why are STICKER threads and GRAPHICS CARDS threads allowed on Sup Forums but customizing your linux install is strictly prohibited and autosaged and banned and deleted randomly

btw if you delet ethis thread then hiro will ban you from Sup Forums

Other urls found in this thread:


>customizing your linux install

Those threads have nothing to do with technology and you know it.

Daily reminder that an anonymous savior spammed the shit out of the threads, to choke out the cancer, leaving the litteral faggots posting in those threads butthurt.

Moot fired all the old mods and hired new ones from reddit. Someone posted an infographic on here but I didn't save it.

(((Before he left)))

>customizing your linux install

You mean post a picture of your favorite naked imaginary cartoon-girlfriend and jerk off to others?

Yeah, so much technology there.

random infographics are a great source in the first place

they literally do. about as much as mkg and all the fucking shill threads and everything. desktop threads weren't exceptional in their low-quality.

there's no other place for that kind of thing, and I really like it, and it's definitely tech related.


>firstly ignores how it isn't related to technology
>defends it by saying it's just as irrelevant as mkg
>later just states it's related with no proof or even info hinting as to why it's related

Desktop threads were cancer, people say it's for desktops, but it's more like this
>10% images of actual desktops
half of these images come with rates of others or at least a response to someone
>40% shitposters an shills
>50% borderline loli porn or other unrelated under aged anime girl posts

Fuck off, Sup Forums is better without that trash.

Stickers do? Piss off.

does anyone remember that one time a really perverse but not technically nsfw loli dekstop was used to start a thread, and it spawned a situation where there were somewhere around 6 or 7 desktop threads up at one time because the furries and lolis and rulefags were all at war with each other and they kept making threads and then some guy started inexplicably spamming pictures of corn flakes everywhere

good times


they are randomly deleted and they ban you there too, they are also entirely banned from /w/

Fuck off to reddit, retard


complaining about this decision should get autosage too. If you want to play tripfag circlejerk go to reddit. No one wants to see japanese porn over some minimalist low to nil functionality window tiler. The only people who are bitching about this decision are the ones who tripfag'd in those threads, note how everyone in this thread has told you to kill yourself. Buy a rope.

you're an idiot

Please tell me you're achieving something with these threads, I really miss old Sup Forums.

>could you make one
>make one

So this one can be reported?

if you dont like loli then there are other great tech discussion sites for you like /r/technology and tomshardwareforums.

for what? open source software?
>configuring operating systems isnt technology
>discussion of posted desktops isnt relevant in the desktop discussion thread

you know what, nevermind, your post was bait. 4/10 made me respond.

What I am gathering from all these grievance/suggestion threads is that Sup Forums is basically exactly the same as it was a few years ago when I was lurking here everyday. [company name] circlejerks, tech shitposting, animu, consumer electronics. I guess there are more "generals" threads now but otherwise it's pretty much how I remember it, Maybe fewer trip friends, too.

Anyway like I posted in another thread:
The word "*cuck*" needs to be word filtered to a random word, which changes every hour. Preferably apply it site-wide, but starting with Sup Forums would be good.

Graphics cards are tangentially related to technology due to being computer parts. I agree with stickers though lets ban them as well.

>The word "*cuck*" needs to be word filtered to a random word, which changes every hour. Preferably apply it site-wide, but starting with Sup Forums would be good.


>pic related


threads on other boards were deleted within minutes, if anything the Sup Forums mods are on strike to make a point or something

eitherway, I say killem all


>few years ago
Add a few years more, and it wasn't like this at all.

Graphics cards are definitely Sup Forums. Watch thread is not as everyone in there thinks mechanical watch movements from the 1600s are technology.

How are homescreen threads allowed, but desktop threads are not?

Phone posters must go.
Graphics card posters must go.
Whoever makes these daily /mpv/ threads needs to go.
Tech support/what should i buy posters need to go.
This is the cancer plaguing Sup Forums.


>but customizing your linux install is strictly prohibited and autosaged and banned and deleted randomly

watch threads need to go to /fa/

sticker threads 100% should not be allowed

desktop threads should also fuck off, all they contain is neets and pathetic losers circlejerking about how fucking kawaii!!!!1! generic anime character #352 is and how she's so much better than #351

battlestations and actual hardware related things are fine because people in those threads ACTUALLY DISCUSS THE TECHNOLOGY ON DISPLAY instead of just circlejerking over anime characters like the autists they are

animeposters and weaboos 100% consistently supply this board with the lowest quality content

neck yourself you stupid fucking weaboo

>muh desktop threads

mechanical watches are tech but talking about it as fashion isn't
watch threads need to go to /fa/

Sup Forums has too long been infested with Windows gamer kiddies. It's time to purge them once and for all.

