Be a lifelong Windows user

>Be a lifelong Windows user
>Never actually used any sort of Linux distro seriously
>Background processes and such have always angered me to great lenghts on Windows and I have always done everything I could to reduce them to a minimum
>Suddenly decide to install Ubuntu alongside Windows to test it out after using a LiveCD of it to diagnose a dying computer
>Try it out
>Everything is insanely smooth without modifying anything
>Install my daily programs on it and see no changes at all in performance
>There is little to completely no background disk activity generally speaking, it just does what I want it to when I ask for it
>Everything I do on it feels nicer and more optimized, even watching shows and playing the few games I own which work on it
>Remember that I still need Adobe tools to work and that I still can't play most of my favorite games on it
>Have to go back to Windows very often due to this
>Every time I start it it feels like my computer is 20 years old
>No matter what I do this is how it will always be from now on

I will never be able to enjoy Windows anymore.

Yeah but what about this?

fuck you


I wish I could say that, but having a 280x, linux is not comfortable to use either way. Games or not, Adobe tools or not. How are you supposed to enjoy your OS when a desktop like Gnome 3 or KDE stutter like you're actually playing a fucking videogame

I mean c'mon not even my $150 chinkphone lags like this


Having an Nvidia card, I can't relate to that.

Yep I don't know how anyone could possibly deny this.

Linux just runs better than Windows.

>broken windows install = dying computer

Windows only runs well on high-end gaming rigs with expensive SSDs, and even then Linux outperforms it.

Linux is designed much better too.

>adobe tools
proprietary shit, adobe is fucking them up anyway, my advice would be to advance your career so you don't have to use them anymore
you'll grow out of those once you get older

Anyone who thinks Windows is more performant than Linux is a dumb fuck.

I guess you have a point. Truth be told there's a lot more than just that holding me back on Windows, but over time I'll probably be switching completely anyway.

Can relate, windows runs slower on a ssd than using linux on a 200 mb/s 3tb seagate hdd in vmware. I need to use windows because adobe and other normie windows shit.

I would be inclined to believe this if AMD support on linux wasn't crappy. I'm on W10 and this shit ain't pleasant, but it isn't slow, far from it.

Celeron, 4gb + 500gb HDD, you are wrong.

The latest, most up to date release of Ubuntu runs much, much much better than Windows 7 on my Pentium 4, 768 MB & 40 GB IDE drive machine.

You should try zorinOS. It comes with wine and play on Linux if you ever need windows programs. It's also very smooth and looks like windows if you don't want to spend extra time customising.
>AMD support on Linux is crappy
From my experience every AMD GPU worked perfectly. Not sure about their CPUs.

Windows Vista*, that machine wasn't able to take 7.

Welcome into the light, new Linuxfag.

BS. Windows (and OS X) runs much smoother than any modern Linux DE thanks to the fact it's not using Xorg and inferior window compositors. The only way Linux runs faster is with an old as fuck DE, but you can get the same in Windows using the classic theme in 7.


That would mean all computers with Windows installs are dying user.

immunity cat has blessed everyone with its presence

Nah GNOME is smooth as butter.

Windows has always had a problem where it slows down after using for a month or so and gets really laggy. Linux doesn't do this.

nvidia card here, ui is butter smooth except for random moments which occur every few minutes or so when ui animations including browser scrolling drop frames like crazy for a few seconds

GNOME for me is smooth as long as I don't switch desktops. The moment I do that it's a lottery between stuttering and not doing so.

Not only that, it's a mess to play with vsync. Windows may slow down in terms of accessing programs/files but its UI doesn't just lag, unless you have an old tablet or netbook.

That said, I tried GNOME 3.18 and 3.20. Maybe they improved performance on it but it wasn't smooth at all. Hell I wish it was.

when will this meme die?

Still makes me rage, poor kid

When AMD develops good drivers.

>All the programs I use are available on linux

Man, it must suck being poor/you.

>OP doesn't know he can use GPU passthrough to run Windows in a VM within Linux with 99% native performance
Only really viable if you have 16+gb RAM though, both OSes will have to share it.


