Post Installation - Manjaro

Just fresh installed manjaro 16.08 , what to do ? i wanna rice it.

Other urls found in this thread:

inb4 : install gentoo


cd /tmp/ && pwd
echo ===============packer===============
sudo pacman -S wget
wget -c
tar -xvf packer.tar.gz && cd packer/ ; makepkg -sri ; cd /tmp/

echo ===============Broadcom driver===============
packer -S b43-firmware-classic broadcom-wl
sudo systemctl enable NetworkManager.service -f
#===============Broadcom driver===============

echo ===============Common packages===============
sudo pacman -S baka-mplayer viewnior mousepad gufw pinta firefox chromium engrampa unrar zip arj p7zip
sudo systemctl enable ufw -f
sudo pacman -S gnome-tweak-tool lightdm-gtk-greeter-settings
#===============Common packages===============

echo ===============AUR installs===============
packer -S gnome-shell-extension-dash-to-dock-git zuki-themes-git paper-icon-theme-git chromium-pepper-flash gigolo typecatcher
#===============AUR installs===============

echo ===============Tweaks===============
echo Please install your preferred fonts:
echo Please change fonts and appearance:
echo ===============Thumbnail===============
sudo pacman -S tumbler poppler-glib ffmpegthumbnailer freetype2 libgsf totem evince
echo ===============MTP, Samba and others===============
sudo pacman -S gvfs gvfs-mtp libmtp mtpfs gvfs-afc sshfs gvfs-smb
echo ===============NTFS===============
sudo pacmsudo chattr +i /etc/resolv.conf


reconsider your life


not him, but, thanks for this.

delete it and install LMDE 2

Why would I be jelly? apg-get's simpler and easier to use than pacman, at least for me, anyway.


>A failure of a package manager
>Slow as fuck
>Vomits all over your terminal
>Can't into ports/sources
>Can't even remove GNOME
lol no

is there a way to get pacman to do easy to read searches and autoresolve conflicts like aptitude?

>>Slow as fuck
>>Vomits all over your terminal
>>Can't into ports/sources

Uhm... Fill me in here?

welcome to the arch community

pacman -Ss package
pacman -Qi package

>sudo apt update
140+ lines
>sudo pacman -Syu
Well structured output with optional recommended packages

Nice bait faggot

does -Ss format it as:
[name] [brief description]

I recall using search with pacman before and it just spat garbage into the terminal.

> used Arch for a while, then stopped
> after some weeks, booted again and tried pacam -Syu
> breaks the entire update system

Uh, no thanks

Not him,
-Ss is for searching the package
-Qi will list deps and whether they are installed

Conflict problems are resolved by package numbers, even dumb package managers like apt can do it

>Stopping to update
Why would you use a true rolling release distro then?

>even dumb package managers like apt can do it
I've seen a bunch of cases where apt-get just told me to figure out the dependencies myself, while aptitude just handed me a solution.

I used it a lot until I had to use Windows for a few weeks (dual boot), then I came back and everything broke. That shouldn't happen to a package manager, whatever the paradigm they consider themselves to be addressing.