Any of the following regularly occurring threads on Sup Forums is either directly or indirectly about Windows gaming:

* Intel vs. AMD threads
* GPU threads
* Various types of rig/battlestation/guts/Speccy threads ("What parts should I buy, /g?" "Is this part good, Sup Forums?" "Check out my specs, Sup Forums.")
* All Windows discussion and support threads (obviously)

These threads only serve to discuss products for playing video games. They have nothing to do with programming, networking, security, privacy, freedom, design, usability, or anything else Sup Forums related.

These threads and the people who post within them belong in either or as they are the appropriate boards in which to discuss their hobby, along with "console war" and "PC vs. console" threads. This should be Rule #4 for Sup Forums and it should be aggressively enforced until the children finally get it and move on.

This is the thread to petition Hiroshimoot to cure the Sup Forums cancer in Sup Forums. If you really care about technology and not just vapid consumerism, help by adding your voice to this discussion.

We can do it, Sup Forums.


Winkcucks don't care about technology in general.

All they care about is the product, not the method. Product is and the method is .

Products are GPU shitstorms, speccy threads, guts threads, casing threads etc.

A typical winbabby's perception of judging a GPU is "Gaming benchmarks".

None of the gamer wincuckolds are interested in the method or process of making games. Game is not technology, programming games is.

Buying GPU is not technology and neither is discussing which build will play the latest manchild games.

Wincuckolds do not care about privacy and cryptology. They are more invested in games.

If all they care about is the ability to play games they should move to

>Whoever makes these daily /mpv/ threads needs to go.
I don't understand how something so useful as mpv has a dedicated cancerous poster, it's not like mpv needs it.

battlestation poster detected

if you want weeb free tech discussion then GO TO FUCKING REDDIT

its that simple


double edged sword, they simply delete things they personally dont like without even botheirng to think of an excuse
example: desktop threads
dozens of people have asked on irc and feedback page for a reason they are being banned with zero response

Battlestation threads are basically interior design threads. That shit belongs on /fa/ or somewhere else. The fact that you put a computer on your desk does not make it relevant to Sup Forums.

Guts threads are Sup Forums related on the other hand even though I still dislike the people that post in them.

I think I mostly started wasting away on Sup Forums around 2009? That sounds right, because windows 7 and Ubuntu 9.10 was just about to come out when I decide to lurk.

My memory may be fuzzy but it was pretty similar back then to how it is now, just with perhaps new shit to circlejerk over. SSD's aren't as hot and new, but a new GPU and phone comes out every few months and people love to ejaculate about it and how the Internet the dried jizz stains.
That's part of the soul of this board at this point, but maybe change would be nice? I dunno. I didn't know they started banning Desktop Threads though. Seems a little unfair. They fit right in with everything else pretty much.

Good post

>Graphics cards are definitely Sup Forums.
No. They are truly cancer. It is a bunch of children talking about video games and circlejerking about getting 60fps. It needs to be contained somehow. Low effort "what is the sexiest graphics card?" "IT'S OVER AMD/NVIDIA IS FINISHED" are shitposts and need to be removed and the posters need to be banned.

100% agreed


70% of market share baby. We aren't going anywhere. Where my Green Team at??

Ban all generals (on all boards) (except /vg/ ofc)

you are truly cancer.

>but a new GPU and phone comes out every few months and people love to ejaculate about it and how the Internet the dried jizz stains.
absolutely false, and you're missing the big picture here: these Sup Forums threads aren't inherently bad, but there's nothing more in Sup Forums nowadays

Fuck off manchild


Mega list:

watch threads - unsavoury and not technology
battlestation threads - savoury and not technology
guts threads, speccy threads, "rig" threads - unsavoury and technology
gpu threads - unsavoury and technology
desktop threads - savoury and technology

any more?

>battlestations and actual hardware related things are fine because people in those threads ACTUALLY DISCUSS THE TECHNOLOGY ON DISPLAY
No, it is definitely about interior design.

Good post. There is a time and a place for Windows discussion though. It's just that the number of low-effort posts ("Lincucks on SUICIDE WATCH", "LINUX CAN'T LOOK THIS GOOD") are rampant here and we can't seriously discuss anything Windows related without being invaded by fanboys and shitposters who think this is Sup Forums.

Also is right.

desktop threads can fuck off somewhere else, no one wants that support group on this board

Watch threads are literally just an excuse for some tripfag to show off his rolex.

apart from the hundreds of desktop thread posters hmmmmm

I want

What's absolutely false about a simple observation?

The Sup Forums threads have been happening for years and years, and Sup Forums shares a large venn diagram slice with Sup Forums, so that honestly isn't THAT strange. I think they are different enough to not warrant insta bans or thread closings, I don't think the more consumer/entertainment side of Sup Forums is much worse than the other circle jerks and shit flinging that goes on.

