>Tfw Snowden movie comes out on Friday
Will Sup Forums love it?
>Tfw Snowden movie comes out on Friday
Will Sup Forums love it?
>loving the russian agent, traitor
Sup Forums is turning into shit. Holy fuck.
>including a Rubik's cube to make him look smart
I already hate it.
Go away NSA.
Is that the kid from 3rd rock?
Lol. Not sure if troll or just enjoy getting spied on. Fuck the government.
The record has been corrected
>oh no, the government of the most powerful country on this planet is treating it's people exactly like they deserve
Get fucking real, kiddo. In today's world the global surveillance is necessary for the homeland security. You should be fucking grateful for the government that's keeping you safe from the isis structures in the US. Surveillance is the only way to keep you safe.
He actually did use a Rubik's cube to smuggle SD cards in real life.
>Sup Forums is genuinely retarded enough to believe snowden isn't a media hoax
>oh no, the govt uses public data voluntarily shared by the people
>oh uh, fuck the government!
You're all pathetic.
>implying terrorists wouldn't use encryption.
Surveillance is pointless. There's encryption. And you can't forbid math.
You can't, but you can supply them with weakened implementation of encryption that can be broken anytime.
>Doesn't know about the rubick cube smiggling
kill yourself my man
Yeah sounds great
>inb4 they use their own because they aren't braindead
>inb4 any hacker has access to anything because the general public is retarded
Good plan.
Supply? They would use their own software... You don't even need software. There's AES and RSA, you can literary generate keys without computer using just pen and paper. You encrypt in the same way. Then, you can send your encrypted text using a netcat, or just even fucking post in Facebook. You get, what I mean.
>they aren't braindead
You'd be surprised.
>ironically being anti-NSA
kys Bernarry tards
this trailer is hilarious
>enjoying the fact that other people watch your every move
this actually looks pretty good
it is .. and i love it
I will probably watch it, but I'm not sure about how accurate it is.
Nevertheless, it's an interesting topic.
This stupid normie does not even cover his webcam, yet he gets to have sex with a girl, fuck this movie, fuck western nedia, fuck this world.
No thanks I'll just watch Citizenfour again.
I will pirate and check it out.
2bh I haven't watched many movies in the last years.
I just shitpost and listen to music while at home.
>being this much of a cuck
isnt it time for you to go and prep your bull
Why not both?
Do you really think trump will close all those surveillance programs?
I remember when this nignog obongo was elected for the first time. Sup Forums was screaming CHANGE, THIS WILL CHANGE EVERYTHING and then they got cuck'd once again.
This will happen again.
Maybe thinking about seeing it.
Nice, NSA is in full damage control mode. Stay mad.
honestly though this guy shouldn't be lifted as some sort of hero. he betrayed his country and gave secrets to other nations. more than likely money involved to begin with. he can't be the only employee who had a "spine" or "heart" out of all the 10000s of others. more than likely he just won the lottery ticket and was chosen by a enemy nation to bring some data. if his case was legit there would be 100s if not a 1000 other people like him who would of 'done the right thing' fuck people who adore this guy
Short of total revolution nothing will change
Even then we would end up much worse off in the short tern
These are civilization level growing pains
You sound like you are very sexually repressed
Okay NSA
I like the wall trump is going to build.
I am free on weekends
You really think Trump could ever build the wall even if he really wanted to? (He doesn't)
I thought he sold out when he criticized wikileaks for leaking hillary's stuff
It looks so phenomenally bad. I'll watch it, but I don't expect much.
Because recent Oliver Stone films have been pretty underwhelming.
>he can't be the only employee who had a "spine" or "heart" out of all the 10000s of others.
Thomas Drake?
William Binney?
If the trailer is anything to go by it looks pretty shitty. It's not just that the tech stuff was written and set up by the same people who set up that NCIS double keyboard hacking scene, but also that literally the actors all seem to be pretty shit at playing their roles along with terrible writing and cinematography work in general.
Oliver Stone is known to be a pretty hit-and-miss type director and this is probably one of his misses.
Is Edward Snowden a hero or a traitor? I don't care. Why? Because it is the wrong question. The Snowden narrative matters mostly to White House officials trying to deflect attention from government overreach and deception, and to media executives in search of an easy storyline to serve a celebrity-obsessed audience.
For the rest of us, the questions seem to be:
>Are the two programs revealed by Snowden legal and constitutional?
>What else is the government doing to invade our privacy? Until a few days ago, paranoids were people who claimed Washington had cast a vast electronic net over our communications. Who isn't a bit paranoid now?
>Why did the U.S. government for years debunk what they called a myth about the National Security Agency seizing electronic data from millions of Americans?
>Why did the leader of the U.S. intelligence community mislead Congress in March by answering a question about the program in the "least untruthful manner" -- a phrase that would make George Orwell cringe.
>Why do Democratic lawmakers who criticized President Bush for exploiting the post-9/11 Patriot Act now defend President Obama for curbing civil liberties?
>Why do Republicans who defended Bush now chastise Obama for ruthlessly fighting terrorists?
