Real shit going down.
If you use a VPN, or deny location access on your phone, or care an iota about privacy, this affects you.
Real shit going down.
If you use a VPN, or deny location access on your phone, or care an iota about privacy, this affects you.
There is nothing I, you or anyone else can do about this.
>mfw shart in marts think this will affect europeans
>Herr Merkel would never work with the NSA
I don't live in a 3RD world country
This doesn't affect me
Call your senator, get everyone you know to call your senator, get everyone they fucking know to call and bitch at the senator, until he's so annoyed, he at least considers it. Most people don't give af, if he feels like he'll lose a sizable portion of voters, it will at least get him thinking enough to read the bill.
European but not in the EU
I don't give a heck
thank you based Rand for being the only thing between us and 1984
pic related
>Tfw America couldn't handle the Randall
You know mocking the most technologically advanced nation on the planet (Even if we don't distribute that technology to everyone, yes the US fucking is in almost every field) doesn't change the fact the United States government is going to hack you too if they get half a chance.
>tfw this shit would never pass in my country because a referendum would be called and the issue would be brought to vote by the populace, which while sometimes retarded, certainly isn't retarded enough to accept shit like this
Feels good to live in a first world country with a direct democracy
I'm sure they'd put some retarded spin on it with muh terrorists, or something. Just enough to scare the normies into voting anti terrorism, rather than pro security
>direct democracy
And yet whenever I say this is the best type of democracy I'm called a libcuck
If direct democracy is so great why did athens commit suicide
Direct democracy without constraints or qualifications (ie. a simple majority of the total population of voters) is a fucking terrible idea.
Any real or hypothetical function of government that you agree with. that isn't supported by the majority, is at risk.
Direct democracy can have a place, but in a wider, diverse system of governance, because every system is fucking terrible.
>tfw even though part of 5eyes our internet is so shit they'll never track us anyway.
Feels somewhat melancholic to be Australian.
Tyranny of the Majority is what you're thinking of.
She doesn't. They can just bug all her electronics like they already did.
Yes I know, but it's better to explain the concept than give some phrase that most people are unfamiliar with.
I'm a senator
Nice try, Palpatine
I can't wait for the firemen. Welcome to hell motherfuckers.
delete your CP and you have nothing to worry about
This isn't true, but honestly I just can't fight this shit anymore. I can only call, write, and bother my senators so long without results.
Fuck I hate people, if the internet wasn't infested with normies shit like this would never fly
>your life doesn't revolve around the government
They control you faggots to such an extent, why even would they need to know about your communication?
Swissfagli detected
That's it, I'm voting for him instead of Trump.
Our laws become your laws. SOPA,trans atlantic
Dont agree with it?
We wont help you, and will continue to push our agenda on your shitty country.
You tell yourself that.
also without some individual and property rights you run into the tragedy of the commons. People treat stuff they dont own like shit that's why full on nig countries with large governments and little property rights become absolute shit holes.