If people would rather have it split into non-consumer and professional/work boards, I guess that might work but one of those would dwarf the other, and they would both be full of shit posting and circle jerks of some kind.

>mfwnf these thread are starting to get cancerous too
>inb4 mod

The day of the rope nears, Sup Forums-tards.


ricing is part of Sup Forums culture and you can't deny that.

Sup Forums needs a shopping board for all these GPU/PC Building/etc threads

Speak for yourself.

split into consumer and non-consumer professional/work*

so why are there so many autistic game haters on Sup Forums? why do people sperg out so much when thinking about desktop threads? why do they fling shit at anime on this website?

there isnt another board that does this, where did these people come from and why are they how they are?

>battlestation is tech
>250 replies
where? where is tech being discussed?

>and Sup Forums shares a large venn diagram slice with Sup Forums
This is what Sup Forums likes to believe, but knowing how to build a PC doesn't mean you can have all the board to shitpost about your manchild hobby.

>If people would rather have it split into non-consumer and professional/work boards
That'd be Sup Forums, the rest goes to Sup Forums.

No one is hating games, posters like you are the problem.

They fancy themselves elite linux hackers and are bothered by people using computers for entertainment I imagine.

no need to samefag

>no one wants desktop threads

We had 2 - 4 desktops a day every month for years

Sup Forums also had /soc/ threads.
so much that moot gave them their own board.

Winkcucks don't care about technology in general.

All they care about is the product, not the method. Product is and the method is .

Products are GPU shitstorms, speccy threads, guts threads, casing threads etc.

A typical winbabby's perception of judging a GPU is "Gaming benchmarks".

None of the gamer wincuckolds are interested in the method or process of making games. Game is not technology, programming games is.

Buying GPU is not technology and neither is discussing which build will play the latest manchild games.

Wincuckolds do not care about privacy and cryptology. They are more invested in games.

If all they care about is the ability to play games they should move to

Game-related stuff brings the shitposters and underage fags. I enjoy games, but tolerating these people is bad for the board.

let me guess, your a linuxfag

Here's the fucking problem: all that shit you mentioned gets removed from Sup Forums and the mods and janitors send them to Sup Forums. Desktop threads used to be there, speccy threads, and battlestation threads.

As said, there is a time and place for Windows discussion. The problem is that the majority of Windows-posters don't have enough technical knowledge about Windows to create quality posts, and they are essentially about cosmetic things. A lot of Linux posters also do this. I'm sure you've seen the "WINDOWS CANT LOOK THIS GOOD" threads.

And yeah, as is saying, calling them "wincucks" is really cancerous also.

But I generally agree.

FreeBSD :^)

I don't believe you just said that what is good for Sup Forums, of all boards you could have picked, is good for Sup Forums. Perhaps you should be posting there instead of here.

i think we've established who the problem is here

its these posters
>kid, cuck, babby, manchild, etc
bare in mind they do this unironically


Jannies so butthurt that this thread actually got its OP banned from Sup Forums.
Look at the content, it was so much LESS cancerous than most Sup Forums threads and usability was discussed and everything. However the ban is the first real statement moderation team has made about desktop thread outside deletions

it's simple

we just need to stop VIRGINS from posting on this board

this provides us with the benefits of getting rid of weebs/animeposters, stickerfags, people that post in desktop threads, and the little kiddies and neets that play vidya all day and only post about graphics cards and peripherals

all the cancer on Sup Forums can simply be chalked up to social autism and a lack of communication with other human beings

And you only need to look at the formatting of their post to realize they're not from around here.

Here's a piece of advice, if you want to try and make a convincing argument do it without insulting your opponent. As soon as you engage in personal attacks you have lost. The points you did make are reasonable but it was lost in childish insults.

>Intel and Nvidia are razer tier
>AMD is real hardware for the discerning Sup Forumsentleman

This attitude actually bothers me so I will fight it when I see it.

Do you know what 'unironically' means retard?

the current moderation team absolutely has to go

G was better before winfags shit postiong in 2011.

hello friend, it seems you are trying to make a point in the argument. however, unfortunately, it appears you lack the understanding and vocabulary to correctly and accurately explain your opinion. i would recommend attempting your post again in a few minutes after doing some basic research and googling the definitions of the words you are planning to use. there is no need to thank me, and good luck next post!

Take your English classes seriously, junior.

Microsoft and Apple should be combined into one containment board.

How do we solve the Sup Forums problem, Sup Forums?

you are the problem more than them (they are too)

baited this hard it's definitely not tech related., but is Sup Forums at its best

we need to ban all the weeaboo kids from Sup Forums and send them back to Sup Forums