How do you spot someone pretending to be a programmer to look cool?

How do you spot someone pretending to be a programmer to look cool?

>He thinks Visual Studio has more features than Vim/Emacs
>He thinks JavaScript is a holy language
>He thinks .NET is a holy language
>He's never heard of lisp

Other urls found in this thread: Success Stories

If it's lisp, it's shit

u mena haskell

>He uses Windows
>He uses microsoft products
>He uses closed source software

Stay jobless NEETfag. Maybe someday someone will program a time machine in C hashtag and you can go back to when Lisp was used.

>He raves about Node.js, MongoDB or Angular.js

I don't even use lisp, but if you've never heard of lisp you probably aren't a real programmer this is just fact.

Legit question:

Litteraly where lisp is used?

You're exactly the kind of person who pretends to be a programmer to look cool.


Mostly in schools for learning. If you've never heard of lisp it's likely you don't have a degree or a job.

>She uses Emacs with Evil mode
>She programs in Haskell+LiquidHaskell and also Agda
>She's never heard of PHP

>How do you spot someone pretending to be a programmer to look cool?

The #1 telltale sign is when an OP shit-talks languages and tools that are commonplace in industry.

#2 is posting about obscure garbage nobody cares about, usually a functional language that's not named Ocaml.

>he uses anything else than Visual Studio for C or C++
>he uses any other languages than C, C++, Java or C#
>he writes blog posts singing the gospel of functional programming but has never implemented anything non-trivial in a functional programming language

Anyone who uses C#, .NET, Java, Or Visual studio is a code monkey that makes no more than 35k/year

Cadence Virtuoso uses a dialect of lisp as its scripting language called SKILL, with all the UI stuff built on top of their layout engine using it. That's the only time I've ever bumped into lisp in the wild. It actually wasn't that terrible, although there are shitloads of parenthesis. Here's a random snippet.

;build the list of local networks
(let (xPos yPos currentNetwork dims arrDims)
;create the list of local networks
(for domain 0 (length localDimensions)-1
xPos=(cadr (nth domain globalNetworks)->arrayDimensions)+(car (nth domain globalNetworks)->position)+1 ;account for the width of the global in placement
(for network 0 (length (nth domain localDimensions))-1
dims=(nth network (nth domain localDimensions)) ;pull the dimensions once for easier accessing
arrDims=(mapcar lambda((value) value*2+1) dims) ;perform array transformation
currentNetwork=makeInstance('obj_LocalNetwork ;instantiate the network
?position (list xPos yPos)
?location (nth network (nth domain localLocations))
?dimensions dims
?arrayDimensions arrDims
?contents createArrayOfEmptyLists((list (car arrDims) (cadr arrDims)))
?name (nth network (nth domain localNames))
?parent domain ;this will need to be replaced by the actual object later
?powergated (if (nth network (nth domain gateState)) then (list (nth network (nth domain gateState)) (nth network (nth domain gateSize))) else nil)
localNetworks=(cons ;add the instance to the list of local networks
xPos=xPos+(cadr arrDims)+1 ;account for new network in placement
yPos=yPos+(car (nth domain globalNetworks)->arrayDimensions)+(cadr (nth domain globalNetworks)->position)+1 ;account for next global network
xPos=0 ;reset xPos
localNetworks=(reverse localNetworks) ;we built the list in reverse (last network is at the front)

At least they have a job with the title "programmer" unlike certain people around these parts.

>Visual Studio
>Common Place

I've literally lost my first job because Windows (and VS) wasn't allowed. Turned out I didn't really know how to program without the help of a 64 gigabyte IDE. Boy was I stupid.

Clojure is becoming pretty popular. See its success page: Success Stories

Common Lisp was used in DART (logistics application used in Gulf War I), ITA's airline pricing software, NASA used Lisp Machines, the flight system in the 747 next, AutoCAD, the list goes on.

Yeah, you're not writing a CRUD app in Lisp. But did you really want to spend your days writing CRUD apps?


>He frogposts elitist bullshit about "real languages"

Java is one of the most in demand, high paying languages out there. Are you retarded?

Also, TIL there are even junior roles that pay under $50K. I've never even heard of someone in the United States taking a programming job paying less than that.

The market is really flooded right now though. Java devs are a dime a dozen. Lots of pajeets code for less than minimum wage.

Languages Like JavaScript and Go are much more lucrative and fulfilling.

> Not allowed at my job, therefore not commonplace.

On top of your stupid logic, you blamed your own shortcomings as a programmer on your fucking tools? Jesus christ, I guess that's #3, since real programmers can adapt to new environments and challenges without getting fired over it.

>>The market is really flooded right now though
No, no it is not

>Visual Studio is basically an industry standard, whether its better or not.
>JS is also pretty standard in industry
>industry standard
>I never heard of lisp till Sup Forums. My university went from phrogram to C#. Before uni I learnt C++.

What are you neet?

How did anything you said prove OP wrong?

Industry standard doesn't make VS better than Vim/Emacs

Industry standards don't make JS and .NET "holy languages". (although, hardly anyone uses .NET anymore for new projects).

Anyone who has programmed professionally will likely have heard of lisp in college.

Sounds like you're just getting triggered.

What I'm trying to say is if people will pay you to do it, your basically a programmer.
Doesn't matter if you have shit opinions if your still paid to do it.

.NET isn't a holy language it's utter shit.

I don't care. Slow down and read.

.NET isn't even a fucking language you speragasaurus rex

This. No true Scottsman.

>If you've never heard of lisp it's likely you don't have a degree or a job.
Sadly Lisp is not being taught anymore. Chances are if you ever heard anything about Lisp at uni it was during some PL history class or in some antique AI book. Only oldfarts and NEETs know about Lisp now a days.

I would rather be a legend at the fuckin' bank than a legendary programmer.

>>He thinks Visual Studio has more features than Vim/Emacs
This is true
>>He thinks JavaScript is a holy language
Go is better but Javascript is really good.
>>He thinks .NET is a holy language
It's only used for legacy apps
>>He's never heard of lisp
What's lisp? (clearly I'm trolling, of course I've heard of lisp)

>he uses vim instead of vi

Vi doesn't exist