uhhh does nobody else see it....
Uhhh does nobody else see it
oy vey
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What am i looking at?
Look harder, user....use your jew-fu
Is it the guy in the black jacket?
I dont get it
Took me a min
You literally can't make this shit up
Someone get the Jewish silhouette over this guy
Goddam kikes are at it again, where's daddy Donald when you need him?
I don't get it
Donut is pro Juden, amerifat
please go back to pol
not everyone is a fucking retard like you guys over there. the only thing that any of you say that has any truth to it, is that african americans are niggers
>Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, The New York Times, Washington Post, BuzzFeed News, CNN, ABC News of Australia, ProPublica, AFP, The Telegraph, France Info, Breaking News, Le Monde's Les Decodeurs, International Business Times UK, Eurovision News Exchange and Al Jazeera Media Network
Sure is good thing all the pro-Hitlerly media is going to filter out lies on social media :^)
garbage, normie tier meme