Hosting a net

Any recommendations on a good provider for hosting a net would be

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I've been hosting a botnet for a month now using scanners but they dont like if you bruteforce any routers/servers so no LRAB


Nice, any recommended programs to use on there? don't wanna get on their bad side ha

Not really aslong as you dont use LRAB scanner.
I use a python scanner myself and a perl script
to get bots back if they die

>not being the sole master
>only 310 slaves

>old pic

how many do you have and what do you do with them?

875 going up every second, and mostly for DDoS :^)

DDoS what?

How do you spread your malware?

DDoS game servers, people and websites.
Also i scan with python scanner's from specific range of IP's that have a weak login once the server is in that IP's router or server it executes a wget command that infects the router/server

that sounds like bullshit.
prove you have 800 slaves

The scanner is coded in python

bring that number to over 800 if you really have 800 slaves (increases by one for every request). You have 60 seconds after the first time it goes over 3 (which is the current value).

Public torrents :^)

what can you do with routers? you can't make the computers do anything

F-Secure saying thats not a trusted site :/

it's a counter image that's blocked because of tracking I think

and the count is now 4. you have 60 seconds to make all your slaves request it.

You can make the router's send packets to another router or server

basically returns a number as an image

what software is that in the background?

Well i need the site's specific port for that room.. otherwise every packet will go to the main site

you said you could wget anything? Just wget the URL for each slave

Mobaxterm :)

how do you get ssh access? I can understand getting the vulnerable routers, but actual ssh access to servers? I'd guess you add your key to the list of keys in the machine, but how would you do that?

wget is a download command.

I know. run

wget ""

in each machine

The code in the python scanner does it automatically.
Up to 1k

Ok i will try that lmao

Post the code then :P

Are you a script kiddie?

I wonder how many of those servers are honeypots


>I know. run
>wget ""
>in each machine
Nope doesnt work id need a command that joins the site.

timestamp on the same paper or gtfo

lamo nice try fag

Sure i can post the code :)


what is this program that you're using to manage your slaves?

Anyone got a decent source for scanning and infecting?

Here's the scanner's source.

a RAW connection to the server's C&C room where the bots are waiting for commands



I once found a UDP flood script, or something similar.

I put it on my vps and set it to my home IP, it was dead as soon as I hit enter, fun times.

change DNS records,

Thats where i started :^)

I really need to start learning how to program my own scripts. I have a spare vps so I should probably do something with it.

you can check public sources :)

Made my own SSH scanner in 1.5 hours :)

It's happily brute-forcing its way through 64478 IPs in Arizona

What's the range are you using?


Picked something in random from

Very nice

do you remember this site, i drew what I can remember. it was black and green

I think it was online at least over 5 years ago, I know its a long shot, but you might know it.

it was sort of like the Anarchist Cookbook and it also had other strange stories (from memory)

Going to try that out with LRAB

Come on man, get your own range :P

halp plz

You saved it as .sh it's python, yum install python -y yum install python-paramiko -y
Or if it's apt do apt-get install python
apt-get install python-paramiko and save the scanner as .py
I might gotta go soon so feel free to PM me in HF(hackforums) username:nipsu


Bruteforcing edgelords : The thread

That reminds me of:

Where can someone with little knowledge about this area like me learn more?