He thinks games are more important than freedom

>He thinks games are more important than freedom

chinese cartoons are importanter

Noone cares
Op is a faggot

It's not more important than freedom. It is however more important than what stallmantards abuse the word freedom to describe.

>thinks grown men watching chinese cartoon pedo porn is perfectly normal


>he thinks using Linux makes him free

It's the GPL that makes you free.
Linux, the kernel, is just a pawn in a large game of chess.

>sitting in your mom's basement tinkering with an OS makes you free


I'm free to go outside... I just have the freedom to decide, yaknow?

video games allow me to pretend liek im a real solider fighting with guns okay
linux no

>Linux gives you the freedom to have no life

all that matters in EROTIC GAMES. we don't care about freedom

>retarded tinfolied edgelord
>muh freedumbs


Extremism is wrong and you shouldn't listen to extremists.
Stallman is one of them, he did great things in the past, but now he is worthless because of his commie behavior.

I guess it does, since it already supplies everything I need

>implying taking a principle and sticking to it is wrong in every situation
>implying Stallman is a Communist
>implying Communism is bad

>and he is right
Having fun is more important than giving fuck about rich companies doing rich companies things.

>rich companies doing rich companies things
you mean softly penetrating your arsehole?

They are.

>and he is right
Having fun is more important than giving fuck about rich companies doing rich companies things.

>implying taking a principle and sticking to it is wrong in every situation
In Stallman' case, it is. Read his website on how he deals with technology.
This is insanely retarded, especially coming form a guy like him.

>implying Communism is bad
It is.
Source? The History.

>he thinks internet is more important than freedom

"Taking a principle and sticking to it" inherently breeds a poor academic environment.

If you were presented evidence that picking your nose literally causes instant AIDS, and yet you are part of a cult that MUST pick their nose every day for religious purposes, would you continue to be in that cult?

Obviously, the analogy is silly, but a rational human being modifies their world-view, beliefs, morals, and principles to suit new evidence. This allows them to obtain and spread the most 'good'.

>being spineless cucks
Enjoy getting fucked over

Nose picker with AIDS detected.

Sure. But that doesn't say anything about basic issues of freedom. There just isn't a circumstance in which software freedom should be "changed" to fit new circumstances.
You end up spreading less "good" when you decide it's fine to compromise on issues of freedom and liberty.
Also, I was more attacking the point of that "extremism" is wrong in every circumstance, which is what they were implying.

What examples do you have of Stallman making the wrong choice by sticking to the principles of things like software freedom? I literally can't think of any.

>he thinks Apple is worse than Google

I have no comment about software freedom or any of Stallman's beliefs.

I'm saying that "taking a principle and sticking to it" is, in and of itself, NOT a good quality to have.

My point was that it depends on the principle, and in Stallman's case it's correct to take a principle and stick to it.

Some of his principles are extremely questionable. Even his "software freedom" stances are extreme and uncompromising.

I'd even say that if he saw your typical software usage, he'd be disgusted with you.

>He thinks being alive is more important than freedom.

Kill yourself, OP.

Seriously, end your life.

>I can't live without video games

>manage to set up a VPS in Linux
>have to use the command line for everything

>afraid of every update because something might break
>pray to god it never breaks because trouble shooting will undoubtedly become a disaster when you can't see shit

I don't know what's most pathetic:

Grown men playing video games and posting on a forum for Chinese cartoons


Grown men being jealous of men playing video games and complaining about it on a forum for Chinese cartoons


Great argument, Stockholm Syndrome victim.

>stallman has zero problem with free software making profit for as long as they respect the fit freedoms
>H-he's a c-c-communist
Stop using words you don't understand.

*four essential freedoms

>communists are against making a profit
Maybe you should educate yourself too, senpai?


do you even know what that word means lol

Communists hate capitalism and private property. It's right in their core ideology.

>making money from selling products and services is "capitalism and private property"
I wish all these edgy 14 year olds would stop posting on Sup Forums already.

>implying it's not
Choke on a dick, you drooling retard.

>free and open software = private property
>trading service for money = capitalism
Just kill yourself already, you ignoramus.

A service for money is capitalism your retard. Get the fuck off my website.

If you have to post about how "free" you are for using GNU/Linux and how "not free" others are, you aren't really free.

Butthurt is off the charts


cs:go runs great on gnu, I just played a few matches earlier

>inflexible, dogmatic academic who spergs out over petty legalese and hair-splitting and refuses to broach the slightest criticism of his extreme ideology
>very heavy reliance on fragile theory and "on paper" utopian ideas, handwaves doubts or skepticism with clever-sounding word games, emotional manipulation or cheap buzzwords like "freedom"
>messianic complex
>favours gang of four style melodrama over cooperatively working together with sympathetic allies
>only product other than hot air is a bloated software license that degrades the hard work of others and metastasizes like an aids virus comfortably giving its author an unwarranted sense of self-importance
>doubles down on his five year plan shit instead of admitting he's wrong (i can't even begin to describe how retarded his position is on "gpl-licensed" hardware)
>has hosted literal communists on his website
How's that for words I don't understand, user?

