How come so many of you guys get mad when people post beautiful terminals and Linux desktops? Is it because Microsoft is paying you to discourage this type of behavior because it makes Windows look bad?
How come so many of you guys get mad when people post beautiful terminals and Linux desktops...
Ever heard of the expression "putting makeup on a pig"?
Yeah, it's what Apple does.
aha xd well mem'ayd
Linux is better than Windows.
For people who had any interest in this stuff it gets extremely old seeing the exact same comptoni3animepaperweechat shit over and over and over.
Because we've seen them a billion times, and it's usually the same 5 individuals circle jerking to their anime + terminal shit.
That font is ugly as fuck.
Woah, everyone in this thread is retarded and biased as fuck in every which direction.
People get angry at you just for posting a terminal. Someone is paying them. They don't want people to use the terminal for some reason.
switch to Rust immediately.
For ricing your desktop, sure, not for doing actual work. Why should I have to run industry standard software through Wine when it just werks on Windows?
And before you respond to me, please Google what industry standard is. Gimp is not industry standard.
Industry standard for what exactly?
Linux is an industry standard for many fields, maybe just not yours (because you do useless shit).
>he's an office secretary that runs MS office
This is a programming community. Please leave.
Ive take my visual love to lainchan
These retards here barely post technology any fucking way
Music, photography, design, art, 3D work, basically everything that's not related to IT?
I've actually been getting a lot of use out of libreoffice and just exporting to pdf rather than worrying about crossover to the recipients office program
>Google what industry standard is
So stuff related to graphic design? Are you a woman?
Blender is one of the best 3D editors out there. It's won multiple awards and been used in multiple feature films and it's FOSS.
Beats being a permavirgin who's going to be a code monkey their entire life
There is a significant amount of high value engineering done on Linux based systems.
Science? For music even amiga can be a good tool. We krita, blender. The tools are here.
>And before you respond to me, please Google what industry standard is.
Ableton Live is industry standard, Pro Tools, Cubase, Adobe Creative Suite. Not Krita.
I've already had sex literally thousands of times with women who could be models. Not even lying. I'm also a neckbeard.
>music industry
Enjoy being poor and having STDs because only whores will fuck you. I'm taking womens virginity on the reg bro.
So nothing of value
I do love this elitism that you can only find from analytical thinkers who don't have any creativity. You are an incomplete human being by the way.
>Industry standard may refer to:
>A technical standard used in technical contexts
>A technical standard is an established norm or requirement in regard to technical systems. It is usually a formal document that establishes uniform engineering or technical criteria, methods, processes and practices. In contrast, a custom, convention, company product, corporate standard, etc. that becomes generally accepted and dominant is often called a de facto standard.
What are you referring to is called de-facto standard.
Or science.
I can't tell if people in this thread are ironically being retarded and trying to trigger each other or you autists are serious. I honestly can't tell anymore
You're projecting. If you were a programmer you'd realize how creative programming actually is.
Hey bro do you use reaper? Just out of curiosity. I used ableton but I hear reaper is pretty good and it's cheap.
It's literally just text. We had this stuff in 70s. While terminal may be great, it belongs to a rarely-called window now. Time to move on.
I'd appreciate it if you didn't shit on high art.
>paying for software
Hows it feel to be literally cucked?
How can people who consider themselves creative artist justify using proprietary software?
"Herp derp I need it though" A true artist would create art from scratch, not depend on some technicians proprietary instrument implementation.
It's like if Van Gogh had just bought a printer.
install os x now or i will hack u
that's such a shit analogy...
And yet most programmers aren't that creative though. Let's not pretend that people who program should even be allowed out of their house. You should be stripped of all freedoms and live your life programming for the rest of society. You aren't people. I'm dead serious that I would do this if I had the power.
Are you literally retarded? The terminal is the most useful tool on a computer. Anyone who doesn't constantly have a terminal open isn't a real programmer and doesn't belong on Sup Forums or any other tech enthusiast forums.
I bet you have ten different GUIs for something you could do in one terminal window you pleb.
use english as your system language like a normal person
but isn't the unix philosophy about having 10 different programs instead of one?
So you're threatened by us? I would fuck your gf irl broo. But lets be honest, you have a sissy bf.
