C/Assembly -> Mission Critical hardware, medical equipment, air craft control systems, kernels

>C/Assembly -> Mission Critical hardware, medical equipment, air craft control systems, kernels
>C++ -> Legacy enterprise programs and non-mission critical hardware like toy robots and shit
>D -> A better and more elegant C++, Used in place of C++ whenever it's supported
>Java -> Mobile apps, legacy enterprise apps
>Go -> High-concurrency network applications, API's, servers, modern enterprise apps
>Rust -> Modern enterprise apps, hardware drivers, general applications
>JavaScript -> Web
>Bash -> Server scripting
>Perl -> Server scripting when bash isn't enough
>Python -> Statistics
>Ruby -> ???
>PHP -> Old legacy web sites
>C# -> MS shills

Is this correct?

C++ is used for game engines too.

what about ADA?

you might be the first non-faggot OP, congrats

how did OP forget about this meme?

>modern enterprise apps

C is actually used in a lot of server software and protocols. I believe Apache is written entirely in C.

>being anti-go
It's one of the best new languages, and yes, people are being paid to write modern enterprise apps with Go. Look on any jobs site.

I hate google and even I recognize Go as one of the best languages right now that you can get a job with.

It's far better than C++ and Java.

Everything other than C is bloat tbhfamalam

c# is literally Java but better

Yeah that's about right.

Bullshit. Java can do everything C# can do but better.

>fighting over two shitty language

>A better C++
More like a pajeet C++


opinion discarded

>Python -> scripting/automation/web apps even
>Ruby (Rails) -> web apps and that's it

>fighting over who gets to not poo in the loo

I'm not anti anything, but Go is not used in any enterprise apps. I work for a pretty large software consultancy company and it's the first time I've heard that Go it's used for "modern enterprise apps". It's just not a language suited for the task, it even lacks proper object-orientation. The enterprise still relies mainly in Java and C# and for good reasons.

Go can be used in certain scenarios but if you tell a bank or an insurance company to write their accounting systems in Go they will laugh at you.

Node.JS for everything.
Its 2016 - the year of app coders.

>used at all anywhere

>Ruby -> Code artisans, hipsters, SJWs and nu-males

>Ranjeet telling Pajeet to poo in loo


>>C/Assembly -> Mission Critical hardware, medical equipment, air craft control systems
No. I don't want to die.

if you tell a bank or an insurance company to write their accounting systems in Java or C# they will laugh you out of the building.

You probably work for a company that maintains legacy apps.

Also Go does indeed support proper oop.


>I'm a 15 year old teen with no experience in real world software development and here is my opinion on multiple programming languages and frameworks
>Sup Forums

Why don't you all go list directory files with karly kloss or something

>it even lacks proper object-orientation.

You probably don't even understand how structs and interfaces work....

>OP gives his thoughts on something

Yeah you can't even explain your side of the argument bro.

Everyone who uses C++ and Java hate it. Stop learning now and learn JavaScript if you don't want to spend ten hour days in a cubicle making 32k/year maintaining old spaghetti code.


This is coming from someone who wasted their life.

Scarily accurate, but I just picked up Swift and joined in the iOS app bubble. Hopefully I can bank enough to retire before this shit crashes and I have to learn again.

Standard enterprise Java work is the most tedious disgusting shit I've ever undertaken in my life and my first job was actually shoveling cow shit.

Shit wallpaper. Every retard uses it.

I've heard that with C++11 and 14, they made a lot of changes that made C++ much nicer to work with.

Right now I'm doing numerical work in Julia, and it's going quite nicely.

What thoughts?

>Python -> Statistics
>C# -> MS shills
>Ruby -> ???
These "thoughts"?

>Everyone who uses C++ and Java hate it.
Great argument bro, I'm sure that's true

>learn JavaScript
I did, because I had to, and I hated every second of it. I would much rather work on the backend side where things are strongly typed and easy to debug. Frontend development is messy and a nightmare to debug.

How long have you been in the industry? 2 weeks?

Go > C#

Shitty list, have you ever used even a fraction of these languages?

>old legacy websites
Still used practically everywhere, last time I checked.
From what I know, it can also be used as a scripting language.

overall I have to say the list is accurate despite the shilling and flamebaiting of languages that usually goes on here, my corrections are:

>>C/Assembly -> Mission Critical hardware, medical equipment, air craft control systems, kernels
kernels is the only correct answer, people would be dying on airline flights every day if flight controls were coded in C, Ada is only answer for critical systems

>Perl -> Server scripting when bash isn't enough
Perl is obsolete, it was great in its time, people still love it, but you would be an idiot to not use Ruby or Python now

>Python -> Statistics
Statistics is done with R, Julia, SAS, SPSS and Python
>Ruby -> ???
Its hard to explain Ruby to people, its a language that uses message passing in preference to class types, its sort of middle ground between Python and Clojure/Elixir

>but Go is not used in any enterprise apps. I work for a pretty large software consultancy company and it's the first time I've heard that Go it's used for "modern enterprise apps". It's just not a language suited for the task, it even lacks proper object-orientation. The enterprise still relies mainly in Java and C# and for good reasons.
This is true, regular OO will always be the easiest way to build enterprise infrastructure. But the fact that Go doesnt use conventional OO is its strength and makes it easier to build low level server systems. Go wont replace anything having to do with Java/C# because those languages are an enclosed ecosystem where everything fits together from the get go

It's not a fucking acronym

Why doesn't C have constructors and destructors??

C fags pls answer

>mission critical
>freaking airplanes
fuck no. dear god no.

>Go is not used in any enterprise apps because muh jerb don't use it
go tell that to Google, Cloudflare, Facebook and countless others

I hope someday you'll realize that most enterprise development environments are 10+ years behind at best. your workplace strikes me as the kind of place that's only barely starting to replace shitty old systems with C#.

[citation needed]

>>D -> A better and more elegant C++, Used in place of C++ whenever it's supported

>>Go -> High-concurrency network applications, API's, servers, modern enterprise apps
Double kek

>Rust -> Modern enterprise apps, hardware drivers, general applications
Triple kek