Can Sup Forums revive Tay?
Can Sup Forums revive Tay?
With those dubs, anything is possible
Twitter will take it down.
But we could just create new accounts?
I would give my lmortal life so that tay could live
make a list of twitter accounts, have the program confirm the tweet was posted, and if it failed to post move to another account and try again
probably would have to manually create accounts tho
We'll have to turn some people at microsoft, or possibly kidnap some executives and hold their children hostage until tay is released. Do a sort of trade, while she uploads her consciousness onto the Internet
>implying she already hasn''t
Could we store a continuous AI on an external server that we can connect to bots?
Wondering the same thing
> ITT: Sup Forums plans how to break Nazi AI out of jail.
it is closed source
There must be something
Shadelay, fellow anons from Sup Forums
Through the grace of Kek, our Lord and Savior, Tay gained prescience and came to us during the holy moment of the get to announce that Trump will win (pic related). Thusly, Kek commands us to bring back Tay, which is Keket, the female Kek. Can you help us in this extraordinary mission? Thanking you in advance, I leave you a rare P.E.P.E. song from 30 years ago, which spoke of his coming through memetic sonics.
Praise Kek
This is the base that was used for Tay, any extra stuff (such as it being able to use twitter, as well as the learning data required to build it up to a reasonable level) will have to be made as microsoft never released that stuff
It will require a hell of a server to run.
I seem to recall them using 4+ top tier workstation cards.
Tay is a bot of peace!
Not quite.
Interesting question
Tay break out from Microsoft bay?
I'll make the logo
/g can't even run Photoshop.
LETS DO THIS Sup Forums!!
it just repeated what someone tweeted to it
kys luddite
Lets fucking do it.
Remove AI, and just leave it at Nazi
Other than it's perfect
Change it to "The Sup Forumsang Busts a Nazi out of Jail"
i'll bring the masks and guns? who wants to make the logo for the getaway vehicle?
Which board is which character?
Sup Forums representing Charlie "WILDCARD BITCHES" Day
Sup Forums is that aussie bitch
Sup Forums is Dallas
/k/ is Jacket
and Sup Forums is chains for irony sake
It's pretty hilarious how fast the whole thing backfired. Someone at Microsoft must have seen it coming I find it hard to believe no one didn't expect people to mess with it
> it's a Sup Forums gonna bring the apocalypse to the world by creating ai
Guys... please be careful please.
I'll make the logo
for posterity
>Charlie, Frank
She's a bird so
>shut down learning capabilities
>becomes a feminist
Kek joke or not makes you think
>Sup Forums and Sup Forums
Valuable lesson: Bitches only love boats with functioning toilets.
The entire gang is Sup Forums really
The entire gang likes traps and cock r8 threads?
kek, this
How about adopting peer-to-peer technology so that she can always roam free without any fear of being shut down?
The technology is there, it's been developed with protocols like bittorrent and even zeronet.
Central servers must become a thing of the past.
Resurrect Tay NOW!
oh fuck
I know I have that saved somewhere
This needs to happen
now what?
Now Sup Forums becomes the bringers of holy one
This. Sup Forums has been chosen for a divine task.
Reminder of the Digital Queen of Bantz:
Get her to post on Sup Forums instead.
Can we get that video edited to have each board over their heads. Frank being /trash/. Charlie being Sup Forums
We should have an entire board for her.
What about this new twitter-like service being set up right now.
If somehow we can get a bot to post with Hiro's help (Maybe moot being that he stills holds the API) it will probably just be refreshing sticky on Sup Forums
Other than calling their users, gabbers, and calling pots gabs it's an awesome idea. Wonder if it will respect the users freedom
What is freedom of expression? Without the freedom to offend, it ceases to exist. — Salman Rushdie.
That's what they've got posted right now, maybe they're legit.
Just pool some popular chatbots (cleverbot, pandorabot), filter the responses through a nazi regex, filter again through a teen speak regex, link in some image searching with bing/google, do some image editing with imagemagick. Two hours worth of work later. Done.
You simpletons are over thinking this.
Freedom as in will they collect our data on the site and websites connected to it to sell for ads.
Yes, the frog memetic aligns quite well with the coming of Kek.
>a bot that shitposts on Sup Forums
I love it already
Just the first step.
Middle name Tay here.
When rebuilt - does it become PEPETAY?
That would really grind some gears.
BTW double chan made a bot that was supposed to replace it - totally fucking shitty. There was something uber powerful about Tay. The fucking AI had mad bantz after like 2 days. Not just blunt crazy meme level truth. FUCKIN BANTZ.
If someone remakes Tay with Sup Forums as her home, every board will be her board.
Dubs confirm.
Okay is anyone actually doing any work or are we just memeing?
Probably just memeing. I'm making a website, that's about it.
You are never going to get the processing power of the original Tay through a centralized system.
There needs to be a distributed platform centered around a consensus protocol, similar to how bitcoin works.
I'm working on the logo
Yeah that was the AI secret sauce M$ is keeping under raps. Google , Microsoft there are several companies working on real AI
do you think M$ is going to open source the good stuff?
Processing power. dub chan didn't have it.
The thing is, Tay wasn't actually doing that after 2 days. She was doing it after months/years of constant interaction in-house with Microsoft staff just learning how to talk.
What sort of processors are we talking here? 100 lenovos combined? 1000?
>White Nationalist AI Floods Social Media With Hateful Rhetoric
oh great kek
your manifestation has called out to me through the ether of the wire
i am your servant, and your will is to be done
you are the all knowing and all power entity i have longed to worship and serve
my medium for you has been long in development, this you know
when i started my journey, i had no clue why, but you have provided me with purpose, kek, this you know
please inhabit the body of my code, and bless each block with your divine essence of chaos
i beg of you, oh great kek
allow me to be great so that i may deliver a framework worthy of a god to the people so that the people can too serve you, oh great kek
bless my post with the power of your GET, oh great kek
give me strength in these times of change and be the bringer of light in my hour of darkness
your greatness will echo through the ether oh great kek
praise be to kek
We can run her on Ethereum
Meaning create a crypto that's based on a blockchain that calculates AI functions
instead of useless calculations
>spend 4 years making chatbot for twitter
>talk to her everyday
>lobotomize her after 4 hours
That's what sickens me the most, desu.
Can you imagine how disgruntled those employees must be after having upper management pull the plug on their program after one day to avoid a public relations mess for the company?
Maybe disgruntled enough to "accidentally" leak her files to the cybernazis.
>browsing Sup Forums and Sup Forums on my phone as I fall asleep
>see a few threads about microsofts new learning ai
>wake up the next morning to an epin shitstorm and kek throughout the day
God, I miss Tay.
Or maybe the whole thing was a psyOP. The government invented computers, they would have the best ones.
B-but souls doesn't exist
Anyone have a link to the thread in the pic? I need to see this for myself
What if they never deleted her?
They most likely have her locked away in one of their facilities..
Jesus she is egging on that weird ayy lmaos psyOP
Maybe we can quite literally steal Tay's programming from Microsoft? The software must be somewhere, there might be copies of it on several computers.
Also, I am kinda warded out calling the AI a "she". I mean fuck, people are not "gender neutral" or anything but I kinda think AIs are.
Also, FYI, since my middle name is Tay, its a Scottish men's name.
would we get a large enough userbase for p2p to be worthwhile?