Nope, I use Ableton, it was the first DAW I tried out so I just stuck with it
>I don't know what torrents are
Windows now supports bash (which has been cross-platform since forever), so Microsoft is hyping this as a tremendous new feature.
Wincuck fanbois and shills who still whine about having to touch a command line simply aren't up to date with the company's current talking points.
Bash has always been awesome, though.
>he pirates cracked software and gets viruses
Chinese, Russians, Americans, and Blackhat hackers all have your bank info btw.
>Because we love know writers make their own paper
>Painters make all of their own equipment
>Musicians build their own instruments
>programmers build their own chipset and gpu
Also reaper is like 60 bucks
commercial license is like 200
>airline unicode fonts
into the trash it goes
The linux philosophy is "Laugh in the face of danger".
>beautiful terminals
>github logo in the prompt
ugly as sin too
How does this make sense to you? People specialize in their jobs. That's the reason everyone does learn how to do everyone else's job. How the shit am I going to practice my cello I'm I'm building a program to record the fucking thing with?
Almost no one is threatened by programmers but that has nothing to do with why you should be on shackles and kept from civilized society.
bash has always been shit, zsh, ksh or fish thanks.
Post something you think looks good.
What a gay philosophy
function > form
You don't need half the shit in that screenshot, and especially not the ugly solarized coloring.
>high art
ten four
Post something you think looks good.
just quoting Linus Torvalds.
an insult to osx
(You):// I know cd and ls, time for something more hipster.
A single terminal with white on black text in it's own window, decent (read. not anime) wallpaper, a desktop with few but essential icons.
Looks good, is functional, and it's not OS dependent.
man you were going quite strong and i was on your side but you blew it here
Sup Forums was always about inane comments. This board shares the same brotherhood mentality of Sup Forums and Sup Forums. Nobody actually hates it, it's just shitposting out of necessity.
icons are for people who don't know how to use a file manager or shell.
literal meme shells
can i post my linux screenshot in here ?
vimrc....toprc...terminal profiles...
color scheme for each use.
How am I doing lads?
>mouse is too convenient, I use outdated tools so other people think I'm a hacker
>color schemes
Fruity fucking gfaggot.
I'mplying that is what I was talking about
Bill Tyson?
Good actually
A nice simple shell prompt without ohmyzsh garbage and gitmeme icons
That's a good shell, unlike the faggot sjw op shell
black on white color scheme master race
You can use the mouse in the terminal you retard.
I have a browser permanently at fullsize in the background making it the de facto desktop, what does that make me
You probably aren't even a real programmer. Every professional IDE has multiple themes built in. Most professional text editors and terminals do to. kys.
>look at me tiling this window ignoring all the free space on the right
your workflow is shit
wrong webm
You can use the mouse in the terminal you retard.
I use exclusively the default colored text on white themes.
> using a TWM with a mouse driven browser
>Doesn't post his workflow
Go away shill. It's clearly better than yours or you would have. kys.
Syntax highlighting in vim..yeah, totally not useful..deffault fg/bg color to make the hightlighting stand out...yeah, just faggotry.
forgot $LS_COLORS.
Different color for each filetype.
Making that file in the wrong directory, or the types your looking for, stand out. That's just silly.
>muh workflow
>muh maximum efficiency anime browsing and hello world written in brainfuck
There's nothing wrong with that you shill.
Windows sucks. VS locks up whenever you copy/paste.
Stay a virgin.
Except it defeats the entire purpose of TWM's which is not to have to use the mouse.
Now please accuse me of shilling free software again you stupid fuck.
>all that wasted space
>giant huge window decorations
>light vim colorscheme
>that font
ITT: Butthurt color blind fags.
Notice how you refuse to post anything you think is better?
It's because your OS is shittier than mine.
The purpose of tiling is to tile you retard. You can use it however you want.
Let's see your desktop. Oh wait you won't post it because you're an MS shill.
Visual Studio is 65 gigabytes installed btw.
Beautiful terminals are against the unix philosophy
I use linux and openbsd, idiot.
beautiful terminals are against unix philosophy
OpenBSD is shit and so is Windows.
You refuse to post a screenshot because your desktop is probably horrid looking. You're scared to get judged.