>Rather than fierce oversight, why did the White House and congressional leaders restrict full knowledge of the programs to a few elites, and stage, for the rest of Congress, Potemkin briefings?
>Why does a secret federal court almost always side with the government's requests to seize information?
>Why didn't the president find a way before the leaks to tell the public ingeneral termswhat he was doing and why? Obama ran on a pledge of government transparency, opposed Bush-era surveillance tactics, and denounced the "false choice" between security and liberty.
get away from me with your fancy words and logics snowden is a filthy traitor and needs to be treated as such
Snowmen is just as delusional and patriotic as you. Suck his balls at least he had some.
Fucking statists.
Oh my god...
>The average test time is Five Hours
>Ready?.. it's been 40 minutes...
Why movies insist in this shit... I've alredy saw 3 movies that do the same shity escene when they are trying to portrait a "genius" in some field..
>being a conservacuck
Surveillance has increased drastically in the last 20 years and yet nothing really changed, terrorists and criminals can just as easily do what they want. I bet you even think 9/11 couldn't have been prevented.
9/11 was a CIA clandestine operation.
There is mountains of evidence that point to the collapse of the towers because of controlled demolition.
>Why movies insist in this shit.
Because the vast majority of script writers are unimaginative shits and have been so for decades. There's a reason why they already in the 1950's said that the most creative people in hollywood aren't the writers, the directors or anyone else involved in the actual creative process of making movies, but instead the studio accountants.
Aww shit... Not this "jet fuel can't melt steel beams" crap again? Is it really that difficult for some people to understand that most metals weaken significantly at high temperatures even if they're about to melt?
The NSA has stopped exactly 0 terrorist attacks
>openly defends apple even regardless after they protect a terrorist but hand over a music downloading pirate
>traitor to USA exposed USA but protects every other governments surveillance and never speaks out against them
Yeah he's your cuck alright
No, there's not a single evidence that's not made up by tinfoil hats.
Professional architects have explained in detail how the mass of the planes are more than enough to damage the structure until it collapses.
Also how about the Pentagon? The 125 people who died there were just killed by their colleagues? I guess they had some serious competition going on there.
Oh right, and how much personal would you need to do such an operation of multiple airplanes getting hijacked? It's not only about finding people crazy enough to commit suicide (and good look with that!), contact them as CIA but making them believe you are actually a radical fundematalistic group and brainwash tehm until they are willing to do it.
No, you would also need a lot of people doing the administrative stuff, guiding the agents, providing technical equipment, preparing the "hidden charges" that got (according to the tinfoil hats) in the WTC.. oh yes, and calculating such stuff isn't easy, you would need people with specialist knowledge about the structure..
So all of those.. say 100 people are willing to murder 3000 us civilians and nobody of them gets into a moral conflict? Nobody sends a secret message to a newspaper? Nobody leaks anything?
But, hey, that makes total sense, because the US couldn't just say "hey, we want your oil" and invade the Iraq without a reason..
Oh wait, they did this before? Without any false flag attack? Too bad..
It seems like your theory is just not working out, no matter how you look at it.
>To any NSA and FBI agents reading my email: please consider
>whether defending the US Constitution against all enemies,
>foreign or domestic, requires you to follow Snowden's example.
I hope it's a propaganda film that makes him a de-facto enemy of the state and traitor, to make the audience call for his blood.
>the govt uses public data
your mother sending me her nudes is not public data
who planted the nano-thermite on WTC1, WTC2, and WTC7?
Did the airplane that crashed into the pentagon just vaporize?
>honestly though this guy shouldn't be lifted as some sort of hero. he betrayed his country and gave secrets to other nations.
You're looking at this as the US vs other nations. You shouldn't, that's exactly how they want you to think, so as to control you. What Snowden did empowered people at the expense of governments. In the US, Europe, and around the world. A government that can't monitor its citizens communications is a government with less ability to deceive and control those citizens. That's a good thing, and it's true no matter where national borders lie.
Stallman's quote alludes to this but doesn't say it. If the government is tyrannical, and not respecting the freedoms of its citizens, the citizens then owe their government no loyalty. Snowden placed his obligations to human rights and to the Constitution above his duties to the US government, it's foreign policy, and its national-security interests. And he was correct to do so.
>Are the two programs revealed by Snowden legal and constitutional?
>What else is the government doing to invade our privacy? Until a few days ago, paranoids were people who claimed Washington had cast a vast electronic net over our communications. Who isn't a bit paranoid now?
non sequiturs
also irrelevant
>Why did the U.S. government for years debunk what they called a myth about the National Security Agency seizing electronic data from millions of Americans?
they didn't debunk anything
>Why did the leader of the U.S. intelligence community mislead Congress in March by answering a question about the program in the "least untruthful manner" -- a phrase that would make George Orwell cringe.
George Orwell is a massively overrated author
>Why do Democratic lawmakers who criticized President Bush for exploiting the post-9/11 Patriot Act now defend President Obama for curbing civil liberties?
self interest
>Why do Republicans who defended Bush now chastise Obama for ruthlessly fighting terrorists?
