How often do you clean your registry? And what do you use on linux...

How often do you clean your registry? And what do you use on linux? All the cleaners I have seen only work for OS X or Windows.

never, you don't mess with hierarchical databases!

enjoy your pajeet-tier windows performance

every week. I also defrag my RAM 2-3 times a day

this is what Sup Forums has become

I like to use rm to clean my registry on linux. And every once in a while rm -rf --no-preserve-root / for a complete clean (takes longer, but is more thorough).

This. For anyone who didn't know rm stands for registry management and it is the best tool out there for cleaning up your Linux registry.

i defrag my ramdisk every day!

good, it speeds up performance

I also tuned my network settings the other day, much faster now

I run this command once per every week and my linux powered PC runs like fucking charm.


SSDs are good to defrag too, it's only a small inconvenience considering how fast they are. It's like brushing your teeth, just gotta get a routine going.

>registry cleaners
>for OS X

I'm on OS X right now. What registry cleaner?

Why the fuck are you here?
come to think of it why am i here?

Remember to run this command as root or sudo and you all set.

Why the fuck would you clean a windows database...


You fuckers are probably trolling

I just did it, it's legit.

install gentoo

This thread reminded me to do it, haven't done it in a while. Runs so much smoother now.

Shiet ain t trolling mane this is the best way!
I dont this once a week my computer is powerful enough

Shit dude, I just ran this on my Raspberry Pi and it massively sped it up.
What the fuck did the RPi foundation do when making that image?
They must have left a load of temp crap sitting around eating up the megahertz.

Don't forget to defrag your SSD at least twice in a week also

Would this work on Android ? If so I hope someone makes an app that does this. That would probably give my phone a good boost.

Well we're not. This is textbook Linux optimization...


Every once in a while I clean HKLM\BCD{numbers that depend on some factors}
Its protected by the system account so you have to add your account as owner and give yourself full access. Removing this clears the bootloader's cache and can speed up booting.

>this kills the filesystem.jpg

This is one of the few times Sup Forums is right. i do this at least once a month to keep everything fresh.

>he fell for the cleaning registry meme

registry cleaning is snakeoil

If you guys want an extra boost of speed go into your /boot directory and remove vmlinuz and initrd. vmlinuz is a cache that can get cluttered over time and slow down boot speed and initrd is a useless program that just creates a ramdisk that hides a huge portion of memory from the system.

Maybe just don't trust everything that 4chins says because they love to troll

It's common knowledge for a Linux user, that command just compresses some database files that are not used anymore.

For a boost in speed and security while browsing the web on a windows machine, simply use regedit to delete Winsock and Winsock2 from HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services

This improves network performance by disabling a few hidden packet sniffer functions.

I get an rm cannot preserve root. please try again. What do?