>that feeling when only shitty CPUs support GPU passthrough

But they do


we are immune

Oh yeah? Where are those amdgpu drivers they promised for all GCN cards? I don't see my model being supported.

You mean basically all amd CPUs and all non-k intel CPUs from yge last 5 years?

Behind a flag until the support matures and becomes just as stable as Radeon.
Also, they never actually promised support for anything but Fury, Tonga and newer GPUs, yet here they are backporting it

That's exactly what I mean.

thanks bruh

>Using DEs at all
You disgust me

So whar you're telling me is you bought a k cpu cause yout gamer friends told you they're the best, when it turns out you just got fleeced by intel by paying more for less features?

Just trying to understand the situation fully


>be a life long windows user
>try to set up xmonad
>on arch linux

I'm in the same boat, really sucks.

I bet you use Arch Linux with i3 gaps and post your 50 terminals on r/unixporn

I don't have a k cpu but I know that Intel is jewing people who want to overclock.


>wasting your system's resources on useless eye candy

Theres no reason to overclock unless you do it for a hobby, the performance gains are negligible at best. Gpu overclocking is still worth it, but even that margin of improvement is shrinking.

I just want gamers to stop recommending k cpus. Im sick of encountering them and being interested in how far people pushed their chips obly to find out theyre stock, its literally 99% of k cpu users i come across.

There are people who actually want to get things done rather than waste months configuring every pixel on their desktop.


you're being dishonest with yourself if that's your excuse, lets take that anons example of i3, and I /think/ your? assertion of him using Arch.

sudo pacman -S i3wm

wow fuck that was a hard install

Now configure it to actually be usable or at least not ugly as fuck

Also I'd rather keep my thumbnails in my file picker


That's a case of moving goalposts and you know it, the original disagreement as I see it was about wasting resources vs ease of install.
Having said that its not difficult to make pretty either. Maybe half an hour, at most, maybe 2 or 3 hours if you're 100% new to linux and using config files.

>thumbnails in my file picker
that is dependent on your file picker, not your DE, that is wholy irrelevant to this discussion.

>>That's a case of moving goalposts and you know it, the original disagreement as I see it was about wasting resources vs ease of install.
>Having said that its not difficult to make pretty either. Maybe half an hour, at most, maybe 2 or 3 hours if you're 100% new to linux and using config files.
not that guy but how do you beautify i3?
I mean window borders and colors

>that is dependent on your file picker, not your DE, that is wholy irrelevant to this discussion.
Show me a usable file picker in a GTK DE/WM

>Open config file with vim
>Change values
>Now you have different colors, fonts and whatever the fuck you want

Linux isn't designed around gayming. Please go back to . You'll realized once you actually grow up and out of your child-like activities, that Linux can be enjoyed just as much as windows nowadays.

There's 2 main configs you need to look for, the first is i3 config, this will have most of what you want, including border colors, that should be in ~/.config/i3/config or there abouts, im not at my pc at present, the second is i3status which as the name suggest controls the status bar, which is at /etc/i3status.conf.

The colors in i3 config will be pretty evident, though not labelled well, just change one at a time and refresh i3 (super+r) until you clue in what color code changes what. If you get stuck, google is always there, and #rice on rizon may be able to help out, haven't been there in a while but.

It looks like you're right. I feel violated.

You're a retard.
Install radeon git, libdrm git, mesa git and llvm git. Then enable dri3.
It's on our wiki.

>everyone that doesn't but what I buy is a gamer
>I'm superior because I don't have hobbies

I logged in for this, excuse that its a bit gross, i dont have any gtk themes installed, don't often use it.

Don't look at this as an expertly done rice out i3 either, ive hardly touched the basic files for this, I like it pretty plain.

I do it for fun, i've just noticed less performance gains in benchmarks and realworld tests so i stopped buying k cpus. vt-d is more useful for me anyway.

there is seemingly no other use-case for k-cpus, if you needed more power for enterprise you'd buy better or more cpus, the only market is gaming, and the performance increase there is negligble. The claim that everyone that buys k cpus is a gamer holds relatively true; they are either that or uninformed as to why theyre buying specific pieces of hardware.

