>[ROM][Unofficial][5.0.2][WIP][OFFICIAL][UB/LB][Lollipop][NIGHTLY][UPDATE][Feb 18 2015]
[ROM][Unofficial][5.0.2][WIP][OFFICIAL][UB/LB][Lollipop][NIGHTLY][UPDATE][Feb 18 2015]
Other urls found in this thread:
>bugs: you tell me :)
I flash but phone stuck on boot logo.
Please sir I appreciate effort but I need help to fix phone.
Thank you in advance
I will kiss your balls
>working: mostly everything
>not working: camera, bluetooth, headphones, dialer, charging
in case of every android phone ever there are only 3 custom firmwares worth looking on xda forums : cyanogenmod ( official or unofficial depending on your device ); 1 aosp based firmware made by some european coders; 1 custom based on official made by some russians on 4pda and reposted on xda by indiands. Rest is indian script kiddies trying to boost their self-esteem by making their "own" firmwares.
Hey, check out the new ROM I created!
Changed the default wallpaper.
Almost everything works! Except a few minor bugs :)
* Dial crashes when you press a key
* Camera freezes when you take a picture
* Phone reboots when you plug a headphone in
* Charging overheats the phone
* If plugged into a windows PC causes a BSOD
I'm accepting donations on paypal and bitcoin.
Seriously....its not hard. And no, trolls, I'm not whining because no one thanks my posts. Just look around at the ratio of downloads : thanks. You'll find simple .apk posts that have 110 views, but the post was only thanked 4 times. Please don't try to tell me that all 106 other people used the XDA app to download. I realize that you can only give 5 thanks a day, and the app has no button, but everyone here knows theres always been a serious lack of appreciation here in the Vibrant forum.
It's the easiest, most effortless way to show appreciation to someone, yet it seems at least half the forum can't take .28 seconds to hit the thanks button. Don't just download and run guys. Slam that button, and do it with a smile...cause you would expect the same.
Any time you download posted content, either via link, or via attachment...it is out of courtesy that you hit it every time....regardless of whether or not you liked the content. Also...dont just thank popular devs. Even if its someones first post, they still deserve recognition.
Can anyone explain this meme to me ?
Originally Posted by christpuncher
Nobody cared about getting thanks until the thanks button showed up. I don't care if someone wants to feel special because some stranger on the internet clicked a button. Now all anyone does is solicit thanks from some nerds they don't even know. Who gives a damn.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA Premium App
youre such a rebel badass....classic vibrant user
yah we wouldnt want you to strain your finger muscles or anything. And the reason the "Thanks" button showed up was because of popular demand. It is a widespread feature across internet forums. Some people actually enjoy giving thanks....even if it is through a virtual, meaningless button......its certainly better than your deplorable attitude.
"hey, we'll take all the free roms, kernels, themes, apps, mods, etc. that we can get!! just dont expect us to press a 'Thanks' button, because WE think its a cheesey concept."
you dont care if someone wants to feel special?? interesting, well id bet youd want that person to care if you downloaded something of theirs and there turned out to be something wrong with it, right? Youre the type of person that downloads something....doesnt say thanks or leave any positive feedback....but then once you find something wrong, something you dont like, or something you WANT, THEN you will make the effort to jump on the forum and say a thing or two.
The bottom line is it doesnt matter what the hell you think about the Thanks button. If someone is kind enough to provide you with something that improves your phone experience, and all they ask from you to do in return is to move your mouse a couple inches to click the Thanks button?????....then you hit the friggen Thanks button!...quid pro quo, clarice.....
jesus christ, forums were a mistake
>then you hit the friggen Thanks button!
no I don't lmao
helo dear sir i try installing this rom into my Supermax C900 Pro,,,, however it has been rebooting for 10 minuts now. can you help me please,, thank you sir.
"Requiscat e pace" -- ezio auditor, asassins creed
hello xda i welcome u my new rom darkmallow based of cm 13
- all cm features
- dark theme
- boot
- no wifi
- no calling
- no dark theme
- you tell me ;;;)
please use search before reporting and dont ask for etas
see post below
"super" - francisco franco
"exelent recommends - matias duart
"great rom some freezes but daily driver material" - rajeesh singh
please donate here and buy me a beer:
RajeeshSingh197 is not responsible for bricked devices, dead SD cards, thermonuclear war, or you getting fired because the alarm app failed. Please do some research if you have any concerns about features included in the products you find here before flashing it! YOU are choosing to make these modifications, and if you point the finger at me for messing up your device, I will laugh at you. Your warranty will be void if you tamper with any part of your device / software.
Sent from my OnePlus One using Tapalk
"only jew poo in loo" -Rajeesh Singh
OnePlus One CM12.1
If I helped u hit THANKS
>pls donate money so I can make a new machine just to make builds
>thanks guys have some picks and a new nightly build
>From now on I won't be updating this post anymore, check the server for new builds
>Server is offline
>Can't find any builds for it at all
>Post is still being used for discussion of the one variant that got official cm support
>Developer doesn't post anymore
I loved my GS5 but it was horrible not having my model officially supported by cm
SM-G900F has an excellent support, but I'm not so sure about the other variants such as kltespr, etc.
And that's why you never buy carrier variant phones
GS5 owner here, international model, enjoying my CM support (by not using it, because shit camera)
my parents are mad because i keep makin kernels all day xD
can some1 please test this one, I dont own that phone lol
I would get the international model but the only carrier thats not slow as fuck around me is USC. They don't allow you to bring in your own phone last time I tried so you're stuck with carrier branded ones
>Find a bug
>Fix the bug
>See somebody on XDA with the same issue
>Register so i can help him out
>You need to shitpost irrelevant information 10 times before you can post in this section.
