>he fell for the Facebook meme
(((Facebook))) collaborating with Israeli government on censorship
oy vey
Maybe this time we can prevent another shoah
nothing to see here, pure coincidence
I've been out of the loop for a while, is this a new Sup Forums shitposting meme? I see it used pretty frequently in shitty posts but I'm not really 100% sure on what it means.
Nah that's more Sup Forums
there is no stopping the lizards
((( 56582014 )))
>censor anything deemed antisemitic so zuckerberg can browse his activity feed without getting offended by angry australians calling him a stingy jew fuck
>the government of israel is maybe kind of shit
Microsoft and Google too, and not only with Israeli, China, Korea, Russia, so on.
It comes from an alt-right browser extension (name was something to do with conspiracies) that added ((( ))) around Jewish names.
I think it's funny that OP didn't add them around the words "Israeli government."
Don't you feel embarrassed posting cringey shit like echoes?
I want to go back to when the ignorant didn't wear their ignorance as a badge of honor.
Also, this thread belongs in
just like you do.
It's supposed to be an echo effect that draws attention to the fact that the subject in question is of jewish origin or under the control of a jew. Like how every time you look at the news and see some pity me article, or an article talking down to whites, you'll always see something like (((Seth Goldsteinberg))) as the author.
>Sup Forums cares about facebook now
Fuck off.
>if I spot enough memes maybe a maiden will spot me and take my virginity
>A Jew is collaborating with other Jews
Oh my god, who would've thought?
Seriously, the fuck do you expect?
.1 ISRAELBUX have been deposited into your account, thank you goyim.
That has to be a fake name.
Don't see what the big deal is. Private companies have to respect the laws of the country they wish to be active in. Google already does this in China but maybe that's not important since it's ethic Chinese people and not Jews?