Thinking of getting a new phone, price isn't an issue, post your thoughts on what i should get
>thinking of getting the 1+3
Thinking of getting a new phone, price isn't an issue, post your thoughts on what i should get
>thinking of getting the 1+3
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is there a new phone with a removable battery, micro SD card slot and a screen size comparable to note that's at least as powerful as the note 3 for less than 400 dollars?
...the note 4?
never forgive them after that invite shit they pulled. they've demonstrated they don't give a fuck about the consumer after that little fiasco.
most of the newer gen phones, don't have a removable battery, such as the s7 edge, and the nexus 6p
wasn't that back when they released their first phone? or are you mad it got carried over to the second phone? now that they have a fully polished product and manufacturing method because they scaled up slowly instead of a mass dump with a bunch of shitty lemons you're pissed at them?
you really drank the kool-aid eh
i would say the same thing about apple, with the iPhone with the shit they pulled when they unveiled the iPhone 7.
Instead of shilling your piece of shit chinkphone, why don't you ask the smartphone general?
Unless you're not actually looking to buy a new phone? Hmm
>he didn't get an invite for the original flagship killer when the price/perf levels of such a kind were never seen before
i didn't, I don't have one, but I just don't get the flak they get for the invite system when they were still a small company
not trying to shill anything lol, just wondering peoples opinions on the best thing i can buy, or what i can get for the 'best bang for your buck'
hes kind of right, in that people were essentially scalping the phone, where they would get several invites, buy several phones and then sell it to people at a higher price.
paying 800$ for murican' phone, when you can get the same exact specs for half the price, and with a headphone jack.
He's obviously shilling if he's posting about a phone he's pretending to buy instead of asking /spg/ like someone genuinely looking for a new phone would.
3gb redmi note 3 pro
>hey guys what do you think about this phone that I'm going to buy, I'll even include a pretty picture of the phone
Nice false flagging there you stupid shill.
We know you're not really going to buy it.
Used note 4 is the best phone on the market right now in terms of value.
Don't buy it above the original price then, its not that hard.
If you need a phone RIGHT NOW and cannot be fucked to wait you probably are in the category of people who smash their phones on the daily and literally don't know what even goes into a phone. In that case you won't do research and just buy anything.
For those who care, they'll try get an invite.
System was shit but hey i managed and i wasted countless invited because no friends of mine had a clue about oneplus and everybody else just either didn't care or didn't want one.
>tl;dr there were enough invites, people didn't want or know about the phone and everyone else was retarded and bought into scams needlessly
that'd be the Axon 7 right now it;s on sale for $270 on Amazon
Iphone 7
If price *really* isn't an issue you should get an iPhone 7 plus.
However I somehow doubt a person contemplating buying a one plus three is in that kind of a position.
How is that a "fiasco"?
Get the Axon 7.
same price, better specs.
Too many quirks.
just install cyanogen mod on it.
better hardware.
The bootloader got unlocked?
will be unlocked soon.
we always find a way.
just checked twrp is out for it.
idk there are good reasons to get both phones
+High res display
+Front facing speakers
+customer service
+better fingerprint sensor
+Community support
+less lag
+stockish android
Hard choice
BlackBerry Q10, Classic, or Passport
it also has
1440p non-pentile cuck screen. AMOLED, same thing Samsung uses
microSD storage
Better Camera
2 (TWO) year warranty
3 It's an America-based chinese company so you don't hae to send your phone to Xiandewgong, China to have it replaced
4 better build quality
5 better fingerprint reader placement
6 can be purchased from reputable retailers like Newegg and Amazon, no need to go to
Yeah I mentioned some of that here >Better Camera
It's a mixed bag of strengths and weaknesses. A7 is better in good lighting while the 1+3 holds up better in low light for example.
>better fingerprint reader placement
Most reviews say that the finger print sensor doesn't work nearly as well as the 1+3, but I agree. Sony would be the best though if it actually worked.
>can be purchased from reputable retailers like Newegg and Amazon, no need to go to
Stop shilling, zhang. No one is gonna buy your chinky phone.