
Saftey razors are technology right? Ive been looking for one (never used before) because blade heads for modern razors are expensive as shit and it seems like this is an overall better idea

Ive been looking at the butterfly style saftey razors, and came across this. Only concern is its a chink razor. Are there other good butterfly razors? Ehat do you guys use?

Just buy a nice $150-$200 dollar straight razor at an enthusiast store, learn to shave with it, and save yourself hundreds of dollars a year.

I use the merkur 23c.
It's a pretty nice 3 piece razor.
Handle not too short.
No open comb.

I bought one these things on amazon years ago. It anyways feels like the blade doesn't come out enough. Is this normal?

I have a merkur 20c and a parker 99r.

I use the 99r is if there isn't much to shave, 20c if there's a lot (it's more aggressive).

Most blades are good, get a blade sampler pack and figure out what suits you.

I also have a Dovo SR that's fun as fuck to shave with.

More aggressive razors expose more of the blade, there's barely anything exposed by my Parker, but i'd say the angle is a bit harder to get right.

I have a straight razor. I spend almost $5 dollars a year now to shave.

why even spend that much? decent safety razors go for much cheaper and if you're not some kind of shaving enthusiast they do the job perfectly

Safety razors are plebcore.
This is why. As long as you clean and dry your straight razor after each use it will literally last 20 years or more.

Just get a Merkur(?) And a pack of 100 blades, and you'll be good for at least a year.

>nobody on Sup Forums uses the far superior electric razor

I use an edwin jagger 89. Seems pretty good, but I've only been shaving with a DE for a couple of months.

You should also get a tester pack of blades to find out what ones work best for you, as in my experience the difference between each brand is pretty vast. Some brands have the best shave ever, while other cut the fuck out of my neck no matter what I do.

>far superior electric razor
if you have time it takes longer

I use a cheap Ri-Mei safety razor. It works fine. I've used it regularly for several years and it shows no sign of use. It cost me $3. I've spent considerably more on on razorblades, but probably not more than $20.

A 10 pack fusion blades lasts me a year with daily shaving, but I also don't shave like a moron.

As someone who uses a safety razor every morning, don't get sucked in by the hipster shave douchebags. Most razors will work fine. If you want to play with it, get one of the adjustable ones. You dont need to spend hundreds on a fucking piece of metal that holds a blade. I have no idea what brand mine is. Forget about it and practice technique. That's 100% behind getting a good shave.

Also go online and buy 100 pack of blades for $10 dollars. If you cant manage to use DE razors to shave cheap, you're doing it wrong.

I get ingrown hairs and razor burn no matter what I do with those, yet shaving against the grain with a safety razor causes NO blemishes.

>needs charging
>needs expensive heads
>needs oiling
>doesn't provide a close shave

Yeah, no. The KISS principle should be applied to shaving, too.

mine rate

untermensch problems

>mfw finally found a safety razor that works well for me after going through 7 different ones

>mfw realizing I fell for another meme

>mine rate
nigga tech/10

>untermensch problems

But I have blond hair and blue eyes...

How do you shave when your beard gets stallman like?
During the summer I shave pretty often, but during the school year I don't have time to shave and I let it grow.
When I finally decide to shave, I use a Gillette and it takes me like 30 minutes. Are you supposed to trim it first? If so, what kind of trimmer?
My dad never taught me to shave.

I once punched a hooker with my manly man beard.

My grandpops had the same exact model

A straight or a DE you don't have to trim first, with those disposables you have to. Scissors will do fine