>Rather than fierce oversight, why did the White House and congressional leaders restrict full knowledge of the programs to a few elites, and stage, for the rest of Congress, Potemkin briefings?
intelligence is compromising
>Why does a secret federal court almost always side with the government's requests to seize information?
probably because it's part of the government
>Why didn't the president find a way before the leaks to tell the public ingeneral termswhat he was doing and why? Obama ran on a pledge of government transparency, opposed Bush-era surveillance tactics, and denounced the "false choice" between security and liberty.
because we thought that would make him look weak.
it's inconsequential because nothing but a folk hero for the idol worshipers. the truth to be learned about our situation at hand is that it is fair to assume that people will always behave out of self interest, or at least self preservation. where does self end?
because he (Edward Snowden) is nothing but a folk hero for the idol worshipers
>Did the airplane that crashed into the pentagon just vaporize?
How about the 77 people that died in American Airlines Flight 77? How about over 100 people witnessing an aircraft?
How about there is no other theory that does even make sense?
You're grasping at straws. Probably an NSA guy trying to derail the thread, right?
My bad, 64 people who died there, not 77.
Is it going to be shit like the assange movie with benedict cumberlachebachedach?
>pearl harbor
>the state sends half the troops home several days before the attack because they "didn't know anyone will attack"
>hurr it's a coincidence they wouldn't do that just so they have a globally accepted reason to kill japs
>gulf of tonkin "incident"
>government lets one of their ships get wrecked, and another imaginary ship get destroyed
>hurr so what if they faked it it was justified so people would be motivated for war
>plane rushing towards USA
>it's "impossible" to stop it and it's "too late" to do anything about it
>they let it crash
>hurr they didn't, no way the government would do something like that just to scare people into giving their freedom for false sense of security
Probably explains why everyone is a cuck nowadays
Go away hybrid humans, kill yourself
I'm right and all evidence that says otherwise isn't real evidence because I say so
I hope this pony fucking traitor faggot gets extradited.
Either NSA or a troll, either way kill yourself.
No patriot would want him pardoned.
He knows his last chance is Obama because Trump sure as fuck isn't going to pardon his ass.
fortunately Trump isn't going to win the election.
and you should be loyal to people in their struggle against government control, not loyal to governments in their fights with other governments. Mass surveillance justified by vague threats of terrorism if we don't let the government see and control every aspect of our lives is the last thing a patriot should support.
Rotten Tomatoes and IMDB both say it sucks - mostly because it plays it "too safe" or some shit. I'll probably watch it for Joseph Gordon-Dreamboat-Levitt, if nothing else.
>no seriously, nobody's trying to sway your opinion with big budget media
I support CCTV on every street and armed military patrols.
Depends on the movie
Love it? What's there to love?
Guy's a fucking attention whore, a traitor and a russian spy. In that order.
I know my opinion is not popular with all you fanboys but it's the truth.
Guy did all this to become famous.
And now the fucker wants a presidential pardon????
>Are the two programs revealed by Snowden legal and constitutional?
If they are, they should not be. If they are not, the government should cease and desist immediately.
>global surveillance is necessary
it's harmful, actually, and counterproductive towards fighting crime
it's only use is as a political tool. it cannot fight terrorism or crime, it can only be used against the masses
snowden's a bit of a SJW so i'm not too fond of him, but assange is pretty cool. assange is a true libertarian, pro free market and anti tyranny
>snowden movie will come out the same day everyone is lined up for iPhone 7 and it will be lost in obscurity
I'm sorry Sup Forums
im a huge snowden fan but this looks like shit. Wasn't he a fucking system admin? not a CIA mastermind hacker?
whatever if it makes the normie masses realize how corrupt and retarded our government is i guess im ok with it.
yes, it's the gay kid
>George Orwell is a massively overrated author
Hey now, be nice to Orwell.
Snowden is a patriot and has bigger balls then your entire lineage.
He leaked no information about active ops, not endangering agents in the field.
The information he acquired is damaging to the very notion of modern living. The digital age has evolved but the laws surrounding it have not, as present with this violent damage to the peoples safety and livelihood
assange leaked user when user just leaked fuck tons of data to wikileaks, further improving their financial gain
assange is a flamming faggot who has no morals, and is driven by money only
my brother who is a tech retard wanted to see this movie.
i said why?
>dude worked for NSA
>dude saw things that he thought was wrong.
>dude copied stuff to a usb stick
>gave it to news agencies
>stayed in a hotel for the past 3 years.
id rather just watch the documentary.
its like watching a movie about an IRS agent who finds a way to charge Al Capone.
its going to be an hour and a half of *fingers on a keyboard going clickety clack* with intense music
>has no morals
you say that like it's a bad thing.
i like seeing completely unredacted classified material.
who said he was a genius?
he was smart enough to work for the CIA and do work for the NSA
he was also smart enough to not get caught uploading extremely classified material to a usb stick and then leaving work with it.
he was also smart enough to flee to a country that would fight extradition.
that was about it.
not a genius but not a dumbass, either.
The documentary was enough for me. I don't need some meme movie to further memeify this shit
Citizenfour is so good.
Also JGL looks nothing like snowden
Snowden is a hero. Clean and simple.
You can backdoor hardware
T510 Masterrace