>freedom is more important than comfort and happiness

Also, botnet stuff literally doesnnot matter if you're a law abiding citizen.

That being said I have a second computer with Arch on it.

if by "freedom" you mean "freedom to set up more shit that i don't need" then yeah i do care more about games

sick dubs btw

>>has hosted literal communists on his website
really?! like who?
If its true that is pretty great but It's probably not.

my life is sitting in starbucks spending money i don't have on overpriced coffee, on a computer im still paying for

> my life is sitting in starbucks spending money i don't have on overpriced coffee, on a computer im still paying for with huge interest

>he thinks enjoying life is less important than living in constant paranoia over some perceived threat from "the man"

Freedom is unattainable if you're connected to the internet so you may as well have games.

>He thinks stallman's means of production sharing nonsense is freedom

I'm a normie OP, I don't care about software freedom.

How does open source software work?

I feel like there must be only two types of FOSS developers.

1.) Computer engineers who work 8 hours a day making really good money and then work EVEN MORE on free software during their downtime.

2.) They're actually people from a Star Trek-like utopian future. They don't want or need to work for money, they program software and give it for free because it's what they want to do with their life. They can just replicate any food or material thing they need.

> i will always care for you

2 is what stallman thinks everyone will eventually be, therefore denying the right to keep the source secret for easier monetization is okay and will somehow cause the replicator revolution (protip: it's gonna be proprietary and you'll still have to work and buy raw materials to feed into it)

stallman is so fucking retarded he thinks using a phone at all destroys your freedums

it's like being afraid to open a window because you'll lose some privacy

Free software is a spook, you pay for everything one way or another.


>He wants to risk the botnet starving him.

>implying law abiding citizens exist

When's the last time you made an unauthorized copy of a copyrighted work such as a movie? Or were drunk in public? Or drove faster than the speed limit? Or crossed the street against the light or without a crosswalk?

Your phone has a GPS and a microphone. It would be quite possible to have a government-controlled system that makes a record whenever it notices someone breaking the law. Then whenever they want to arrest you or fine you (perhaps for something that isn't illegal such as a political statement, your phone has a microphone remember), they can dig up some past transgression and get you for that.

you're so ignorant of what is actually going on in the world.

>implying xkeyscore isn't google for literally everything that feds can use
>implying feds don have a easy-to-use facebook portal
>implying local cops can't search for entire cellphone location records

It's possible, but ask yourself this, how likely is a person on Sup Forums going to get this treatment?

If you were in a position to spy on people, are you really going to waste resources on people who post anime girls and pony pictures, spending hours just mindlessly shitposting? Are you really going to spy on Joe Blow who posts inane shit on Facebook like his new car or whatever shit? Because if you said that you would, I would say you're not very smart. And if the US government did waste their time with shitposters and Facebookers, then honestly, I'd say their pretty retarded too.

I'm as freetard as they come and I don't see any problem with non-free games granted they don't have DRM. however the installs have to be contained/secure somehow because of shit like "muh occulus" rootkit.

>he doesn't have a dedicated computer for games and another one for work

>implying evading cell surveillance isn't piss easy

Foil bag
Drive somewhere else
Use burner phone

"Oh no, I can't go outside, then the cops could find me" - "privacy advocates" in a nutshell

what are they going to be arrested for? being commies? fucking hell

Well, you make it automated so that it spies on everybody. It wouldn't take too much processing power, and I guess if we're talking about a botnet, some of the processing could be done on people's own devices which they don't control.

That's how you catch the real terrorists! We can't let anybody slip through the cracks!

even if you don't care, as privileged people we can help create software that empower oppressed people in the world. just because you're not a freetard doesn't mean you can encourage things like tor.

as a freetard myself I don't believe we'll ever get what we want (rms utopia), but free software definitely has much more good left to do in the world and is worth defending. if you're not willing to make sacrifices then fine. i don't want to go snatch video games from kids hands, but free software has it's place and we should encourage it to be respected. just because you're not willing to make a certain level of sacrifice doesn't mean you have to shitpost about it. it is what it is.

why restrict yourself now when this isn't a reality?

I'm not a GNUcuck so I don't give a fuck. True freedom is BSD.

this guy again

It IS a reality, but you have to tick the right boxes to get caught.

For example, MS and FB use software called PhotoDNA to scan servers and computers for CP. And you have to have files that match the hashes of CP images and videos.

So if you are actually doing some shit, you will get caught.

You mean if you're putting illegal shit on MS's servers

That's like saying "if you smoke weed in the bank lobby, you will get caught"

the feds know hide the bong we have no privacy

Well, from what I understand with Windows 10, your local drives can be scanned too, but their TOS has always been really vague.

This post was adorable

I hope summer never ends

I don't even play video games and I use Windows.

name literally one good reason to use windows that doesn't involve vidya or media creation software (which most such people use appleshit for anyway)

>not just make libre games for linux yourself

Biggest reason would be better hardware compatibility. Another reason would be various software like CAD and other niche software that is only on Windows.