what is the best cpu with single thread performance without being stupid money.
what do you prefer? tons of cores or low cores?
what are the pro and cons of each
what is the best cpu with single thread performance without being stupid money.
what do you prefer? tons of cores or low cores?
what are the pro and cons of each
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Looks like you accidentally entered your search query into Sup Forums instead of google.
I like Intel I3 processors.
>low heat output
>4 threads
>can be upgraded to an i7 cheap after 3-4 years
I'm not even a poorfag, I just appreciate good value.
Less stronger cores are usually better than more weaker cores though
i7 6700k takes the cake for single thread vs monies, and it can really do _anything_ you'd need it to
they have a low speed compared to the 5 or 7
what about single thread not vs monies?
what would you suggest?
i need more power.
It all dpeends on what kind of software you are running. On most use cases 2 cores is good enough, anything above 4 is completely useless and single-thread performance is the most important thing.
Fastest i3 is the i3-6320 I think @ 3.9 Jigahertz.
You can squeeze a little more with BCLK.
>I3 3100, 3.7ghz
>I5 6400, 2.7ghz, turbo 3.1ghz
Oh wow such low speeds.
Kill yourself you fucking idiot.
arma 3
>inb4 kill yourself
i've heard it relies on single thread power.
that actually seems like quite a good one for the price, thanks for the rec.
yea that's the cpu i'd really like to get but its a bit expensive for me. i was hoping to find something that comes close without being almost $400.
I used to have an i5-4460 , that ran Arma 3 pretty well
Get an fx8350 brah, really good multicore performance really cheap
whats does the rest of your build look like?
and what does pretty well look like to you?
i'm actually looking for better single thread performance instead of multi core as arma isn't really optimized well. thanks though,
This, or AMD fx.
IT was an old build, it was a i5-4460,970 gpu. 32gb ram.
Ran the game off a hdd not my ssd. It ran solid between 35-45 fps on multiplayer, the single player managed 60 fps.
Swapped out the cpu and gpu for the 4790k and a 1080.
The old rig I had pretty much the settings turned right up.
Arma 3 MP is slow for everyone, since it relies a lot on the server perf.
ie. KOTH is pretty much ~40 fps regardless of rig.
that one seems really good for the money but 3.2ghz seems kinds low, i3-4370 is a bit faster at 3.8 but i'm not sure if the 4 threads would hurt it rather than help it.
amd fx which?
sounds pretty sweet, i might get that because its pretty cheap, but do you think the i3-4370 would get better performance? it rates higher on the single core power chart on cpubenchmark.net
also how does your old card preform on newer games like battlefield 4 and such?
Fx4350 overclocked to 5.2ghz
you can overclock the g3258 to 4.2ghz~ on the stock cooler.. and even higher with a nice cooler ($25-35) and a decent motherboard.
absolutely not.
5.2ghz quad cor is better than 4ghz duel core u idiot
well memed
Im not sure vs the 4370, but it was a great cpu. Handled all games with no problems.
I literally swapped as I had some money and upgraded it and the gpu.
I actually sold the i5 for £15 less than what it originally cost me and Id used it for nearly 20 months daily!
AMD has a more efficient architecture compared to Intel thanks to CMT.
arma 3 cant use 4 cores properly
oh sweet but do you think 2 threads is better for what i want vs 4 threads?
both CPUs i'm looking at are dual core but the i3 has 4 threads and the one you suggested has 2.
if all you're doing is single-thread stuff then the G3258 at 4GHz+ is unbeatable for the price.
core for core it beats the 6950x
>under embargo
sorry i ddint mean the 4370 i meant the i3-6320
i'm really not sure what to buy
the one you suggested seems great but the 6320 seems like the best for arma 3 but i'm not sure how it can handle other games.
arma3 only really uses two cores, no need for four threads.
Get a 5960x and overlcock it to 4.5Ghz, while pairing it with 3200mhz DDR4. Then you have great single threaded AND great multithreaded performance. Pic related, it's my richfag build.
Background tasks in the OS WILL SLOW YOUR 2 CORES DOWN YOU IDIOT.
Get the fx4350 and overclock it
no richfag would have a case with odd bays
the 4350 doesn't even have four actual physical cores like an i5 does
it's two modules that share a fpu for each "core"
it's essentially an i3, but with way worse single core performance. way, way worse.
It's a quad core with 2 FPUs you idiot. Arma 3 relies on integer processing where AMD is superior than your shit dual core
>quad core
>two modules
>two cores per module
>they share a fpu
if you think that's a full blown core you're a goddamn retard lmao
Define a CPU core.
okay so
or g3258
i7 3770 for $200, then overclock it 4.3ghz with a Z motherboard (almost 4.5 if you mess with base clocks). Best bang for the buck because intel didn't start nerfing non-k cpu until haswell and up.
>tfw got an e5-1650 v2 for 160$ with shipping clocked at 4.4ghz.
Stock voltages even, feels good man.
I play arma 3 on i5 6500 absolutley fine. MP is perfectly playable too
>i've heard it relies on single thread power.
It does.
>single thread performance
It's 2016, parallelize your programs already.
get a mobo that has the highest bus speed you autistic fuck.
>falling for 80's hurr durr so mny cores u guys and look at all these ghz!!!11 hype
it doesn't matter if you have a fucking i7 if it only has pcie 2.0 slots.
get a mobo that can take ddr-4 3400
then get a cpu that has that bus speed, it will be infinately faster than an older machine with slower bus but higher ghz/cores
>what is the best cpu with single thread performance
NSA iSpy Snowden
>parallelize your programs
Adobe Photoshop still single core (mostly)