What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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no more steve jobs reality distortion field. if he was marketing all of these thing everyone would think they were great.

>everyone would think they were great.
No. There'd still be the same old crowd who would diss anything Apple produced.
If Apple handed out gold ingots you'd complain about the weight.

We would probably complain that they're made of golden painted poo

>What went wrong?
Everything. And the userbase defend this - which is worse

Jobs was against removing the headphone jack and sure as fuck wouldn't allow that hunchback abomination.
Apple products during jobs looked like professional tools. Apple products after jobs looked like they were designed and engineered by a bunch of tumblr homos with a degree in nigerian drum circles.

Only an idiot would buy post-2013 apple anything.

>Only an idiot would buy apple anything.

inb4 AIDF

Just buy the new Apple AirPods and only Apple peripherals. Problem easily solved.

That wonderful thing called 'diminishing returns' happened. In pursuing ever greater minimalism in order to appear marketable and relevant, Apple has now become a complete joke as their devices now begin to suffer punishing impracticality. Anyone that uses this shite deserves all they get and lose some money into the bargain.

Underrated post

The new mac pros were good I heard (At least as servers), but then again those literally look like trash cans or high end ona holes

Went outside today everywhere i looked people owned a ipeasant 6s
Typing this from a black S7 shit is cash ifags can suck my dick

>mac pro

>thinking Samsung is any better than Apple

At least iOS isn't as unnecessarily bloated as touchjizz.

>iOS isn't as unnecessarily bloated

Good joke.

It's literally Tony Ive's fault. He's gone mad with power; I wouldn't be surprised if the next Macbook shipped without any ports and used some kind of wacky Qi charging.

>next macbook ships with nothing but a charging port
>you need to buy their 50$ usb charging port dock

>Tony Ive

Eventually applefags are going to wake up to this, at least a little more each time, I mean, Apple users can't be the sheepiest sheep who ever sheeped, eventually a handful of them will just jump ship and then they will just slowly stagnate, right?

Is it finally time for us apple consumers to switch to android?

Change is scary :s

>Apple users can't be the sheepiest sheep who ever sheeped, eventually a handful of them will just jump ship and then they will just slowly stagnate, right?

Just stick the apple logo on the back then

Sounds legit.
