to driver and game updates.
i am not convinced
The universe is 13.82 billion years old. I'm pretty sure you can wait another 6 months you piece of shit.
The average male life span in the USA is 76 years.
6 months is 1/152 of my life and is unacceptable.
So? Just lengthen your fucking lifespan you lazy piece of shit.
Have patience. Why don't you get tested to see if you're on the spectrum in the meantime?
>you will never start a GPU manufacturing company using innovative engineering ideas and creating cards that are 10 years more advanced than anything currently being shit out by nVidia and AMD
>be nvidia
>don't even make a graphics card that can play battlefield 1 at 4k ultra setting with no drops below 60.
is Sup Forums becoming Sup Forums2.0 which is Sup Forums2.0? so is Sup Forums basically Sup Forums3.0.1?
I already do this in my garage, but I only sell to my friends. Currently playing Battlefield 1 on my 8k 240hz monitor that I also built myself.
Idk, does Hillary count as technology? She short circuits, she overheats, she experiences memory faults, she randomly expels loose mechanical objects from her body, she sounds like technology to me.
i am an inside source working on the 1100 series and I can confirmed it will be released in january only for the linux operating system
buy a titan x fucking idiot
I manufacture 4nm transistors using my oven and then I solder them together into my proprietary architecture.
check your oven i just traced your IP and stole your proprietary technology and am selling it to AMD
India would never be able to replicate my designs because they lack the necessary understanding of electricity.
trade your pc for xbox one
Just get the new Titan X
Why not triple 4k?
>he's not getting a 1180 Ti
What are you poor?
Look at bf4.
My gtx 670 with an i5 750 is destroying all benchmarks tested at launch
lmao dumb fuck
getting a 1180 when 1180 Ti is literally right around the corner
enjoy being cucked again