Why does programmers seem to think Stack Overflow sucks...

why does programmers seem to think Stack Overflow sucks? I've seen that sentiment on Sup Forums as well (though I haven't been here in a while)

serious question, I think it's quite helpful.

Other urls found in this thread:


it enables shit pseudo-coders who couldn't even fizzbuzz to save their life to pass for being semi-competent long enough to get hired or even move up the ladder to lower management in tech companies.

Stack Exchange in general is pretty great. But sometimes you get THAT guy, the one who will write an entire codebase with Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V.

Examples on Stack Overflow are good to show concepts, but sometimes are not the sort of thing that you would want to put in your code verbatim because they miss important implementation details (Because they were just examples for a single specific question!) that crop up months later in some pretty headache-inducing bug hunts.


I don't if it sucks but instead use reddit.com/r/learnprogramming and unistall everything and startover

Avoid communities driven by fake internet points. Using stack overflow because Google led you there is fine, but don't ask/answer questions. It often turns into who can post the shittest answer first, because the first post often gets all the points. Often the suggested answers assume an isolated single person project, and answers are aggressively over reaching and add unnecessary complexity to team projects

I love that one
>Those related questions

Why is fizzbuzz even considered difficult by a lot of people? You literally only need to know about conditional structures and loops.

I've never had this problem.

It was enough to trigger rants by people that couldn't do it.

Seriously, someone couldn't Fizzbuzz, got mad, wrote a blog post, and caused a dogpile: css-tricks.com/tales-of-a-non-unicorn-a-story-about-the-trouble-with-job-titles-and-descriptions/

this is fake as fuck

SO sucks but not like this, its mostly the reddit-esq circle jerk that the reputation creates, and the air of entitlement that the mods/admins/top users have.

it sucks really bad, I'm even trying to filter it out of my Google's search results

>this is fake as fuck
Well obviously!

I really hope nobody thinks that is real.

Stack overflow feels great when you first discover it and you know nothing about the subject

When you gain even a little experience on the subject you see it for what it is, a collection of terrible advice and bad practices voted to be good (which is a common problem with all "internet communities" that use "voting", "democracy", and persistent accounts to decide what's good and what's not)

SO can be useful if you are extremely cautious and use it only as inspiration for your research and original solution

Basically because of how caustic autism and the indian caste system can be. Here you get the greatest concentration of both those.

this article gave me cancer


>that article
jesus christ thats disgusting

I like the comments.

>the one who will write an entire codebase with Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V

is that even possible to do? in my first internship i was shitty as fuck and used to copy paste chunks of code that did more things than i needed without even understanding them, maybe that made up 1/4th of my code or something like that. a whole codebase is probably impossible

nowadays i never copypaste, i just read the suggested code and make my own version, and usually prefer explanations instead of just code. the biggest problem with the website in my opinion is some bad programmers, mainly indians, talking out of their ass and giving very very bad advice

Not literally, but it's fun to say and reminds me of this: youtube.com/watch?v=4a06l_f7ZTM

It's almost possible.

Some glue is required between answers.


Stack overflow is fine, if it helped you solve a problem then theres nothing wrong with it.

Its 'bad' because the pajeets around you write programs from copy pasting. But thats not SO's fault.

>Furiously mashing Ctrl + C, Ctrl + V

>and usually prefer explanations instead of just code.
Too bad so many folks just give "answers" that are only code, without any explanation.
Great, now I can fix my problem, but I have no idea what I just did. And if I understood all aspects of the language, I wouldn't need to ask to start with.

>I want to solve my problem by writing arbitrary text.
>Fuck off, this is how you do it.
Seems fine to me.

>I want to do this
>Fuck off, here's how to do something else instead
Seems like StackOverflow to me.

I bet you want to parse HTML with regular expressions too.

Damn. I am a shitty programmer by any standard and this made me cringe hard

You lost that bet.

>I want to do this
>I understand that you are having problems with [something tangentially related to your question]. You must do [some bullshit thing totally unrelated to anything]. -

well, that's the point.
It's ridiculously easy, but a LOT of people who claim they're "coders" can't even attempt to do it without stack overflow

You'd be surprised by how many people have done a 3-4 year college degree in computing and can't write a FizBuzz solution in an interview.

in my experience, when I helped conducting a hiring process for junior webdev positions, about 90%.

Because Sup Forums is full of the type of people that can't get jobs.

And when they do somehow get through the interview stage they sit around at their desks struggling, taking fucking ages to finish a 3 story point ticket because they think they are too good to 'google it'. Not many of these sort finish their probationary period.

Stack Overflow is an invaluable resource.

People who are attempting to *learn* programming do not like Stack Overflow because they sign up, ask a stupid/repetitive question, get redirected to relative threads, and get butthurt that they weren't treated like special snowflakes.

This is 100% true of every person who dislikes Stack Overflow.

>This is 100% true of every person who dislikes Stack Overflow.
Absolutes are wrong %100 of the time

that rule you've suggested sounds like an absolute to me senpai

so i guess he's wrong then

WTF is Fizzbuzz!!

poor boeing

A simple programming problem to weed out people that can't program their way out of a wet paper bag.

Here is an example: github.com/EnterpriseQualityCoding/FizzBuzzEnterpriseEdition



This issue though

>I would like to point out that I don't use buzzwords; I simply employ a vocabulary that centers around maximizing the value for shareholders by decreasing IT costs and increasing ROI by embracing solutions instead of products and minimizing stakeholder risk. This is why I'm proposing that we migrate the project to IBM ClearCase and start using an agile methodology. Management will save time by not having to write requirements, and the crowdsource will save time by having the best tools that money can buy. Only Agile can overcome the distances, communication latencies, and red-tape of such a project. Doing so will increase the value for the shareholders because they'll get a product that is backed by the most advanced development processes on the face of the earth.

>I would like to point out that I don't use buzzwords; I simply employ a vocabulary that centers around maximizing the value for shareholders by decreasing IT costs and increasing ROI by embracing solutions instead of products and minimizing stakeholder risk. This is why I'm proposing that we migrate the project to IBM ClearCase and start using an agile methodology. Management will save time by not having to write requirements, and the crowdsource will save time by having the best tools that money can buy. Only Agile can overcome the distances, communication latencies, and red-tape of such a project. Doing so will increase the value for the shareholders because they'll get a product that is backed by the most advanced development processes on the face of the earth.
hahahahaah beautiful

Good taste

How can I do this?

Holy shit I feel a lot better about my job prospects. Thanks for the laugh.

am i an idiot
for(i = 1; i

meant to have buzz on the else

pls tell me g


i/3 == int doesn't actually work, right? Maybe you could do type(i/3) == int though

What about numbers that aren't either fizz or buzz? Also what kind of fucking language lets you use int as a variable name?

isnt a language just sudo

for(i = 1; i

for(int i = 1; i > 16; i++)
if (i % 3 == 0 && i % 5 == 0)
print fizzbuzz
else if (i % 3 == 0)
print fizz
else if (i % 5 == 0)
print buzz
print i

Very simple

got the rough idea and i havent programmed in months, i'd say im good

should be i < 16

This website is slow as fuck.

for (var a = 1: a

if x/5 = 0 print buzz

here you go

The mods are annoying

Just made this.

Repetition dumbass, just get rid of first if statement and change else if on both to just if