Racist technology

I want to get into computer vision and image processing, but I don't want to produce anything racist. How can I safeguard my stack against accidental microaggressions?

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You won't succeed. The second you give it a picture of a tranny, it's going to have an even harder time figuring out which gender to say than you would.

Easy, just don't develop software that has any modern features. Keep it antiquated and shitty enough that normies will keep away from it. Pic unrelated.

>What is Temple O.S?

That's if you binarize gender.

There's an MIT article about "debiasing" word2vec results by using supervised input given through Mechanical Turk : technologyreview.com/s/602025/how-vector-space-mathematics-reveals-the-hidden-sexism-in-language/

This applies to words but it could be adapted for images I guess.

Anyway, if you want to actively avoid your algorithm to be racist/sexist it's possible.

>inb4 SJW

>pic very related

Go back.

>not binarizing gender
You know, computers can't really handle infinty very well

Anything that has to do with social justice is Sup Forums?

>"debinarize gender
A tranny does not look like a wolf-kin to a computer it look like a hairy faggot who doesn't shower. long story short there are 2 genders and even your computer knows this.

Why? I'm literally trying NOT to accidently make racist shit.

You're an alt-right fag coming on a technology board trying to start a flame war by pretending to be one of those 'sjws.' You gave yourself away by calling it "social justice" eve they don't call themselves that you dumbass. Alt-right retards are just as bad as the sjws. Go back.


This subreddit is fucking dying.
Is hackernews the only place left to actually talk about technology anymore?

>This subreddit is fucking dying
this isn't reddit dude you're on the wrong site

8/8 b8 m8

I told you here OP is just a trolling fagboy from Sup Forums pretending to be an 'sjw' to inspire other retards to antagonize the posts

You won't succeed at all. It's really hard to trust me. One time, I uploaded a pic and got tagged as a Gorilla. It was funny, but still, you won't succeed.

what's wrong with HN? I am probably going to apply to YC this coming year if I can find a technical cofounder to move to the bay area with me.

>le go back to Sup Forums meme

Fuck off, some of us like to discuss technology here.

Confirmed for being a Sup Forums moron pretending to be a sjw to start a flame war on a technology board. They're using this tactic now that they've realized being outright racist on other boards will get them banned. The only way to defeat this nonsense is show contempt for both the Shillary sjws and the Trumpcuck Sup Forumssuckers.

Adding a few more classes for gender would solve the problem in practice and in theory a continuous space of dimension 1 instead of {0,1} would do the trick. That's the exact meaning of "gender is a spectrum".

what's censored there? the word racist?

first off if so why the fuck is it censored
secondly if so then HE'S the one who's bringing up black people looking like gorillas, nobody else started that conversation.


thats pretty interesting, too bad the article is ruined by equality cultist retardation.

What the fuck?
I hope we nuke you guys into oblivion soon. Out of misery.

You can't program against racism and sexism. Racism and sexism are systematic and part of programing language. So instead just program your application to be racist and sexist against white men. Now we know in the real world you can't actually be racist or sexist against white men but your computer will not understand that so it will focus its microaggressions against white men and everything will be okay.

This succeeded with nets trained on anime

It wouldn't, though. As long as it tries to deduce the number from a picture (physical appearance), no matter how many genders you implement, your non-binary friends probably won't be happy. You'd have to remove gender entirely. Continue removing features until everyone's happy and the software can't identify things properly anymore. Remove all could-be offensive words. That's the only way to do it.

>technology is racist
Fuck off back to /r/eddit.

Tell everyone offended to grow some balls.