Wires need to die

Wires need to die

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YOU will die far before wires do.

Is this the same guy?

We just need to learn how to reverse entropy. Then we will never have tangled wires again

The OP's one looks like a pajeet version of that one.

How does something so ugly is approved?
I thought they paid millions to their designers.


I just thought of a short horror story where apple earbuds start to strangle people. At the end we can say it was based on a true story and the real reason apple dropped the headphone jack.

Now introducing, Ear Tampons™.


Here we go with the needless shill campaign. It wasn't a topic before but Oh look a new product is out, now to shill.

Yeah, fuck wires

No... theres no way apple shills are this retarded.. I refuse to believe it.......


ffs murica stop cheapening words. holy shit.

please tell me this is fake

Thank god Apple is finally destroying wires once and for all.

How long until we get wireless power cables?

Not until the iPhone 7G plus

no the iPhone 7G plus color.. because you can never release the exact same phone enough times. Shits a big deal

Apple's strategy to fix tangling headphones problem:

>just remove them entirely

>Fixing problems that are not real


there is no remaining light in god's eyes

If only my wireless headphones had something that would attach them to the phone so I don't lose them, wouldn't that be great?

tethering them to the actual phone itself? you may have something

I can sense some innovation happening.

why the fuck did they go with this design anyway

its not like ANY of their other tech stuck to the same designs, why did they try to emulate the shitty earbuds they released in the past?

pic related is what samsung shat out, still ugly but far less ridiculous looking in ear.

also why do they only come in white?

As a fond IEM user this picture triggers me to no ends. It is the most half-assed way of using earphones, you either leave it straight down or hang it over the ear like pic related. The reason people wear IEM over the ear is because It reduces cord noise, Earpods/earbuds, unlike IEMs, have no tips to seal the ear canals so the cord noise isn't as apparent, there's no need to wear them over the ear.
This post sounds like it's pro-wireless but I am fond of wired phones, especially IEMs

What's with these 100 iShill threads?

I got you senpai

That what he gets for shit taste desu

people are really that retarded 10/10 made my day

wireless trigger blocking ear plugs

No fucking way.