What do you android curry lovers have to say for yourselves?

the god tier programmers hate android and develop for apple first. because their platform is actually good.

Can confirm. Tried developing for android got fucking frustrated. Bought an iPhone, learned swift, two apps in the store. Android is a waste of time and a fucking headache Apple makes it a breaze to pump out beautiful, functional apps for their entire ecosystem

I don't give a damn about shitty bideo games. Tell me when someone develops the equivalent of Clover on iOS, if Apple even lets them.

What is clover and why would anyone give a fuck? iPhone has competent web browser that doesn't need 14000 web apps wrapped in JavaScript for 99 cents

Only until Hiroshima decides to ban iOS user agents.

call me when you can browse /gif/ or /wsg/ xDDD

>makes a game creator app that uses sonic,Mario and mega man assets.

>completely free

>try to upload it to the App Store

>Hey there John we're sorry we couldn't allow your app. It violates copyright but here at Apple we encourage creativity! Think Differently.

>upload it for android where anyone can install it.

It might be harder but Apple can remove your app with no reason. It's like YouTube.

>What is clover
Dumb iCuckold.


>it's another Sup Forums reacts to twitter episode

keep it there, please

And the fees are only 100$ a year.

>that visible framerate lag

>what is clover
You don't belong here

Of course it looks shitty on a 30fps video.

He is too poor to buy xamarin. Carmack is nobody in 2016 just another bethesda cocksucker.

I'm an Android dev who currently has to make an iPhone app. Seriously xcode is the most retarded IDE on the planet. It's probably nice to click your shit together, but if you actually know what you want to achieve it's a nightmare.

Or syncthing, for that matter

>Implying that the tweet shows actual dislike rather than venting about a minor inconvenience
>Implying that it shows anything about his opinion of ios devices, let alone a preference for them
>Implying Carmack's opinion must be absolute truth
>Implying all of the above for ALL "god-tier programmers"
3/10, made me reply. Try harder.

Nice description of most iPhone apps right there fampai

That is a barefaced lie. I have developed for both the iPhone and Android, and Xcode is a better IDE.

We can laugh at the sheep-like and cult-like mentality of the iFans, the retarde- I mean the courage of Apple to remove the 3.5mm headphone jack, but be fair: Xcode is good.

>Xcode is good.

Wtf? Xcode is stupid. Fuck autolayout. Fuck how slow it is. Fuck it's constant freezing and crashing. Fuck it's long deployment times. The xml editor is worse than pen and paper, and yes it makes sense to code layouts in xml if setting constraints is as retarded as in xcode. What about basic ui elements like a search field with a drop down for the search results? In Android this takes about 2 minutes, because everything exists already, programmed by Google themselves so it WILL work and it WILL follow their guidelines. Xcode is fucking stupid, buggy, laggy and unfinished. Android studio is thousands of times better

And yet you still can't play webms

Yeah fuck xcode, it's slow as fuck. Scrolling is laggy and buggy. Also it's pretty shit in a 2 monitor setup. And interface designer is horrible to work with. Android studio is at least responsive but of course visual studio is the best. Shame no-one uses it cos who develops for windows phone right?

Apple is a dream to work for and with. $100 a year and you're set. Great ecosystem and foundation. Much better income too as it's more locked down and secure. Anyone on Android can get your .apk if they just enable unknown sources. Bam, free app for them. This is possible on a jailbroken iPhone, but it's not an issue as it is on Android. Also, Apple expects quality and enforces it. The community does too. If you don't make a well designed app, you'll fall. This allows for a much better experience for the customer in every aspect.

Google just suggests you use materiel design guidelines. Android is better if you play to the strengths of it and how power user friendly it is. For example, the Clover app for 4chins which is not allowed on Apple. It's not allowed on Android either, but it's extremity easy to install apks. This gives you all the freedoms you want. Such as making porn apps. Not to mention making apps that use root access. You can do powerful things. However, good luck getting any income out of it due to freetards. Lots of Android devices out there and a lot of users would rather not pay unlike iOS where it's normal, not like you have a choice. Also much harder to support each manufacturer on Android not to mention each phone type and their unique features. Samsung being one of the worst to deal with. iOS you have normal and plus versions, most people are on the latest iPhone, and most are probably on the latest iOS version. The ones that aren't are handled for you anyways.

Android studio is pretty good now. Xcode is better, but I wish they released it outside of macOS. I strongly believe it would seriously damage Android because right now only users of Macs have access unless you count a shitty VM.

Overall, Apple is better. Android is great if you plan to do hardcore apps to take advantage of it or ones that are not allowed ie porn, but good luck with profit. You can give away your apk too making it 100% free to start out and get your name out.

>Apple is a dream to work
Since it's locked down, the future of the platform is always questionable.

Stop trying to write file descriptors there and catch your exceptions then you idiot.

>Anyone on Android can get your .apk if they just enable unknown sources. Bam, free app for them.
Then you have failed as a developer if you actively want to prevent this.

>Catching RuntimeException

Xcode is shit

Wow, how dare a platform prevent me from writing shit code! ANDROID SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!

Carmack is just an autistic hack. People think he's godly because he used some binary operators and memory tricks in Doom. Meanwhile he's stumped by a trivial fucking error that's solved by moving some code around.

Android actively prevents you from making basic mistakes that'd cause the program to fuck up unless you explicitly state that you know what you're doing. If you can't wrap your head around that concept, then you're a pajeet-tier "coder"

Also i can sideload any app I want with Xcode.

This tripfag still posts on Sup Forums?

Didn't he get caught shilling certain computer component from big named brands cause he was paid to do so in his pc building jaypegs?

If user is apple two guys then print i smile shit hands


What? Why do people say these things and not give backstory or information? Seems like a big deal, especially to Sup Forums. Then again it's full of shills. Ironic shitposting is still shitposting. Problem is they think it's funny, but it ends up ruining things and gives the company free workers.

If user is Apple fag then, "I eat shit from my hands"

>admit it. xcode is good.
room temperature IQ tripfag detected

Android isn't exactly the most pleasant platform to develop software for, but at least you don't have to ask permission to distribute software for it. If Google doesn't like what I'm making, I can distribute through F-Droid, the Amazon Store, the Samsung Store, or just distribute the .apk outright. If Apple doesn't like what you're distributing, you don't have much in the way of alternative distributions unless you're only going to target jailbreakers.

What's wrong with curry? It's healthy if you cook it right.
Also Android is used throughout Europe and the US

Dont fall for the botnet guys