What does Sup Forums think about my Mech keyboard?

What does Sup Forums think about my Mech keyboard?
It's a Monterey Mk-9500, nearly 20 years old and with white alps switches.
It also has a "surprise". I'll show you pictures Anons

Looks comfortable, though I do not know what white alps feel like.


The fuck.
I need one right now.

Are you telling me you can swap the top half between the two?

Nope, i just need to flip it upside down. One side has the midi keyboard, the other has the key


Thanks user


That's pretty fucking metal.

That's dope.


Bella tastiera!


where have you find it? I'm Italian too and looking for a white Alps keyboard.

Did you just swap the top, or is it keyboard on one side, and keyboard on the other?

>white alps switches.
My favorite. Thought they are loud as fuck. I use the 'quiet' Matias copies, they are good.

>tfw I also have one of these

It was cool as shit when I was a kid.

Check it out.

this thread has been up for hours with very little posts, there are no excuses as to why you didn't cruise through and fucking read

Why are all the G keys discoloured?

idk it's been in the garage for years now.

Did the garage cover every other key on the keyboard side except for G?


am i on reddit right now?
