How do you read your .epubs? Atril is garabijiru

How do you read your .epubs? Atril is garabijiru

My nook simple touch glow.




My kindle paperwhite 3.

Is it simplicity, functionality, just werks? What sold you on it?

Sounds expensive


the fact that it's free software and just werks

Cool Reader on F-Droid is quite nice, many options.

OP here. Please start fighting about this...

FBReader on Android (the version from F-Droid) and Calibre on Windows. I am unfortunately very picky on what I consider acceptable document rendering.

Aldiko Premiun.

I know there are better substitutes but I'm used to it.

converted to mobi on my kindle

I use regular old Aldiko and have no problems whatsoever, what am I missing?

FBReader on my phone, calibre on my laptop

I tried using FBReader on the laptop but I couldn't get used to the interface, somehow the mobile version is much better

i googled epub reader and first thing i found was calibre. works great and looks good if you change the icons

I don't remember anymore. There were some differences but it has been about 2 years since I upgraded.

I meant more about better substitutes part? What do they do that Aldiko doesn't? I just want to open the book and read it with a dark background, what else could a application do that you need or could use?


Moon+ Reader Pro on my Android-powered devices, works fine for me, never had issues.

FBReader from F-Droid on Replicant, Calibre on desktop.

Anyone know a good way to read PDFs on Kindle touch? I tried converting them using calibre and I got a total mess. And yes, I'm jailbroken