What NAS configuration do people on Sup Forums use for backups, media, hentai etc?

What NAS configuration do people on Sup Forums use for backups, media, hentai etc?


raid 5 or if poorfag raid 1

no NAS, just a 3tb ext hdd that isnt working properly anymore.
Never buy fucking ext hdd's

I don't know about you guys, but as for me, I eventually realized that with all my hentai I had saved, when I wanted to masturbate, I would still browse for more. Rarely ever did I even look at what I already had, and if I did, it was usually to make sure it was all there.
Thus, I stopped saving hentai. It was strange at first, even difficult. But now I feel much better for it.
My backups are only documents, which don't take up much space.

old z97 board with an i5, 16gb ram, 2x pcie sata cards, 2x 60gb ssds, 4x 6tb wd reds, 4x 4tb wd reds, freenas

this but I haven't stopped

I have a porn hoarding problem

Take the leap, my friend.

Some Dell mini PC I bought at Best Buy like a year or so ago with a 4TB drive hooked to it, VPN'd, SSL'd.

I run samba, remote transmission and owncloud on it. Works for me.

Suppose I want to have my porn collection on some network storage and I also want it encrypted.
I also want fast access to it when I want to.

What's the best solution here?

Currently, I use VeraCrypt with a local encrypted volume.

Modded it to 8gb rampower, and put 3 x 3tb WD reds in as raid 5, plus a single Samsung F1 as disposable cache/BT buffer.

Also runs my znc, DNS, mail, transmission and personal music webplayer.

Freenas. Jails are great. RaidZ3 also.

I pool old drives of different sizes with StableBit Drive Pool. I know it's not Sup Forums's cup of tea because it's a paid software (one time license) and Windows only.

freenas will do what you want. i run it in a vm in esxi and then pass through the sata controllers, but you can run it straight on the metal no problem.
freenas also has a plugin system which is really easy to use if you're new to bsd/*nix. you can use this to install emby (think of this as your own personal netflix), couchpotato and sonarr (movie and tv organizers / downloaders), and transmission and/or samnzbd (torrent and usenet clients).
do not use desktop drives though otherwise you'll be constantly rma'ing them. wd reds or blacks are what you want.

nas is for faggots, use a real fucking server you poorfag piece of shit

Go on, continue to explain.....

Arch with ZFS. 4x3TB WD Red drives in RAID-Z1.

>for a use case that's meant to be the epitome of reliable and stable

I know it's mostly just because I'm not familiar with it, but FreeNAS/jails/ZFS storage/permissions are so fucking obtuse and complicated. I was pulling my hair out all weekend trying to figure it out before just going back to a Debian install for my NAS. I don't get as many cool (mostly needless for me) features but it's just so simpler.

I don't know who designed the web UI for FreeNAS but they need to get someone to streamline the most basic tasks so they don't require multi-page tutorials to set up that don't even work because they omit implied steps that you have to already know about to know you needed to do. The official documentation is both comprehensive and deeply unhelpful.

yep, that was not my brightest idea. At the time, it was the only place I could get ZFS working outside of FreeBSD. It has been running fine for a few years, though.

I use a 5 bay Synology since I have enough cash but not enough time to fuck around with non-ezmode admin shit.

Would recommend.

i thought this was an edit,i was wrong

Why can I say, I like to live dangerously.

I fry bacon shirtless.

Besides, it's not like I actually care about the TBs of porn I have there.

Currently using an HP DL160 G5 with 4x2TB in Raid-Z.
Using FreeNAS with jails running iRedMail, Plex, Nagios, TS3, Ventrilo, and Mumble.

Still on the to do list are DNSMasq and a Matlab parallel computing node.

I often look for new stuff, but I regularly go back to stuff I already have. And I know that from time to time I'll remember something I haven't seen in two years and want that specifically, right then. I don't know how novelty-seeking you have to be to never ever want to go back to your favorites.

Anyway I have a server running on my old Nehalem board that stores it. ZFS with five mirror vdevs, all 2x3TB drives. I set up a Samba share to access it on my other machines.

bunch of drives with ZFS and tarsnap.
Nothing special and cheap but works.

4x2T disks in my desktop, btrfs raid1

i run arch on 6 production servers and they're perfectly stable

running arch on a stack of raspberry pi's doesn't count senpai