FreeNAS general

Its time to have fun with 16TB of hitachi

>using 2tb drives instead of 4tb

>Winshit 10

>he uses win10

He probably got them refurb for like $30 each

Is that Opera

>wangblows X
Just delete thread already.


The case is prepped. The goal for this freenas build is CHEAP AS SHIT.

Supermicro X7DCL-3 - $44
2x Intel Xenon X5130 - $15
6x 4Gb DDR2 PC2-5300 ECC RAM - $30
2x LGA771 Heatsink - $40
Corsair 450w PSU that makes funny noises when you move the mouse - $0
Rosewill 4U Server Case - $100
8x Hitachi 2TB - $37

Total: ~$525

4tb drives are too expensive.

>Corsair 450w PSU that makes funny noises when you move the mouse - $0

I hope you like explosions, user

Everything but the PSU could work. Do not risk it.

of course i do

>450w failing PSU
>8 old HDD's
>two xeons
>server mobo

user, right now you need to go to eBay, get a thermaltake TR-2 650w PSU new, and some molex to sata adapters, and throw that other PSU in the trash

>Corsair 450w PSU that makes funny noises when you move the mouse

First batch of 4 is in the caddy.

Each caddy has its own 120mm fan for cooling.

You want a house fire?

I already have a poweredge 2950 with modded fans and a 1u server with an amd phenom2 955 that idles at 77c. A little more wont hurt.

Bounus SSD Time:
240GB Generic shitty ssd for FreeNAS Cache - $0

120GB Crucial M4 from dead laptop for FreeNAS OS Drive - $0

I got that case, it's breddy good

System: i7 930 with 24GB DDR3-1600
Drives: Adata 128GB SSD (boot), 10x3TB (various types), an old Seagate 1TB, and a pair of old 500GB drives I had laying around.

Doesn't run FreeNAS though, Debian with ZFS on Linux.

>Molex to sata
wanting someone to catch on fire

I love the case so far. It has indicator lights for NIC1 and NIC2, which actually work with the supermicro mobo even when its off.

SATA cable routing is done, on to power.

keep postin user, im a sucker for server builds especially cheap dangerous ones
godspeed you beautiful man

there are 8 molex power connectors for fans in this case. every pin in every connector begs for death as I force them to mate with the psu cables.

I am only finished with the first 6 connectors at this time. 3 pins have already completely ejected from their molex housing upon attempted insertion.

Power Cabling is now complete. Time to close it up and prep freenas on usb

can this mobo even boot from usb? we'll find out soon enough.

>can this mobo even boot from usb? we'll find out soon enough.


gl, user. threads like these are going to make Sup Forums great again.

Server's installed. FreeNAS usb stick is ready. Time to boot for the first time.

Oh good this answers all my current questions.

OP, prepare a fire extinguisher nearby

I've now learned some things

The boot device "All USB" does nothing.
The supermicro mobo can only have 8 boot options at a time
You press x to disable an option so you can enable something else

Freenas boots pretty well so far.

Anyone know whether 2.5" drives are reliable? I could live with the slower speeds.

we're done! now that we can access freenas over the network, its time for bed.

Autism or just a memer.

I'm jealous OP. I dream of doing this sort of shit with my old hardware, but it never comes together quite right.

My current media machine is a mix of old/new parts, has some funky 15W embedded AMD cpu, no ECC ram, 4 cheap WD drives, and runs Linux rather than FreeNAS. Uses barely any power though, and the CPU is passively cooled so I have a case with one big-ass 200mm fan which is kind of nice I guess?

Also I recently learned that Mini-SAS connectors exist. My mind is pretty blown.
Why the fuck do we even have single SATA ports on motherboards anyway?

I'm debating whether I should build my own and use FreeNAS or just buy a Synology/QNAP premade and use their proprietary OS.

Could anyone spoonfeed me on smartphone compatibility? I know Qnap and Synology has apps that lets you access and upload to the NAS. I suppose I would like to give my parents access to at least semi-redundant storage but mother's not exactly in love with computer technology.

Is there an easy and secure way to upload files from your smartphone to FreeNAS?

pls hel


Most file managers support ftp

Shill or just a Sup Forumsermin.

Those wouldn't happen to be refurbished drives that you got for $20-$40 each, are they? I work at a shop that's been selling them lately and im surprised we've still had a regular stock of them

>Corsair 450w PSU that makes funny noises when you move the mouse - $0


>PSU kills the entire build in a week. Only the case is salvageable

>A new, albeit basic, PSU. The system lasts 5 years.

thats a lot of hitachis

Believe it or not some people prefer to be able to use standard software without tinkering around a week for mediocre performance.

Look OP, this is what you call samefagging. Statistically there is only one linux user on Sup Forums and he is spamming all the threads.

>no hotswap

>tfw have one.

Hi Rajesh

That's Hans for you basement dwelling 12 year old dude.

Sup Forums has too long been infested with Linux ricer kiddies. It's time to purge them once and for all.

Any of the following regularly occurring threads on Sup Forums is either directly or indirectly about Linux ricing or autism:

* Intel vs. AMD threads
* GPU threads
* Various types of rig/battlestation/guts/Speccy threads ("What parts should I buy, /g?" "Is this part good, Sup Forums?" "Check out my specs, Sup Forums.")
* All Linux discussion and support threads (obviously)(which distro to use, how to rice, which anime child porn to use)

These threads only serve to discuss products for doing pointless stuff. They have nothing to do with programming, networking, security, privacy, freedom, design, usability, or anything else Sup Forums related.

These threads and the people who post within them belong in either or as they are the appropriate boards in which to discuss their hobby, along with "distro war" and "gentoo vs. arch" threads. This should be Rule #4 for Sup Forums and it should be aggressively enforced until the manchildren finally get it and move on.

This is the thread to petition Hiroshimoot to cure the /mlp/ cancer in Sup Forums. If you really care about technology and not just vapid consumerism, help by adding your voice to this discussion.

We can do it, Sup Forums.


lincucks don't care about technology in general.

All they care about is the rice, not the method. Pony pictures is and the method is .

Products are GPU shitstorms, speccy threads, guts threads, casing threads etc.

A typical lincuck's perception of judging a GPU is nothing because lincuck has no games or programs.

None of the ricer lincuckolds are interested in the method or process of making games. Game is not technology, programming games is.

Ricing is not technology and neither is discussing which build will look the best with anime theme.

Lincuckolds do not care about privacy and cryptology. They are more invested in anime child porn.

r u a grill?

>2*4 = 16
Are you retarded?

That's 8 drives. Are you retarded?

>he doesn't see the mirror on the table

>Posts on Sup Forums.
>Probably has a CS degree or is still at college getting it.
Ask her how long she's been on hormones instead.

Is that enough for your gay porn collection?

The raidz2 volume is now up and running. we lose a few TB for redundancy, but its worth it since these are refurbished drives and the chance that two could die at once is higher.

The 250gb ssd added as cache no problem, now I just need to set up decent performance reporting and do some speed tests.

Hello Anthony!



You really should save 40 bucks and buy a new PSU though, Anthony.

But other than that, pretty sweet little file server.

just a heads up, i have a freenas box too. i used the gui updater about a week ago and when i restarted it went into a restart loop. so....use it at your own risk. back up your config before you update it.