Nevermind then.
>want to download old ROM for an old phone
>megaupload/rapidshare links everywhere
kinda like open source general
>want to contribute to qbittorrent
>find a bug
>fix the bug
>get email
>'whoa there cowboy, are you really sure you want to contribute to qbittorrent? seems like you just want to get famous'
>'we don't need you'
>well alright then
*bug was code related not sjw shit 'fixed he/his with xe/xer'
I live in a third world European country and there are no carrier models here. It's either the international version or the phone doesn't get here at all. That's mostly the case with Nexus phones.
guys please help ..... i want to install mokee released version 20160829 but i am not bale to install pico gapps even after clean flash and i m stuck on app_name has stopped error ... need help
thanks in advance
Guys please help,
Can Anyone Upload Latest Build of Resurrection Remix Rom (Official) Since BasketBuild Website Is Down.. please help.. Upload In Google Drive Or Else On Any Website And Comment Below...Thanks in advance
>not rolling your own
disgusting pleb detected
What? I have a 900-F and it gets official daily builds. Do you have a non-international model?
hey there guys i made a rom for you based on cm4, this it's wip so its unstable lol
workin screen
lock screen
preinstalle minecfrat 1.9.0
curenly not workig:
touch scren
device get very hot and may explode
u tell me
link for downlods:
you need to thank my post and hit subscribe to see it
I im not repsobile if your device gets bricked, a war stars, your cat eats it, or you clen ur anus with it XD. plese respect gpl3.6
sorry for englihs bad
Plese hit thanks if u want more quality roms like mines ;)
Signature: Naruto is real, your not. ~~~~~~[NarutoFan2003]
[PoosinLoos14] it briked my device wtff>???????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[SefuVodka2000] Quote: "[PoosinLoos14] it briked my device wtff>???????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Works on my device ;)))))))))
hello, today i build complete new rom ; Hexagon v1.3 base android 6.0 for redmi note 4g. this is fisrt time i build rom for redmi note 4g. i hope all friend like this rom
link: drive.google.com
i use device tree(has modified to build hexagon),kernel, vendor by Ashish Kotnala (big thank to Ashish Kotnala)
source: github.com
dirty unicorn rom v10.4
To fix backlight and vibration download the 25du fix and paste it in init.d folder set permission to 755..and reboot(thanks to +Em Ji Madhu )
Change the brightness from 0 to 120 according to your choice
edge bug kernel coming soon
i cant believe nuget is not coming to our device its still a good device i will never buy sony again
>no mention of "wipe dalvik cache 200times then wipe cache 3 times then wipe device data 49 times"
surprisingly correct I must say
i dont get this meme
>Rom has a noticeable bug
>quick fix for bug is buried deep somewhere in 200 pages of replies and not on OP's post.
Fuck you then
Hello i like game very much can you do hack for infinite health ))) and all unlocks )))
>making indian poojokes
fuck you, its getting old you bastard fucks.
>only jew poo in loo
Top fucking kek m8
go waay, you bastard fuck shit.
Literally why would you use anything other than Cyanogenmod with maybe a custom kernel on top?
Don't sweat it Pajeet, sweat isn't good for your red dot.
>fuck shit
Wew, don't give them ideas.
cheeky banter I suppose
Can this be a general pls? It's the funniest thing that has ever happened to Sup Forumsesus.
This, it's actually original and funny
this thread is The best
pls help me my galaxy wont boot past rom logo sometimes and i get random reboots n the phone overheats and drains battery very fast but overall very nice rom thank u very much for ur hard work in this rom would recommend :-)
Sent from my Galaxy S III using TapaTalk
These threads have been happening since Sup Forums was about technology
>make this a general
So the same jokes can be repeated ad nauseum for months and bump actual tech threads off the catalog?
Download Link
Did you read the FAQ?
Did you RELALLY read the FAQ?
Ayo smash that MF thanks button
Remember to donate
-PM me for link
>"hey just follow this guide to fix the X problem some people have"
>'This imageshack image has either expired or was moved'
>'This imageshack image has either expired or was moved'
>'This imageshack image has either expired or was moved'
in 9 out of 10 cases an aosp or even custom based on official will be better than generic cyanogenmod port. Its only worth using if your device is unpopular and has no other roms.
Please stop posting in this thread.
This joke is not funny at least the people who offer FREE and AWESOME ROMS work hard and explores the tech. While you loser stroking cock to "traps", "feminine penises" and "qt3.14 trap gfs", we people LEARN and GIVE through donationware, so fuck off.
Hello Rajeesh, how's that ROM going?
>posting best character of the series
my nigga
miki is best
Can U make it able to work for "Doowong P3987 MT6735P Quad Core 5.0 Inches Screen" ?
Current for my device.
>[ROM][ALPHA][7.0] Unofficial CyanogenMod 14
>Camera not working
>SELinux is permissive
>Night mode causes red screen tint (Fix)
Will this work with the Verizon model or only the international I don't want to brick.
>night mode causes red screen tint
isn't that the purpose of night mode?
>red dot.
Only married women have those.
I don't really get it. All the roms I've tried on my Note 3 work wonderfully. I guess it's not really a problem with flagship phones. I'm using a ROM made by pajeet that gives me Note 5 features with absolutely no lag.
Memes aside XDA does deliver stuff instead of dropping everything at logo stage