What is the best password manager? Is there one without botnet? Are there any alternatives to using one?
What is the best password manager? Is there one without botnet? Are there any alternatives to using one?
I'm gonna have to shill for KeePass, very reliable. 1Password would be alright if they updated their fucking client outside of their Mac app.
Keepass is the best because of the local database.
Fuck the cloud meme.
>Is there one without botnet?
Only your brain or separate hardware not connected to anything ever
Why not just write your passwords down? How is a piece of software connected to the internet any safer?
This. Brainlets get out.
A physical book that can't be stolen over the internet or through viruses, that you can also store additional account information you can use to recover the account in the future (such as a fake date of birth you can't remember, security questions, account creation date etc.)
I was thinking about designing a page layout to cover most of these in Inkscape but I am not sure how I would print them book format with a binder.
>password manager
Just use your fucking brain
Your brain, or pen+paper
Unless you use the same password for everything, good luck
>no mentions to kwallet
I'm disgusted.
I use one relatively unsecure password for things like forums, facebook etc. and 12 character randomly generated ones for amazon, paypal, ebay.
It's really not that hard to remember them if you use them regularly.
LastPass. If you disagree, why? (Yes, I know, fuck LogMeIn)
How do you access anything when you're on a friend's or a public computer?
>single point of failure
I don't understand what's the advantage of a password manager over just using a text file and encrypting it yourself? Or just a password-protected word document if you're lucky.
shit, meant 'lazy' not 'lucky,' I'm tired
just let firefox save 'em.
The passwords are secured with a master password, so nobody can get your passwords even if your machine is compromised.
I still don't see the advantage over memorization though if you haven't got a complete shit memory.
You don't need the addon, you can just browse to the site and login to get at it that way.
But where do you get your password from?
Yeah, but you could encrypt a text file with a master password. There surely must be programs to do this easily. I wrote one for this exact purpose a few days ago, it uses a file of binary data as a key. I know jack shit about cryptography, so it's probably really insecure, but at least it works.
but what manages your password managers password?
There's a big table of usernames and passwords you can edit/copy after you've logged in.
You can set sites to require re-entering the master pass, and log out other sessions remotely if you're worried about the 'forgetting and leaving your computer open' scenario.
But you're at your friends computer. He doesn't have your password manager and database. Where do you log in to get that table?
You access your password database by logging in through their website. I don't know how else to say it.
Wait, you store your passwords online? I thought all password managers used local databases.
That's why it's called a botnet and you should use KeePass.
Everything stored online is all hashed though, which is why I use it.
If they get hacked they still have to brute force the hashes to get my passwords, go look up computerphile's password cracking video on youtube.
your brain
pic related, but with autism and dicks instead of schizophrenia and maths
Keepass will handle the needs of most people, though I hear there are problems if you want to make it work on multiple devices or cloud shit. Auto type is very convenient if you have long passwords.
A treasure box buried on an island that contains your master password on a piece of paper. The only way to find it is a treasure map with a cipher of only obtuse phrases that only make sense in your head. The lock on the treasure box is hexadecimal and the code translates to a lesson you learn on the journey.
It's literally the best thing to happen with password managers unless you are using one with weak encryption
>he thinks 12 character passwords are secure
If you can remember all your passwords you're doing it wrong. Use a different randomly generated password for each website.
>those midget legs