

>disgusted_reaction_image_funny_Sup Forums_meme_face.jpg

Daily reminder this is perfectly fine for phones with a smaller screen
I'll play though
>monitor less than 27
>stock heatsync
>stock fans
>micro usb
>usb for anything but peripherals
>anything larger than matx case

>when her breast size starts with b.

>disgusted_reaction_image_funny_Sup Forums_meme_face.jpg
lol sage

go away virgin.

bra sizes start with numbers followed by letter(s)

>tfw no 1080p 2-in-1 laptop

>When her weight starts with a 2


What does that even do

>when this shitty meme is used outside of facebook/twitter

Oook, Paula. By the way, how's the hrt going.

That's fat shaming user-kun

I know, we need more of it to make america great again.

Then she's either a hambeast, or you're a pedophile.

someone has daddy issues


>5' 11"

Should I kill myself?

Nah, in the beta uprising, you'll be the leader of the manlet division.

>beta uprising
what about us >6' lanklets?

5'7" but on my dating profiles I lie and say 5'8". Teehee

>When her weight is triple digits

tfw when 5'12"

shit, I'm only 4'26"

>monitor less than 27
27 what?
>stock heatsync
Does this device synchronize the heat of your hardware with room temperature?
>stock fans
Stop buying garbage that comes with garbage fans.
>usb for anything but peripherals
Yeah I really like using floppy disks instead of a USB flash drive for my portable storage. It's great because every computer in the world has a fucking floppy drive.
>anything larger than matx case
Well this explains why you're accustomed to garbage stock fans.

I figure there will be lanket divisions as well, though here the leader will be whoever weights the most.

>tfw 6' -5"
Sup manlets?

ml inches you fucking retard


But user I have one :(

where her weight is over 200

>tfw 7' -1'1"

Did you say something, manlet?

My height starts with 6, as in 69 inches.

I'm 6'3, but I'm not fully white

struggling with this until I buy a new monitor, also the blacks look like light grey



5 year old 1280x1024 dell monitor

>when she says she has dated black guys.
>she likes him like a brother (that she fucks while on powder)
>everygirl experiments with the dog
>everygirl experiments with their mom
>everygirl experiments with their dad's
>everygirl experiments with a bowling pin
>everygirl experiments with a 1976 volvo
>everygirl experiments with their local biker gang
>everygirl experiments with their uncles


>everygirl experiments with a 1976 volvo
my fucking sides

by the way I'm a quarter of an inch below 6ft. should I kill myself?

stand up real straight, wear tall boots, and then get a tall hairstyle.

I have tall boots, the only pair of shoes I own :^)

1024 x 768 masterrace here

you need some of these

>5xx cm

Jesus, she must have really low standards

those are ridiculous

Oh shit, I can't tell which division I'd be part of! I guess I'd be involved in coordination between the two?

We'd have to have a regiment that transfers between the manlet and lanklet divisions? And a batalion that shifts between those two and the permanently sexually bent from trauma regiment. To maximally confuse our foes about the strength of each!

> not realizing that ratty shoes/clothes are almost as big a turn-off to money-sniffing whores as being short