I game as well, how else would i encounter such large amounts of k-cpus not even being overclocked slightly to make the claim i made in my post?

I was talking about the GTK file chooser (the one that pops up when you want to do something like upload or open file). The GTK file chooser is fucking garbage and it's mind-boggling that they STILL haven't improved it.

I've got this, i'm fairly certain you'd rather icons than a list though, i did have icons implemented properly when i was deep in ricing however long ago but i've forgotten how to do it, i know it can be done however.


Yeah, that's what I was talking about. This just shows how much the GNOME/GTK devs don't give a fuck about their users.

open source
just fix it yourself ;^)


>buying AMD

Well.. I mean it's perfectly usable, I prefer lists anyhow. Though you've now got me wondering why this looks different to thunar despite my having no gtk themes installed, this file picker must be part of firefox or something, gonna download chrome and see what happens.

>lifelong windows user
>get bored one day
>dual boot with xubuntu
>a week later delete windows partition and install xubuntu
>no ragrets

>I mean it's perfectly usable
It's usable for documents but it's annoying as fuck if you want to select an image.

You could name your images, or drag and drop from your file manager, though i know thats just getting around average design. If i weren't so tired id look into how you get icons with thumbnails in the file picker right now.

same situation here, but i'm using Mint instead, my graphic drivers fuck up *buntu.

If it was not the games I play I would keep here ffs

pic related: my desktop, starting to get a little into minimalism

I don't understand why companies willingly lock themselves in on Windows.

>>Remember that I still need Adobe tools to work and that I still can't play most of my favorite games on it
>>Have to go back to Windows very often due to this
use qemu with kvm and pci passthrough for Windows

that's where industry standard software is, the only workplaces that have the option to opt-out are those that either dont require that software, say for example, graphic design. Or places that write their own software; the programs that which depend on are mostly multi-platform anyway.

openoffice isnt as good as microsoft office and thats just a sad truth, most of the workforce using computers is just pushing emails and documents all day every day, there is no reason for them to not use windows.

>use qemu with kvm and pci passthrough for Windows
thats a fucking cunt to set up though man, ive used linux for ages and i even found it to be an absolute pain in the dick, besides, you're still using windows, you just save... what?.. 10 seconds on boot time probably?

I felt the same until i installed OS X. It has all that and good proprietary programs.

I'm doing the distro a month challenge and next month is Zorin.

Looks pretty plebby, I'm intrigued about the low spec mode. I have an old shitt book I'd love to have a GUI OS on.

Same, love it!
Except for dicking around with xorg.conf, fuck that.
A GUI for "unsupported" resolutions would be awesome.

Plasma in KDE5 crashes quite a lot during right clicking of applications.
Icons doing funny things
Driver related?
Should I use the opensource AMD drivers or the propr. one?

I've never had to open xorg.conf in my life.

I mostly use normie distros like ubuntu and fedora though. Been using for about six years.

Ubuntu here too, must be a thing with old and multiple monitors.

that's because you've only been using linux for 6 years

you've only used modern Xorg with modern, plug-and-play, EDID-capable monitors

Same. I never use Windows because it's disgustingly slow competitively.


Thats why i'm planing to do a bare fucking bones installation of Windows 7 for dual booting purposes. Fuck accessibility, fuck security, fuck prettiness, as long as it's stable and fast, i'm fine with it.

Apart for the debloating Sup Forums guide, do someone knows what else can i do to remove bloat?



Thats nice. I tried to install universal media server and remote desktop onto ubuntu.

I might as well have been usuing a mac for all the nothing it was doing. Its so great that you had the same linux experience i did and got everything to work. I just reinstalled win7 and it worked for me

Do what I do, have a seperate gaming desktop PC with Windows and a laptop with Linux for everything else. You don't get mad at Windows when it's just gaming and you get all the Linux benefits in your daily life.

Adobe tools might even work through Wine, I know that people have used them a lot. If they don't, just do that part on your Windows PC as well. After you get rid of the chains you can migrate fully.

>>Remember that I still need Adobe tools to work

love you, mom


You got fucking microsoft bill on there too, grandpa?


Virtualize with gpu pass through