Hey Sup Forums
I am learning to program webpages and program css
A guy told me to learn I need to make a "fizzbuz" because its a good way to start. Is there a way to make this "fizzbuz" in webpage and css?
Hey Sup Forums
bait thread
what I'd like to know is whether you're a butthurt webdev or a smug cs student?
I think this is actually possible. I'm on my phone right now otherwise I'd attempt it.
Make a div and inside that div place 100 divs with a number inside each one (1, 2, 3, ...). Then with CSS, you can do something like, div.container::nth-child(15n) {
content: 'fizzbuzz';
And so on.
yes fckn bait shit
what the hell are you talking about? what the hell you did write there?
1. HTML and CSS is not programming
2. Learn HTML and CSS
3. Learn JS and if needed PHP
4. Thats all you need, nothing else
5. You're a fgt
CSS and HTML is Turing complete.
Css has an n-th child feature which you can use to filter for your fizzbuzz conditionals
>CSS and HTML is Turing complete
Err... yes, actually. Separately, they are not turing complete. Together, however, they have been used to implement a Rule 110 cellular automaton, which is known to be turing complete.
Yes, you code and compile it first in Photoshop
Explain to me how they are turing complete, i.e. how they together satisfy the criteria.
Don't give me an example because that doesn't prove anything.
you didn't answer my question
>being this edgy
Must be mad op knowing his thread failed miserably
not OP, I'm just waiting for you to put forth a reasonable argument to support your claim that CSS and HTML are turing complete, which so far you haven't.
>im so edgy i have to argue about the trueness of a fact because he didnt spoonfeed me and i cant comprehend wikipeda
>I won't provide proof to my argument because I know it's false :DDDD
>I'll ignore any proof handed to me and claim there wasn't any
Guy is fucking autist
This is the rule110 automaton: eli.fox-epste.in
You can reduce Turing machine to Tag system, Tag system to Cycic Tag system, and Rule 110 to Cyclic tag to Rule 110.
Asshown in and wolframscience.com
Holy shit, web devs are fucking retarded.
Enjoy pretending to your friends you know shit, because no one on Sup Forums is fooled.
> you guys
Yep, just use javascript tags in your html
document.body.innerHtml = "hello world ! ";
he said html and css fuking RETARD
Can you point out where he mentioned HTML?