>The combination of chaining the vulnerabilities described below allows a malicious exit node operator or global adversary to conduct a silent remote code execution attack on all platforms of the Tor Browser.
>This attack is not limited to just being hypothetical in nature and evidence shows that this attack has already been possible for a number of years.
>The list of vulnerable deployments to this attack includes the native Tor Browser for Windows, Linux, OSX and also includes Tor Browser installations on dedicated operating systems such as Tails and Whonix.
>The entire security of the Tor Browser ecosystem relies on the integrity of a single TLS certificate that has already been previously compromised.
Michah Lee and Andrea Shepherd both rubbished and dismissed the claims. Tor is pretty much silent and are also planning to limit community discussion about Tor, lol.
This is how they're getting to them obviously. Rape accusations are without doubt the most effective method of discrediting people.
Benjamin Kelly
Yup. There are still morons in the world who think Julian Assange raped two women in Sweden even although they claim they only wanted to contact him to have an STD test done. Mud sticks.
Austin Campbell
Solution: don't use Javascript or any other shitty browser scripting language.
However, a breach in certs is definitely beyond local code execution…
Connor Gonzalez
We all know who's behind this
Julian Ortiz
I m not reading all that shit, what went wrong? how do we exploit it?
Landon James
Jews are reptilians, what anonymity service can we use now?
Ryan Ortiz
>How do we exploit it >We
Nigga if you can't then there's no "we" because you ain't involved. Scriptfaggie
Dylan Ortiz
So all I have to do is use tor on my own customized browser then?
Gabriel Parker
thanks for your reply, but that's not what I asked
Jackson Perry
sometimes, I wonder why people even trust women
I'm not even trolling, and I'm not a fat pasty nerd either. I started getting /fit/ over a year ago, and since then I've always disregarded the attention from women. I honestly believe they cannot be trusted, and the ones who can be don't exist near me
Joshua Miller
Appelbaum yearned to have a Chromium-based browser as the Tor standard. Brave would have now been an almost perfect replacement as it has been built from the bottom up to focus on privacy and native blocking of tracking shit. Just a shame Appelbaum was ousted and this won't happen.
I wouldn't recommend using it at all tbqh.
Matthew Peterson
just write me a small script ans some instructions on how to exploit people, and I ll come back in an hour
Charles Butler
>sometimes, I wonder why people even trust women
Women are perfect intelligence agents where seduction is concerned.
Gavin Clark
I don't trust people. I can never be sure if someone is going to throw me under the bus to the thought police.
Daniel Turner
You cannot exploit it without having tremendous resources to link exit nodes with random traffic. Aka your pocket-money from mom wouldn't be enough.
Jonathan Butler
oh, why didn't you say it sooner, you need a botnet , cool
Alexander Flores
Ok, so what now? I2P?
Matthew Edwards
if /k/ does meetups, when can we have Sup Forums island, or Sup Forums base?
Colton Perry
Which is also very expensive
Elijah Martinez
ah, no worries there. Thanks for the info nevertheless.
Carter Reyes
Sure Tor is still safe to use guise! :) Keep on using Tor, still "no backdoors"! Donate now to help reach our LGBTWTBBQTBQH goals for this year. No non-Jew(ess) white males need apply.
Brandon Evans
>miss me yet?
Luis Ramirez
Jace Ward
I've had my doubts but his heart seemed to be in the right place. He could be a massive SJW asshole though.
Isaac Nguyen
Interesting how this thread is now on autosage and is dropping faster than Miley's pants but threads with no action from yesterday are above it.
Nathaniel Davis
Christian Brown
Daniel Wilson
One word: HPKP.
The moron who published this """"exploit'"""" literally had to recompile Firefox with a different cert to get the proof of concept to work. Fearmongering at its finest. I bet you people bought the "BREXIT IS GONNA TANK THE ECONOMY!!!1!1!1one" meme too.
Austin Cruz
What does the question mark mean in place of the page number?
Jose Price
Brexit will tank the economy.
All our exported wealth is directly based on our imports from the EU.
All our industry will die off hard when we sell our cheap goods. (because the currency shit itself through the floor)
Learn how the economy works.
The UK are going to need to come up with entirely new industry to keep itself of any significance in the global market.
It won't mean that people will suddenly have shitty lives. GDP is a meaningless value when it comes to quality of life, it always has been. PPP is even more retarded. China has most billionaires on the planet now, despite its shit currency. BUt the UK can't just go "lel I will just devalue my monies and win all the stuff", the UK are nothing, it doesn't have the physical MASS required to be able to do that. Only large nations or groups of nations can do such things because they have the physical means to construct and build new shit. The UK is a tiny little piece of shit. A drop in the ocean.
I wish you people would stay out of /biz/. You already lost out on making money on Brexit.
Nicholas Ross
Hi Eddie
Carter Johnson
does this mean i can't buy drugs anymore
Andrew Miller
No Steven. Btw, your mom has nice tits.
Andrew Ramirez
Adam Peterson
>being this much of a remain cuck when every point project fear made has been shown for the bullshit it was
Samuel Ward
Jackson Butler
pls reply
Connor Sullivan
But he had pointed it out. If you have a cert and you are controling the tor network, you have basically access to all the machines connected. No matter how you get it (e.g. infiltrating Mozilla team or their systems, buying and setting up lots and lots of exit nodes) you can if you are NSA.
Cooper Gonzalez
So. Can you bump it?
Asher Gomez
the problem is that web technologies are a farce, and firefox is the worst of them. if you weren't a mouthbreather you already knew the tor browser contains tons of rce vulnerabilites.
Ian Murphy
>Brexit will tank the economy. if it ever HAPPENS
Julian Thompson
with that conspirscy bullshit
Levi Hughes
>/fit/ >a gay dude hates women
Color me surprised queer.
Landon Green
Please take it to thank you very much.
Christopher Harris
>page 1 yeah sure is autosage
Wyatt Lopez
found the feminist
Austin Scott
blame hiroshimoot
idk it shows up fine for me
Camden Green
(((Applebaum))) is a mega-SJW, anti-white, feminist, literal fag. It's poetic justice that he is being accused of rape.
Benjamin Foster
Or Sup Forums Starbucks raids > sit in with all our thinkpads and take away seats from mac fags One can dream
I've always thought it was Appelbaum who was CIA. This sorta confirms it. Brief but colorful upbringing, effectively orphaned due to deadbeat no name parents, some hazy years then suddenly -- ACTIVIST -- SOFTWARE DEVELOPER!
His character has been retired from a very public software project and he won't resurface for many years.
Isaac King
i refuse to believe it. i have faith in my waifu.
Daniel Davis
She's part of the problem. Her along with the other females that all seem to be feminist bumchums
Jacob Ross
>I've always thought it was Appelbaum who was CIA
Being a jew is worse than being CIA, but a CIA jew would be pretty dangerous.
Logan Miller
as true as that my be, i like her anyway.
Jaxson Morris
How am i gonna check those random b links now
Daniel Rivera
>browsing Sup Forums >clicking on random links just don't do either of those
If this ever gets off the ground, all the developers should be anonymous so as to prevent the current crop of SJW infiltration. It should be run like Truecrypt. As soon as one snowflake gets in, the disease spreads -- it has happened to almost every project.